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I was still crying as Makki approached me, "Hey Iwa! Your parents told me that you were here". As I stayed silent, he sat next to me. "He figured it out, didn't he?", Makki asked after a while of silence. I just nodded as a response. "I'm sorry for you but it was sure that he would find out one day", he said, engulfing me into a hug. It really helped to have a friend with me but it couldn't fix the pain. 

"Do you want to talk about everything that happened?", Makki asked me and I nodded in response. I needed to get this off my chest. 

"He knows about us", I started making Makki sigh. "I already guessed that. Do you think he'll tell anyone?", Makki asked. "He could but I don't think he will", I responded. "That's good, I assume but what exactly did he find out and how did it all escalate?", Makki replied. "He saw the glint in my eyes, I told you about. The ones that people who were born here don't have", I explained. "I see. But it's your fault for showing it to him", Makki said. It was true. I should have been more careful. But maybe, just maybe, I wanted him to know. Maybe, I couldn't live that way anymore. Maybe I knew that he would find out one day and tried not to get even more attached, to protect myself from hurting. 

"It was. I should've been more careful. But he mentioned that your family had them as well. I don't know how but he seemed as if he knew about me due to the fact of us being childhood friends. It was probably the reason why he flipped yesterday", I exclaimed. It was the only reason that came to my head when thinking about it. "True, is there anything else he said?", Makki asked. "Well, he mentioned Naothea", I responded, sighing. "How would he know?", Makki asked confused.  "I don't know. He finds out a lot if he wants to", I answered. 

"Do you think he'll forgive you for not telling him?", Makki asked. "I-I don't know. It has always been something big to him and even if, he knows about my feelings, I don't think that he'd be comfortable around me", I said. The memories of the conversation made me cry again. I didn't want to lose him but I did. "I'm sure it'll be fine. Just talk. Give him some time and I'll talk to Mattsun. I know that the both of them talk a lot", Makki replied. "I will do that. But I'll talk to Mattsun myself. We talked about a lot of stuff like that before", I answered. "Okay. I think I'll get going now", Makki said, turning around. "Do that", I replied. 

It was good talking to someone but now that he left, I was alone with my thoughts. I would cry a lot. 

My Alien best friend, IwaOiWhere stories live. Discover now