𝚂𝚒𝚍𝚎 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛

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I yawned. It wasn't just any yawn. The mega yawn of fucking boredom. I was sprawled on sofa in the living room trying to get ANYONE'S attention. But everyone was busy in whatever thy fuck they were doing. Illuso seemed to be busy playing a game with
Ghiaccio. He seemed a little TOO BUSY beating his ass at the game while ice baby was raging. Well at least someone is entertaining just to watch. I chuckled.

Melone on the other hand seemed to be busy watching porn, prosciutto tried to kick sense into him but he said it was 'research purposes'. Of course no one really could fight against melone so they gave up. "UGHSHEHEHHDH- I'm bored as FUCK" right when I said that, god finally listened to me. Oh thank God. Formaggio walked in drinking a box of chocolate milk.

I smirked and grabbed his chocolate milk. "AYO DAS MY CHOCCY MILK" i sprinted into the bathroom and locked myself in. "MINE NOW HAHAHA" i heard him cuss from the outside but it all went silent again. "haha, another win for me" right when I was about to take a sip, Formaggio grew in front of my face out of nowhere, grabbed my wrist and pinned me to the wall while my ass was on the toilet seat. He looked intimidatingly hot hovering over me.

Now it was his time to smirk. "that win is mine, and so is this delicious choccky milk" he grabbed the milk out of my hands and drank the whole thing in one big manly gulp. I crossed my arms and looked away giving some sas. "what? Aww don't be but-hurt that you loss" i crossed my legs next. "whatever." suddenly my genius ass brain got an idea.

I gasped, got on my tiptoes, grabbed formaggio by his collar and sat him on the toilet seat. "waohhh, if you really want me that badly-" "FORMAGGIO, I'VE GOT AN IDEA" i exaggerated. "..." he gave me a serious look. "really?all that just to tell me something dumb?" i chuckled. "whatever now listen dick cheese" he rolled his eyes and gave in, smiling.


"(y/n), if this doesn't work and he ends up beating our asses then I'm not leaving yours" formaggio hissed. "hush-hush, don't be horny again, just focus" she waves me quiet, i swear to god, this bitch has some audacity. But she's cute so she's lucky i haven't crushed her. "alright, target's location confirmed, let's regroup with the others" I sighed and crawled behind her. Well atlesst the view was nice, i smirked.

"don't enjoy yourself too much dick cheese"

"aw you just HAD to ruin the moment"



"guys guys!" she frantically waved her arms in the air to get the rest of the gangs attention. They all looked st us crazy. "what's up now you guys? I'm too busy beating icy hot in this game" illuso replied.
"well that's not important, besides ghiaccio we're doing something WAY better than your ass getting kicked at some game, now get your ass here!"

"really (y/n)? What do you have in mind now?" prosciutto sighed and rubbed his temples. She darkly chuckled "something amazing". I butted in to get my part of the admiration. "by me of course!" melons turned his ass around now. "you? Dick cheese doing something interesting, please".. "don't make me shrink your dick again melone" he crawled far away from me, behind (y/n)'s ass after remembering how i shrunk his dick using my stand little feet. "yea you better be that way"

He faked his whimpers "hush formaggio, don't scare my baby now" (y/n) caressed him. Formaggio replied with a "yuck, take that elsewhere" melone teased "sure" he smirked, earning a push from (y/n), now it was my turn to laugh.
"guys... We're here because of (y/n) maybe let's just listen to her now.." pesci chimed in. "aww thanks pesci" she replied lovingly.

After hearing the plan, everyone seemed to be pretty excited besides pesci and prosciutto. Prosciutto was definitely excited but scolded us too, but gave in later. Pesci was just anxious.

"uhh, you sure we won't get in trouble?" pesci panicked a little. "nah homie we good" i said, patting pesci's head. I signaled ghiaccio and he nodded, quietly freezing risottos feet in place while he slept at his work desk. Almost all of us giggled until prosciutto shushed us. "focus, or we'll all fail"
We all said in union "aye aye sir". I looked back at prosciutto for him to give me a green signal. Knowing my time is up, I quietly make my way towards sleeping cute ass big man risotto with a glass bowl in hand.

"illuso, formaggio do your thing now!"

Formaggio immediately jumped from behind me making contact with risotto. Risotto snapped awake, grabbing my wrist and making me almost dropping the glass bowl. Illuso immediately jumped in action from the mirror behind risotto, holding him still. Even tho illuso was the second biggest man next to risotto, he still looked quite small compared to him.
Risotto yelled out a "what" before his vioce and he shrunk to the size of my hand.

Everyone jumped out of their hiding spots celebrating. "WOOHOOO BABY WE DID IT!" prosciutto tried to hold his laughter in looking at risotto but he couldn't, and ended up laughing with his hands on his knees. "what is the meaning of this?! Formaggio, turn me back you idiot!" i held risotto in my palm, giggling and admiring how cute he looked and sounded in his tiny form.

"formaggio you're fucking amazing! Have you ever tried this before?"

"uhh, nah. He was intimidating as fuck when we newly met. But holy shit your plan had balls!" he patted me on back in appreciation. Risotto gave up trying and eventually sat criss-cross on my palm with his arms also crossed on his chest. "aww, rissy don't be mad, you barely have fun with us, this was the only way and we were all bored too!"

He cutely hmfped his way away from me. "I'm sowey, please don't be mad at me.." i gave my best puppy eyes, but he didn't reply. "(y/n), you've had your fun, now it's our turn.. Hehe" melone and illuso came in. Risotto wasn't trying to look away from you. He actually quite enjoyed being small in the palm of your hands and getting a giant view of your beautiful chest. He just wanted to avoid any random boners and didn't want to out so he had to look away.

Oh how he missed the view. He was now being tossed and played around by the rest of the gang while Gelato pulled out his phone and started recording it. Sorbet just peeked in and went away saying "he's not gonna have mercy on anyone once he's back, so I'm out". I mean he was true but "everything good comes with a price sorbet!" i yelled after him, chucking.

After everyone got tired, we all had fallen asleep in the living room. Before that i had decided to hold risotto while we all watched a movie and gave our dear lovely boss a break himself. Risotto sighed seeing you asleep, he was finally growing back thanks to Formaggio being lazy and never on his guard. Carefully not to crush you, he slid off of your palm and accidentally fell on your soft thighs. Oh man how he wished he just stayed there.

He felt something wet. When he found the source of that wetness, it was melone drooling on one of your other thighs. "yuck, ruined my moment" risotto muttered and slid off your soft legs onto the carpet. When he looked up, oh jeez he got the biggest nosebleed. He could see your cute whittle panties and uh.. Well.. Dem lips. I'm disgusting, just deal with me my readers.

He looked away and dunk his head in the bowl of fruit punch nearby. He immediately grew to his full size. He really wanted to beat the shit out of everyone but all of the gang looked too peaceful. "maybe later" he smiled and went to do his work again.

Maybe, just mayyyyybe, Beat his shlong too.


Lmao wtf is wrong w me.

𝕯𝖊𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖉 || 𝖵𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗈 𝖠𝗎𝗋𝖾𝗈 𝖷 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋Where stories live. Discover now