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During the last days, I often went back to this place. But wherever I looked, there was nothing to see. Everything was like it was before. There was no sign of the spaceship that landed a few nights ago. It frustrates me but also gave me the hint that they probably wanted to hide their presence. I understood why but I would have helped them. I also decided not to tell anyone, as bad as I wanted to tell Iwa. He wouldn't believe me anyway. So why should I? Besides, I think they would appreciate not being discovered.

I would just wait some time. Because what I heard besides the planet they're most probably from was a name. It was the first name of the kid,  "Takahiro". The feminine-looking person with the pink long hair mentioned it. So it would be pretty easy finding out who they were. I had a hair colour, the statue of them and the name. As soon as I found them in real life, I would talk to them and tell them that I would keep their secret safe.

Still, those eyes kept tracing me in my dreams. I now was 100 percent sure that I've seen them before but I still couldn't tell where. It kept me awake at night and I often dreamed about someone with this yellow spark in their eyes looking down at me, while I was sleeping. I always woke up panting and almost screaming. It got so bad that Iwa decided to stay over one night. One time I even imagined him having this glint in his eyes. But as soon as I blinked, it was gone.

Iwa often asked me what happened and I just said that I saw a horror movie and now the doll is tracing me in my dreams. He once asked me, "Did you see an alien or what". This very true statement almost made me tell him the truth. I didn't though. I think this Takahiro would appreciate it.

My Alien best friend, IwaOiWhere stories live. Discover now