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Iwaizumi had been ignoring me and I did the same. I couldn't let him see how hurt I was and how much I loved him. I currently sat in the shadow of the chestnut, Iwaizumi and I had spent our entire school time under. It brought back memories I would keep in my heart forever. Unwillingly, I smiled and looked over to Iwaizumi just to see him staring at me. He didn't see that I was looking at him due to me having a book in front of my face. He didn't see what I looked at and it was better that way. 

He shouldn't know about my feelings. If he did, he would want me back and I knew that I would agree. I wanted him just as bad as he wanted me. But I needed to let him go. He deserved so much more. 

My thoughts were interrupted when a boy approached me. He was slightly smaller than me and somehow reminded me of Iwaizumi. How I missed him. But now I needed to concentrate on other things. I couldn't spend the rest of my life, waiting for someone I didn't deserve. 

"Hey, I heard that you and Iwaizumi-san broke up and I wanted to tell you that I'm sorry," I heard him say. "Oh no, it's fine. We weren't supposed to be together anyway. He was too good for me," I replied. "Well if it's that way, would you like to go out with me? Just to move on you know? You don't have to if you don't want to but I just really like you. Just text me if you do," the boy stated as he handed me over a piece of paper with some numbers on it. After that, he turned around and walked over to his friends. I didn't pay attention to them because Mattsun was already talking to me. 

"Tell him you're sorry but you can't," Mattsun advised. "I know where you're coming from but I think it's not that bad of an idea. That way I can a, move on from Iwaizumi, b, tell him that he needs to move on as well and c, get someone I can spend my time with now," I argued. I knew that Iwaiumi was still in love with me and heartbroken, even if he tried to hide it. We both needed a change and why not start with this? He would soon find a new partner as when he did and seemed to have moved on, I might come back into his life. As a friend, of course. 

"You want to break Iwa's heart again?" Mattsun asked as if I was dumb. "Three times a charm," I replied as a joke. "Would you want this to happen to you? Would you want Iwa to get together with someone now?" Mattsun asked. He really was caring unlike me. "Yes. I know it would hurt but he needs to move on," I said and with that, the conversation ended as we heard the school bell ring. I still managed to text the guy though. 

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