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It's been two years. Two fucking years and this is how she comes back to us? Yea sure she's back, but. What about all the memories we shared together? Is this the prize she gets for saving us all? She's fucking hollow. Like a doll who's present but doesn't have a soul or voice. Everything without her was so, cold. Colder than the ice around me. I needed a distraction from all of this. Even a little cold could be nice, but thanks to my cursed abilities i was almost immune to colds.

The frozen ice on my ceiling were threatening to drop on me, crush me into piece and i stared them back in conflict. If there was one word to explain my feelings, it'd be frozen. Completely blocked. With every thought my anger and frustration bubbled inside of me. Threatening to burst into little ice needles. The grip on my Nintendo got stronger and ice started consuming it, eventually corrupting the little device.

Raising the now demolished device in my hand to view it, it only made me more angry. I threw it across the room and grunted in anger. Sometimes i think it's that bowl cut hair guy's fault. "maybe if he stayed dead, she would be here with me" i grabbed a a Capri sun from underneath my bed only to realize it had been completely frozen. Feeling angry again, i threw it across the room only for the rock, hard icey drink to make a loud 'thud' from colliding against my walls.

But i didn't care, no one would come in here knowing that my area is completely frozen. They didn't let me see her, because of my fucking anger. Fuck me goddammit. She wasn't safe around me. Or was that just my consideration?


I was taking stroll across the beautiful hallway. Enjoying the peaceful atmosphere of the villa. It had been a while since I've been out of my useless luxurious room. I had to give my mind a break from those suffocating thoughts. Thought, I was thankful of everything that everyone around me provided me, but it still felt like i was missing something.

I got discontented from my thoughts when i heard a loud 'thud' and an aggressive grunt from somewhere around the villa. Raising my brow, i looked around to check if anyone was around me before i continued my search. Curious, i followed the path which I'm sure i heard the notice come from. With every step i took, the atmosphere around me become more colder than warm. It was a bit odd, considering everything outside had a summer vibe.

It was getting awfully cold. Not just some air conditioning cold. But maybe it was just me. I was wearing a very thin silk top after all. And i had no footwear. I heard some more angry cusses across the cold halls. Okay now there was someone in there. I couldn't help but get flashes of images in my head of a very unfamiliar man with icey blue hair. Did i know him? I couldn't make out his face though.

Curiosity pulled me closer in those dark cold hallways. Taking a right cut where the hallway took me further, i saw the beautiful sight of the hallways engulfed by enchanting, crystals of ice. "wow" was all i could make out at the beautiful scenery that was displayed in front of me. I walked closer, not in curiosity, but as if something was pulling me there.
Nevertheless i was interested so it didn't bother me much.

Almost half way in, i couldn't help but start shivering because of the cold. My body couldn't help it and let out a loud, unexpected sneeze. It echoed across the place. Probably alerting the person who uh, lived here? Who would even live here, it'd be more like someone was held hostage here. Finally entering the ice cave, everything was covered in even more ice. The chandeliers looked even more gorgeous covered in ice. It was like being inside a Disney movie of some sort.


I was almost half asleep when i heard someone's cold ass sneeze. Who was it now? It certainly wasn't non of the boys. Probably that annoying, spoiled bosses daughter. What would she want? I already made it clear to everyone I don't any fucking visitors. Sitting up on my bed, i punched my pillow in madness before getting up and getting my vocal cords ready for whoever had the audacity to come in my base.

"fucking hell, what do-?!" my voice stopped mid sentence. My whole body froze in shock of seeing it wasn't anyone of them. But her. What made her lost ass come here? Jeez she was shivering in cold. Her nose was red, so were her cheeks and ears. "oh-, I'm s-sorry if i interrupted anything" she said before turning around and making her way out.

My body acted on its own, and before I knew it I was holding her wrist from stopping her from leaving. "wait!" all i could say. She faced me with confusion and curiosity on her face. "um, hello?" she said and waved her free hand in front of my face while i soaked in her image in my head. I blinked and awkwardly stood in front of her still holding her wrist. "um, my wrist.."

I immediately felt the blood rush to my face realizing how long i had been staring her and holding her like that. "u-uh, i um, sorry" i looked around to find anything interesting to look at but failed. I heard her giggle. Again my head snapped and my eyes landed on her face. "how aren't you cold living here like this?" she wasn't scared. I was glad though.

My eyes widened realizing that she was probably freezing from the inside out. "y-you must be freezing" i scrambled around the room to find my jacket and gently drape it around her delicate frame.
"and don't stand like that, it's fucking i-ice, you'll get frostbites" she looked down and giggled at her stupidity. "y-you're laughing?" i saw little drops falling on the floor. Immediately realizing and looking up. I saw her face glistened with tears.

"what's w-wrong? Wait no, I'm sorry uh, k didn't mean to yell like that!" i panicked. She slowly walked towards me and threw her shivering body on me, crying into me. "you're still the same stupid angry little ice princess even after such a long time ghiaccio" my eyes widened, did she really? I couldn't believe it. Was I dreaming?

Suddenly warm tears escaped my cold body, i didn't realize I was sobbing into her and holding her close like a kid who found his lost teddy bear. She sat me on my bed that was the only thing that wasn't frozen. "look at you, it's like you're finally melting the ice from that cold heart" she held my face and wiped my tears with her small hands.

"don't ever fucking leave me like that, okay?!" i managed to sob out. Slowly I felt myself drifting into sleep, i felt her grab my covers and drape it across both of us. Later i woke up to her peaceful sleeping face dangerously close to mine. My cheeks heated up from how close she was to me. Her arms around my chest and my legs caging her lower body.

Maybe i didn't leave her? That's fucking embarrassing. Right when i tried to move out of the position, I felt her shift closer to me and digging her face into my chest. Sleepily murmuring "don't leave" which gave me no options but to sleep around her again. Finally, after those years of pain, she was finally here to cure me again.



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