𝐗𝐗𝐈𝐈┆Big brain becoming wrinkleless with every though

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Me and giorno were behind risotto and formaggio. Well atleast formaggio looks like he healed fast. I'm glad. The beeping got louder as i ran deeper inside the building signaling me the pin on trishes head was somewhere nearby. I found her laying on the floor bleeding from her wrist and didn't hesitate to grab her. From behind the pillar i saw Bruno bleeding and facing a man with log pink hair and black dots on it, unfortunately i couldn't see his face because of his face facing me. "BRUNO RUN YOU IDOIT, RISOTTO AND FORMAGGIO YOU TOO! I SAW THE BASTARD!"

he faced me now, i got a clear view of his face. "Doppio?! Nah doppio ain't that rip, and he's got hazel eyes. Dang you really are trishes dad!" he looked like he was gonna charge at me. Andddd he did but thanks to formaggio he couldn't see me because of how tiny me and Trish had gotten. Risotto carried me in his hands and formaggio helped giorno carry Bruno outside.

Risotto gently had set me on the floor, and formaggio helped me grow back to my normal size, so did an unconscious trish. Bruno explained the bizarre incounter with the boss while i felt how cold his skin was. I interrupted him by grabbing his wrist and realizing he had no pulse. "o-oh, carry on your speech.. I'm just uhh" i focused most my energy into Bruno, trying to get his pulse to work. Slowly my head started aching and i got pretty light headed.

"we're already in with Bruno" risotto answered for the rest of his team. Everyone felt pretty intimidated by risotto size but tried not to show it. I freed prosciutto and ghaccio from their restrains while we got on the boats, and a few of the members making their way inside coco jumbo. "(y/n), you saw the boss, what does he look like?" risotto asked.
"he looks like a very manly version of trish, the same pink hair, the green eyes.. But he had the most murderous look in them. I caught a glimpse of his stand too.. It looked aggressive..that's all i could honestly see"

Risotto sighed. Fugo hesitated to join us so i whispered an idea in formaggios ears. He smirked and shrunk fugo, throwing him inside a jar that he had? "ez clap, we made it easier for you fugo, we need you anyways and you don't have an option against la squadra" narancia had joined us too.
"rissy, where are the others at?".. "they're busy keeping our next location clear, melone's probably following us as we speak"


Angry anonymous man was currently breaking everything because of how dumb he had been, he should've killed you immediately and not gave a shit about Bruno. On top of that you were probably the reason why those hitmen team were still fucking alive. No worries tho, it was only one person who got to see part of his face, all he had to do was finish you and abbacchio off. The rest aren't a big deal now.


Formaggios gave me my phone back and I happily accepted it. I was pretty excited to unlock my phone but for some reason my mind went blank. I couldn't remember my password. "what's wrong, everything good (y/n)?".. "oh, yea yea, I'm good" everyone was busy enjoying their meals while Bruno and risotto were the only men who were acting like grown men. Narancia decided to beat a random civilian into a pulp mistaking him into an enemy stand again. Ghiaccio, mista, fugo, formaggios and abbacchio joined them him too.

"guys stop it, i don't sense any other energy from the dude" everyone looked confused and looked at me. "energy?".. "yea I can tell if someone is a stand user or not, kinda a part of my ability i guess" they looked at each other and kicked the poor man's body in a water fountain. Later narancia started freaking out on about how his soup had a shark in it. Maybe he was tripping because of our bizarre trip. Oh well whatever. But he screamed again, and then again. Until everyone freaked out.

He started saying weird things, and ran into the men's restroom with the rest of them following him in. A while later everyone ignored narancia. I saw giorno follow narancia somewhere and I got curious.
Indeed there was a shark, giorno was busy helping narancia breathe and i took over while giorno tried to find the stand user who ended up knocking out giorno. I finished transferring energy into narancia wind pipe and saw the shark.

I managed to figure out they key was anything liquid so this was an advantages for me. If in hurt the stand then the user gets hurt too right? I smirked and pulled giorno and narancia out of the way, turning all small water puddles into burning ink. Seeing how the shark was painfully splashing around each Bruning liquid ink puddle I knew I was successful.

I heard a loud scream from the top of the building snd immediately alerted the team outside on what was going on. I carried giorno back inside the turtle and came back outside to fine two very familiar gay lovers tied up, bruised and bleeding. "Squalo?! Tiziano?!!" squalo was all red and rashes, his skin was peeling itself from the acidic work of my ink.


"what?! Why? They're literally the enemy!"

"just shut up and give me it before his skin starts blistering!"

He did as i asked, the gang didn't want to keep them alive but because of my request, Bruno broke them into pieces with his zipper man and kept them inside the turtle. "I'll go deal with those two" prosciutto went in rolling up his sleeves. Trish explained how she remembered her Sardinia memories and helped Bruno and the gang in it while i was vibing on the boat, with a dead flower in hand just staring at it idly.

I focused on the flower feeling bad for it dying like that. I felt a little energy surge through my fingers into the tiny flower, it glew a little and didn't look dead anymore. My eyes widened at what i did. Even Fugo noticed that. "(y/n), how did you do that?" Fugo asked all curious. "huh? I-i don't know i just uhh i don't know...".. "well that's pretty cool"
The headache came back to me and i held my head in pain accidently dropping the flower. Fugo grabbed me and caught risottos attention.

"you good?" risotto asked. "y-yea I'm fine". this happened the second time after i tried to infuse energy into absolute anything. I never realized i could do that but every time i did it, the side affect wasn't pleasing at all. I eventually passed out and risotto kept calling out to me and gently slapping my face to wake me up. He sighed and layed my head on his big massive godly thighs. And he took his coat that he was wearing to hide his giant appearance covering you up. 'maybe she's just tired'.


Nah yalls brain shrinking lel

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