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The room felt cold. Everything did. I didn't feel like i was in place, even after giorno assured me of what was going on.

I was a bit agitated at the fact that everyone around me, including both of my brothers were mafia men. What concerned me more was that giorno was the boss. What if he's lieing? Is everything that he told me was the truth? I mean, my 'stand' seemed to be pretty trusting and serene around everyone.

Every so often, the girl with beautiful rosy hair
came, cautiously setting a Gourmet tray of food besides my bed. She stayed a while and tried to start a conversation with me. I felt calm around her, but something in me couldn't talk to her. I could see the sorrow and pain in her eyes. What could have caused her to look at me this certain way? Every day went by alike. Nothing different in particular. Just me staring out side the window or the others came in to have a little chat.

I was still on medication. When i asked why? They told me i still needed to properly recover from my past injuries, mentally and physically. I was allowed to roam around the villa, but i was constantly followed by someone, or some of them tagged along me. Joking around and hoping to get something out of me, unfortunately for them, everything was disappointing.

Hands around my knees keeping them tight against my chest, my head resting against my arms. Tired of sitting in that position, but it made me feel full. The little birds outside looked so free and affirmed of their surroundings and themselves. I wish i was like that. Finally tired of just sitting, i stretched my legs out and hung them on the edge of my bed. 'why can't I remember anything?' frustration built inside of me, ready to explode at any given moment.

Feeling emotionally trapped, i started taking deep breaths clam myself down and clasped my ears.
'I'll figure this out, calm down'. I wish that risotto guy was here, his presence somewhat made me feel safe. "maybe, i.. I'll go for another walk".
'maybe he's out there? Who knows.. "

Hesitantly i pushed myself out of the bed, nervously swallowing the built in saliva in my throat i twisted the door knob on the door to my room. Opening it, the view that was blocked away by the door room was now in my view.

The sun's bright light was illuminating the entire villa's hall through the giant glass windows. The modern prismatic panels colorful rays bought an enchanting feeling to the empty magnificent halls. Every time i stepped out, i could only stare in awe.

I raised my head up to greet the beautiful Saxon fairies that lived among the this huge place. There they were, on the tall ceiling which had greens grown inside them. Immediately one of the little birds glided down and welcomed themselveson my arm. I smiled, petting it, earning the delighting voices from them.

"we meet again" i chuckled and let it rest on my shoulder. I giggled at the sensation of its feathered feet tickling my neck.


I heard the door to her room open. My stomach immediately created that butterfly effect inside when i realized she was finally out once again. I hastened all my scattered papers together into a small stack and got up from my work chair, making my way outside to see her again. I took a quick look at myself in the mirror, fixing my mess of a hair. Satisfied with my appearance, i make my way out as quietly as i can.

There she was. Giggling at the sensation of the pigeons feet. Those butterflies in my stomach got stronger hearing. I made sure to hide myself to not scare her away and enjoyed my point of view. She really does enjoy coming out alot. Thanks to that giovanna kid. He really knows how to take care of her. A part of me felt a pang of jealousy. Jealousy against that boss of a kid.

Even though we live all together in peace. The thought of him being so close to her didn't sit right with me. Now that i think about it, i barely get to see her after everything that has happened. I miss the old (y/n) with her weird personality and clingy self. Maybe this was God's way of telling me i was being ungrateful. Now she acts like a stranger to me.
Maybe i should've treated her better.

The thought of it hit me like a bullet in my heart. Maintaining my posture, i walk, and trying to not hold her just there. I breathed heavily before making my way to her and revealing myself.


Heavy footsteps bought me to my awareness of someone's presence. Hushing my giggles and turn my head towards the way where i heard them. My breathing hitched in my throat seeing his tall tired but captivating figure.

He stopped a few steps away from me. Even from such a distance, he made me feel like a prey. He was like a giant. But i could sense the familiar warm aura radiating from him.

Out of everyone who looked after me, he was the most mysterious and out of them all. Maybe because he barely talked. I didn't know what to say. But thank lord he was the one to talk first.

"uh, uhem. Nice to see you walking outside again" he said with his mesmerizing voice. His hands in his pockets and his eyes looking down on me with his intimidating eyes. They weren't really intimidating to me, more like interesting? In a way? I straightened myself and crossed my hands in front of my chest covering them in embarrassment.
His were much larger than mine.

"oh, uh.. Yes, uhem.. Just got uh, tired of sitting in and uh.. Trying to Think" i said looking at the prismatic panels. I could feel his eyes on me, didn't move an inch nor looked away once.

"think what?" he really got me there.
"you know um.. Things like, who I was.."
I subconsciously rubbed the side of my arms. Of course a little nervous gesture.

I needed a reason to spend some time with her, anything would do. Absolutely anything. I was desperate. Then it happened. I knew exactly how to answer her."you were very... Interesting, you still are" i whispered the last part and saw her look at me, oblivious. I could see her getting less tense around me after i answered. So vulnerable. Her whole body style changed, her eyes widened a bit and she gained a little confidence.

I rubbed the back of my neck and looked down on the ground. "would you uh, tell me.. Please?" there it was, that little 'please' made me weak. Even if I was dying, it would've stopped me from nearing my death. It worked on me like a spell. She was like witch.

I sighed. "sure" with that i slowly started taking steps forward. Hearing her little footsteps catching upto me, i too gained a little confidence.

Telling Her how she had turned the whole gang against me and with formaggios help, she turned me into a little doll. She started getting more comfortable with every story and eventually started laughing out loud. Something inside me made me stop in my tracks and lean down to hug her gently.
"I just wish you can come back to me"

My eyes widened and my heartbeat quickened when his chest gently connected with mine. I couldn't help it. Everything felt so right. Subconsciously my arms snaked around his body, holding it tight, so the feeling won't fade away, ever again.

I felt a spark in my mind and body. A few images flashed by inside me, familiar flashes. How i met risotto, how he almost died and how he continously dealt with my annoying ass. I felt tears streaming down my cheeks. My body felt weak and felt cold again.

"i missed you risotto"


I'm the least romantic person
you'll ever know, so I'm sorry
if this wasn't up to your expectations.

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