𝐗𝐗𝐕┆Sadist and a masochist.

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"sooo, does that mean that man is my father too?" giorno questioned, confused and curious. I chuckled and ruffled his head, half ruining his beautiful donuts. "no silly, he's one of the people who uh found me and kinda took care of me." giorno did some thinking and did an understanding 'ohhhhh, now i understand' sometimes he was too, dumb.
I sighed. "ahhhhhh when will we get over with this mission stuff, i thought it'd be cool and stuff but it's the most boring thing ever".

Prosciutto got a little pissed at your complaining and was visibly irritated. "well, it's not our fault that your taste in entertainment is so dramatic" i looked up at him and smirked, 'finally, some entertainment'. "a fancy pretty lady like me deserves the best of entertainments" i stretched one leg out and poked his butt with it. Again irritating him. He grabbed my leg and pulled me off of the couch. And i landed on my ass and back.

"that's what you get woman" i rolled on my side, rubbing my temporarily hurt butt. While abbacchio, ghiaccio and formaggio laughed, encouraging prosciutto to pull more shit like that. "wow abbacchio, i thought you didn't like them huh" he looked at me with a smirk. "well it doesn't take time for gentlemen like us to team up against a troubling woman like you" formaggio high fived abbacchio.

"wow, well fuck you guys" prosciutto laughed again. "anytime".. "ew no stay away nicotine addict, I don't want to get eaten by someone who's mouth smells like nicotine".. "same goes for you, i don't want a woman withh nicotine breath deep throating my dick either" i kicked him again and crawled away towards trish, sticking my tongue out. Deep down in prosciuttos heart he probably meant the opposite of what he said. But no one knew.

A few minutes later of you chilling with trish, narancia was delivered back into coco jumbo in bruno arms. All injured and hurt. I immediately got up and grabbed the smaller boy, gently setting him down next to the couch where risotto was unconscious. "narancia what the fuck happened?! You're alive right?! Oh my gosh my little baby, you'll be fine!" abbacchio and everyone rushed to his aid.
Parts of his body were covered by what it looked like mold. "let me help" ghiaccio came upfront. Freezing the mold until it shrinked and disappeared while fugo bandaged him up.

"look's like we're going against another one of bosses elite guards." fugo figured. Prosciutto made his way towards the gay couple, and aggressively held squalo by his collar. "which one are they! Tell me everything about the or your lover right here isn't gonna be in peace anymore" squalo was definitely terrified and mad. But he had no other choice. I gave him a desperate look and he understood. Knowing prosciutto i couldn't really stop him if he was mad and risotto wasn't around. He was kinda scary.

"s-secc-co, Cioccolata-" was all he managed to choke out. He couldn't speak much because of how badly he was beaten up by prosciutto himself. I had time so I grabbed a water bottle and put it against his lips, but only when prosciutto was looking away tho. He drank half the bottle before stopping and thanking me. I put it next to him and moved away before prosciutto became big angry man again.

"alright, I'm going out".. "no the fuck you're not (y/n)!!" before ghiaccio could pull me back inside, i was already out. "AHHHH, WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!" mista looked back at me, concerned. "(Y/N), JUMP UP AND HOLD MY HAND RIGHT NOW!" i did as he said and he pulled me up. "WHAT'RE YOU DOING HERE?".. "I'm here to HELP!, where's bruno?!"
"he's down there!" giorno pointed out.

"why is he down?!, and what is this yeast infection looking thing?!".. "yeast infection isn't even green!"... "hmm.. How do you know mista?" he got embarrassed and looked away, grabbed both mine and giorno waist and started climbing up. "shut up and look forward!" he explained me in the mean time how this stand thing worked and the only thing my mind was fixated on after soaking in the information was. "then how the hell is bruno still alive?!!"

"that doesn't matter right now" giorno said as mista let go of us. The ground started aggressively moving and I looked behind to see someone familiar but i couldn't remember who they were. I wonkily ran where bruno was standing and caught his attention.
"(y/n), why are you out here again?!" i rested my hand on my knee and panted. "here to save the day!" he face-palmed and the guy crouching turned his attention to me. "y-you're that w-woman who knocked out C-cioccolata!"

"huh? What're you on about you dumb looking kid?"
He growled at me. "waoh there furry boy, I don't like dealing with your kind" he visibly looked mad and pounced at me. Then i though of something. I smirked. "Bad doggy!!! Bad!" immediately he dropped down, rolling on the floor with a frown.
"no more treats if you hurt either one of us!" he growled at me. "F-fuck you grr" sticky fingers took his time and knocked him out. "jeez, how did you even know how to deal with that thing?"

"lady charms" i flexed my shoulders. He sighed "I don't even wanna know" then i realized he probably thought of me as a trainer of some sort "w-wait! No don't leave! Come here bruno it's not like that!" he laughed and made his way to where mista and giorno were.


"are they seriously fighting on a helicopter?! That's a little too much" we both looked up. "how're we gonna get up there?" bruno asked. And i smirked again. "kinky splash, paint me stairs!" she did, bruno was surprised seeing my abilities at first and he doubted them for a second. "a painting... How is that's gonna help?" i grabbed his wrist and started climbing it on the opposite side. "w-what?!" "hurry, they're fading away!" he looked back and gasped. "oh dear"

Once we were both on the helicopter, i swore I saw some thing weird fast crawling around the place until giorno came in and caught a man with no fucking torso, sewing himself all good. "EW YOUR SPINE IS SHOWING, EWRWEWEWEWEW"... "SHUT UP YOU ANNOYING BITCH, WE ALL HAVE SPINES!"..
just when giorno was about to muda the shit out of him, i got an idea and stopped him from further beating him into a pulp.

"wait giorno! He seems like a  doctor, maybe he can help risotto?" he hesitated but turned back to him. "you, answer her!".. "I'll let you live if you help risotto...".. "wait, aren't you the girl who risotto bought in? Then you almost slaughtered me a few days ago?!".. Bruno punched him. "don't ask irrelevant questions, agree with us or die"

"okay okay, I'll help-".. "good!" bruno knocked him out, yeeting him inside the turtle. Everything that had to do with his mold had disappeared. We found mista and giorno got busy healing him. Anddd on our way we got separated again. I was with bruno, trying to find the game again and discovering bruno was half fucking dead. He couldn't see or properly hear anything either. "b-bruno what happened to you?" i cried silently. He held my face and wiped my tears away. He apologized.

Again i tried to force my energy into him, kinda getting successful with it because he could properly hear again for a while. Which caused in more memory loss for me. The doggo guy showed up again, taking a boy and threatening me and Bruno with it. Bruno put his hands in front of me, telling me to stay out while he deals with him. The boy seemed so familiar but every time i tried to remember, my head started aching. He looked at me aggressively, i didn't understand why.

Bruno used sticky fingers and blew the dog guy away, the boy thanked bruno and offered him help but i stepped in. "there's no need, I'll help".
"oh but, i really want to repay him for his kindness, please miss let me assist you both!".. This guy gave me bad guy vibes. Plus he kinda had that stand energy around him. "no thank you sir, we're fine. I'm his girlfriend and we're trying to have some alone time" i replied a bit passive aggressively. He finally let go of bruno and I took him near where ever the Colosseum
Was. Brunos cheeks heated up after hearing what you had said. It'd be better if it was real tho.


Onga bonga

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