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Iwa's reaction to the picture was weird. He seemed shocked and scared. But Iwa was acting weird in general. It went for some months now. If I think back, maybe even for years. He acted differently around me. I couldn't really explain but sometimes he just stared at me or blushed randomly. He also seemed to listen to what I was saying and really sounded invested in the conversation. I once catched him looking at pictures of me, I sent him months ago or pictures of us. Furthermore, he seemed to enjoy the physical contact. When we were young, he never liked it but now he seemed to crave it just like I used to. I still do but if I ask him to cuddle he never disagrees. Sometimes he even wants to cuddle. Is that normal for friends? There was also the way he looked at me, loving. Was it if we just spend time together or when he stayed over. He sometimes watched me while I was sleeping or pretending to sleep. He also played with my hair when I did that. He cared so much, I couldn't comprehend. 

His reaction to me asking if he had a girlfriend was weird as well. And as I told him I knew who he liked, he seemed really, really scared. I didn't know what that was. If I didn't know better, I would say that he's in love with me. If I thought about it, it all made sense. But that couldn't be true, right? He wasn't even gay. He never told me. But maybe he was. Could I just ask him? But if it was true it would ruin our friendship. I had this thought for a while now but I just tried to push it away. For the sake of our friendship. I didn't even like him that way. I was straight after all. I didn't want to hurt him. He was the person I loved the most. If I could just turn those platonic feelings into romantic ones. 

My Alien best friend, IwaOiWhere stories live. Discover now