𝐗𝐕𝐈𝐈┆Dick cheese missed and visited me hehe

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Currently we were on our way to a place to stay and guard the bosses daughter. I rested half of my arm outside the window while my palm supported my head. Even tho the wind hitting against my face wasn't letting me let a good eye shut, it didn't stop me from almost falling asleep until I felt someones head gently fall on my shoulder. I looked to see Fugo and narancia both asleep. I smiled and gently shifted Fugos head on my thighs, and narancia on Fugo.

Bruno could see how comforting Fugos position was right now. He felt a pang of jealousy, he wished he was the one laying his head on your thighs and not him. He didn't like how you always wore revealing clothes, it just didn't sit right with him. The fact that other men could see your skin. Secretly so did abbacchio Giorno thought the same. They didn't like you walking around attracting attention from other men. You fell asleep too, after closing the window of course.


Giorno woke me up, letting me know we've reached over destination. I rubbed my eyes and got out of the car, running after bruno because he had the keys. "(y/n), we're all supposed to be guarding someone!". Abbacchio said. "oh come on, you guys are all tall big strong men, I'm here to mentally support her, let my beautiful fragile body rest or I'll shatter" i dramatically waved my hand in front of his face.

I could feel the anger and irritation radiating out of him without having the need to look, i snickered and went upstairs about to sleep.
Bruno sighed. "(y/n), you'll be up in trishes room guarding her from there" i rolled my eyes and walked Trish to her destined room. Getting inside with her.
"so, what made you join the mafia?" she asked. I awkwardly scratched the back of my neck, letting out a nervous laugh i continued. "it's uhh, a long story" she sat comfortably waiting for me to answer.

I gave in an sighed. "i was kinda forced to join". She got up and immediately started asking questions like a little girl. "huh? How! Tell me" kids amirite. I chuckled. "i kinda uhh, messed with the wrong people and ended up breaking into one of their men..then they found me, locked me up bla bla questioned me."... "huh? What a coincidence you got into the gang men's house" i nodded in agreement. "how'd they let you pass tho?"

"well they said if i wanted out since i was innocent, i had to join because there was no way else, i ended up joining and living with them" she stared at me like I a little girl listening a cool story from her parent or older sibling. "we became good friends" (somewhere if they heard that, they'd be in despair). "well more like a mother, they literally can't do anything without me, i wonder what those man children are up to right now".

"sooo, how do you feel about your uh, mafia dad? Cool ain't it?" i tried to kinda tried to know more about her by asking her questions. She looked like she was deep in thoughts before answering me. "uh, i don't know really. It just seems weird. Like why didn't he reach out to me earlier? Why now?, I'm confused and anxious". I got up and sat next to her.
"hey, you know my relationship with my dad was fucked up too, atleast that bastard died" she looked at me with sympathy in her eyes. "I'm so sorry to hear that". "nah, he was a bad person anyways"

She looked deep in thoughts again. "you good?"
She snapped from her little thinking moment. "o-oh. Sorry, again i can't help but get an unsettling feeling from this escorting me to my mafia father, he doesn't want anyone to know his identity. Not even his most trusted men, then why Me? I'm just someone who's equally as random to him".
"well you have a point tho, but don't worry, if anything goes wrong i won't hesitate to chop his insecure cock off" she giggled. Dang she doesn't mind me talking shit about her dad.

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