𝐗𝐗𝐈𝐕┆Phrog boy pays a visit

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We had landed in Sardinia, while Bruno, abbacchio and narancia were busy doing the detective work, i was distracted by frogs and kids jumping and playing around nearby. Everyone was definitely worried at your sudden disappearance but you didn't think much of it. Risotto was trying to find you too.
You saw someone very familiar. But you couldn't recognize him at all. It's like a part of your memory was missing. It frustrated you.

What you failed to notice was that he was going back in the direction where abbacchio was and fortunately for him. He bumped into you. You were still upset at your lack of energy to remember who he was so you decided to walk up to him. "uhh, hello sir" he seemed pretty startled at first but he calmed down recognizing you. 'shit, it's her, don't her leave out of here alive doppio'

"a-ah (y/n)! What a pleasure to see you in Sardinia! W-what're you doing here?"
"ohhh, so i do know you!, ah sorry i kinds F-forgot who you were. Sorry I've been uh, in bizarre trips... So i probably got you mixed up with someone else" she awkwardly waved her hand around. 'huh? Does she not remember?.. Or maybe, she has short term memory loss'.. 'oh how innocent she looked all confused like that'

I sensed a strong familiar stand energy around the guy, "uhh I kinda forgot your name, what was it again?".. "d-doppio, it's doppio!" before we could further continue out conversation, i felt a big hand over my shoulder, i looked around to recognize that tall figure. "ah, hi risotto, sorry if you got mad at me just disappearing" he sighed. "oh hello there sir, we haven't talked in a while" i got confused. "you know him risotto?" he nodded. "no more questions, abbacchio and others are waiting for you, go before they get anymore worried" i nodded and waved both of them goodbye.

'fuck, I missed my fucking chance, and this risotto guy is a big deal now'

That's when their brutal battle begins. I run down the hill yelling their names. "(y/n)? Dang it where have you been! We were worried dumbass!" fugo scolded me while i held my knees and breathed after that long run. "heh, i met a student from the same class and got busy with him" fugo got pretty upset at my reasoning and scolded me again. "what? (y/n) that's so immature, you're in the middle of a mission woman!".. Giorno joined and agreed. "what? Aw come on not you too giogio" he chuckled s little and patted my back.


"I feel the same a-sense from before, it's definitely him guys!" - trish

I ran with Bruno and narancia, i could smell blood right from here and i panicked. I remember leaving that doppio guy and risotto here. Gladly I reached in time to fine risotto on the ground bleeding. And that doppio guy had already ran away leaving a train of blood, but I was too busy trying to carry Risotto back to the turtle and giorno. "NARANCIA, BRUNO OVER HERE! I NEED A LITTLE HAND!" Bruno gasped and helped me carry risotto while narancia kept searching for the enemy. "risotto what happened?!"

"that...guy..doppio" and he passed out. I wanted to cry again but i held it in. Doppio did this? That sweet little shy boy? This world is cruel what it does to the most trusting looking people. I bit my tongue and held the tears in. I had already lost a friend back in Japan and saw how josuke and the others give their all to save their friends. I wasn't gonna let myself be the weak one.

Anger was all i felt right now and my senses strengthened. I sensed the same energy somewhere around in the crowd of those little boys playing. But i wasn't gonna hit the kids now. My anger got worse when I felt a ball hit my back while I was helping out risotto. I got mad, picked up the ball and hit the nearest kid with it. He fell on his face, sand getting inside his pretty hazel eyes and cotton candy hair.
I was gonna go apologize until he ran away with the crowd. "what wrong?" abbacchio asked me.

'n-nothing, I got a little too mad and hit the kid with a ball" he laughed patting my back. "good, those kids should learn how to play around and not hit others". I sighed looking down at the sand and playing with it. "hey abbacchio, is it done yet?" formaggio asked. "yea it forming, you guys should come check it out, especially you (y/n), you said you saw the face remember?" i just stared at abbacchio confused. "huh? O-oh yea, the boss" to be honest.

You had forgotten what he looked like. But it didn't matter because abbacchio got everything right according to the date and such. The transformation was complete giving everyone a good view of what he looked like. "he looks like doppio! A much older version!" everyone looked at me confused. "doppio?".. "yea the guy that risotto was just with!" everyone kinda got deep in thoughts until Bruno orders everyone back inside to discuss the matter.

I just sat idly next to trish inspecting the face trying to recognize it. But failing and getting frustrated. A very very familiar voice catches my attention. It came from the laptop that Bruno and prosciutto were using. I tried my hardest to recognize it until some old memories clicked in my head. I jumped up in excitement and in disbelieve. Maybe I missed him so much all those years that i was hearing him now?


Everyone to look at me, then back at the laptop waiting for a response. There was silence until he spoke again. "(y-y/n)?! Is that you??".. I grabbed the laptop as if it was really him In person, my tears finally flowing free. "oui papa, c'est moi!" (I'm not French, i used Google translate. "it's me") everyone was still pretty confused on how you knew
this random person as your father. He told everyone about the stand arrow and promised to spend time with you once everything was over.

After the call ended everyone wanted an explanation about you and the stand arrow that he spoke off because he said you'd be able to tell them. You started by explaining how it affected many people you knew. Bla Bla all that stuff and a a little bit of your life with polnareff. But you got stuck not being able to remember more than half of it which frustrated you again.

You were on the verge of having a breakdown at the thought of you not being able to remember anything properly. Bruno sensed this and hugged you. "take your time, we have a whole lot of time to spend together now" he gave his gorgeous smile helping me calm down.


Uhh, ramadan
mubarak you guys :))

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