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For the rest of the evening, Oikawa told me how to be romantic with a girl and how to impress her. If I'll ever ask him out, I'll do it with his advice. 

After I brought Oikawa to the door, I went down to talk to my parents. They were already waiting. They probably heard some of it. 

"What exactly happened?", my mother asked. "I'll tell you. Calm down. Nothing bad, I promise", I replied. "He wanted to talk to me. He told me he knew my secret and why I didn't want him to go to the landing site and that I was in love", I started, making my parents gasp. "He found out your feelings for him?", my mother asked while my dad replied, "He found out about us?". "No, and No", I responded, smiling. "Explain", my mother said. "Long story short, he thought I'd have a girlfriend, I would take there every now and then and that I didn't want him to notice", I answered. "But you're gay", my mother argued. "He doesn't know", I said, sighing. I didn't know how he would react to me bing gay. He could just accept it but maybe he was homophobic cor just uncomfortable around me. He probably wouldn't cuddle with me anymore nor sleep in the same bed as me. Our friendship would suffer. 

"You should just out yourself and finally make a move on him. You've loved him forever", my mother spoke. She was right but I couldn't. "You know exactly why I can't do it", I said. She just sighed in response. "You told him that you were, right?", my dad asked. He worried about me giving him a reason to dig deeper. "Of course not", I said. "Good", my das replied. 

This was chaotic. Why couldn't I have a normal life or at least be normal? 

My Alien best friend, IwaOiWhere stories live. Discover now