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Iwa and I were just casually making out at the landing site when suddenly Makki and Mattsun appeared. They ran around the place not paying attention to us and we first didn't notice them. Suddenly, Makki spun Mattsuna round and kissed him on the mouth. I gasped, making them hear us. They turned around, embarrassment clearly written on their face. "W-what are you guys doing here?", Makki asked. "We could ask you the same question", Iwa answered. He didn't plan on telling them what we did here so I wouldn't tell them either. I honestly didn't care if they knew it or not or if anyone knew it.  

"We came here to talk, what did you guys do here?", Mattsun stated. "We talked", I responded, smirking slightly. "Oh so you made out as well?", Makki ironically asked but through Iwa turning as red as the roses he got me for valentine's day, maybe I should have known that he didn't saw me as just a friend back then, they, of course, realized. "You did?", Mattsun asked in disbelieve and I just kept quiet. If Iwa wanted to talk about it, he could. If he didn't, he wouldn't. I would be fine with both options. 

"Well, we did. But, it's just platonic", Iwa said, leaving Makki and Mattsun in confusion. "What about making out is just platonic?", Makki asked. By now he was nearly death-glaring me. What did I do? 

"It isn't romantic but sexual? I can't really explain that well", I started and Iwa continued, "We kind of are friends with benefits since Oikawa isn't too sure regarding his romantic feelings towards me". Mattsun looked even more confused until he finally realized. "Like a smush?", Mattsun asked. Why on Naothea would he know that? Is it some basic knowledge I never catched or did Oikawa tell him about that? 

Mattsun seemed to have realized my confusion because he explained, "my sister is aro-ace and always came to me, asking me what the difference between all those attractions were, using all those terms. I kind of remembered all of them haha". That explained a lot but if that was true, could it be that Oikawa was aromantic as well. He surely wasn't asexual, well as far as I knew, so this could be a reason, couldn't it? The thought hurt. If he really was, he would never be able to love me the way I love him but he would also never leave me. That was a good thing, wasn't it? I didn't know anymore. I just wished he could tell me exactly what he felt and what he could feel in the future so I didn't keep getting my hopes up just to see them crush down again. But I knew that it was way harder for him because he needed to figure them out first. Still, I wanted to know where I was and what I meant to him. 

At some point, Mattsun and Makki had left, probably to make out and Oikawa and I were alone again. I just wrapped him in my arms and laid down with him. I needed some cuddles right now. And time to think about all things that happened in the last days. 

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