𝐗𝐗𝐕𝐈┆Subconscious succ

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I swore i saw trish and the gang walking around looking for me and bruno. But some random ass stupid car sped at my sight and they weren't there anymore. I sighed, shifting bruno around my shoulders because of him staying at one spot and caused a bit displeasure there. He whispered an apology to which i sweet talked him telling him it's nothing. He appreciated it and walked to where ever i took him. "i think that's the entrance to the colosseum".

"i hope it is, please hurry so we can get this over with" i nodded and hummed in response, making my way in. Once again I felt like someone was following us, i looked around to see nothing. "what's the matter (y/n)? You seem to be shifting around in panic". Brunos silky voice somewhat calmed me down. "ah-, it's n-nothing, we're in the middle, maybe let's wait for the gang-?". Bruno was about to say something but someone's loud, heavy accent voice cut him out. "freeze wherever you're standing! Identify yourselves!"

again the voice was overwhelmingly familiar, but for some unfortunate reason i couldn't tell who's it belong to. Bruno explained everything and the anonymous man seemed to understand everything. "then does that mean.. (y/n)? Is that you Ma fille??" his voice was filled with emotions, you felt them. But didn't understand them quite properly.
"y-yes... But h-how do you know?" polnareff felt his spirit and heart shatter at your words.

You seemed so enthusiastic to meet him on the call tho? What had happened to his little fillette?? Could it be...? That you really used it? Of course he knew about your abilities, he remembers how you used to subconsciously use it when you were frustrated at things. Causing more memory loss problems. Which was the cause of your deranged behavior. A flash of a younger you flashed in the back of his head. You just came back from school, your little pet hamster was dead. A few kids had killed it to get revenge on you.

You didn't want to deal with them but you were sobbing, holding it to your chest. Polnareff tried to calm you down, he even checked twice if the hamster was dead or being a smart ass bitch to escape. He hugged you while you sobbed. Moments later you calmed down, he felt a warm soothing energy emitting from you. The hamster slowly opened its eyes. It looked quite traumatized, probably remembered how he got strangled by a bunch of crazy heartless kids.

Your mood immediately shifted to a sobbing little girl to a happy excited one. Polnareff thought this was unusual, maybe it was your stand? Or maybe the little guy was really dead. Later the next day you had forgotten about the bullies, and end up getting hit and punched. You were outraged. Well their fault they triggered your dio side. Long story short, you muda them into a pulp, that's when you were home schooled. Yea ALOT of drama happened because of your stands abilities.

Polnareff turned back to see a man with familiar long pink black hair with black dots on them. He gasped and argued until time skipped. You sensed the energy nearby. Carefully helping bruno lean onto a safe side of the pillar, you ran up the stairs to see a again, EXTREMELY familiar man on a wheelchair and a fit built pink haired guy. "ayo what the fuck is going on?! WAIT ARE YOU THE DU-" for a second it felt like you were gonna fall off the edge of the earth.

But then everything seemed fine again. The man disappeared. Thanks to you the man in the wheelchair only got hole punched in his prosthetic legs. He seemed traumatized." oh my little angel...".. You gave him a weird look and raised your brows. "you good gramps?" he looked like he was about to cry. "well since you're fine- OH SHIT, BRUNO!" you ran back to where you left bruno, only to immediately pass out and fall next to him.


Woke up with a bad head ache again. I grunted in pain holding my head. Everything was dark. I looked around to see where bruno was since I was looking for him in the first place. Realizing how tall i raised myself up standing, i almost tripped not being used to the height i was standing at. I looked down to see manly fit built legs, covered with white and black spots on them. "what the... WAIT WHAT?.. aaaa HahAhHaha" i made random funny noises to really recognize my voice. "I'm a man?! Not just any man, I'm fucking bruno! What the hell?"

Then i realized something, " if I'm in bruno body.. Then who's in my mine?! The heck where even is my body?!" i made my way around the place until i found mist a and trish freaking out. 'Giorno' seemed to have notice me."bruno?! Who?". "oh my little brother- wait you Don't sound like giogio.." he frowned. "NARCY? AW NAH I LOVE YOU TOO BABY" i hugged him. Gosh Being tall was awesome.
"oi, quit the loving right now, we've got important matters to deal with" abbacchios way of talking came from narancias body.

I laughed realizing that was Abbaachio and picked him up. "aww, abba is angry" he wanted to beat me, i could tell. "you're lucky you're in brunos body.." i smirked. "what? Mad that I'm inside him?" his eyes widened and i could see his cheeks get a little red. "ooooo someone's jealous" he smacked my hand or uh, brunos hand gently and walked away. "now where is giogio??"... "here" giornos voice greeted me, he was fugo. I picked him up and gave him a bone crushing hug. I did that with almost everyone, taking advantage of this big body.

"man, yall guys are lucky to be tall and shit, this stuff is cool!".. Fugo sighed, in Abbaachios body. "not the time to be having fun (y/n)".. "waoh, you being inside abbacchio doesn't make a difference" i wiggled my brows at the inside part and fugo understood the joke, gagging and showing me the middle finger. "gotta say, being the tallest does feel good" fugo said, admiring his tall view. "well you aren't the tallest, the tallest man i know it rissy, he's massive".

"yea, he's got some genes alright". Another time skip feeling moment broke our conversation. My eyes widen and I felt the energy getting closer. I ran towards the energy, before that bastard did anymore of his time skip trick and got close to us, i had to get him. I saw him hiding behind a pillar in my body , but I felt another timeskip. Everyone pretty much yelled at me to come back. I saw him running the opposite direction to where the gang was. "atleast he's away from them".

Finally now that I was completely away from the gang, and had the assurance that he was away from them. I started to look for my body around the place only to hear my laugh around. I felt another time skip, only to see the bosses body making his way onto me, I got confused. "GET OUT OF THE WAY
(Y/N)!" bruno pushed me/his body out of the way. For some reason he was weaker in my body.

"damnit, this body of yours is of no use!" he disappeared again. Diavolo could feel his energy getting sucked out of the body he was currently in. "dammit, what kind of stand does she have?!" your body was damaged, well your brain was. Your memory. When the body is subconscious and damaged in anyform, it sucks out anyform of energy to help resort the damage.

Of course it's harder around nature but since someone else's soul is in your body, it can't recognize it, so it's automatically gonna see it as a threat and start feeding on it. So that sums everything up. Your body was eating diavolo up. "ghh-" he wanted to get out. This wasn't in his plan. "fuck, i should've finished her up first!" he leaned on one of the pillars, breathing heavily.


Boom, we cool
as shit man.

𝕯𝖊𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖉 || 𝖵𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗈 𝖠𝗎𝗋𝖾𝗈 𝖷 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋Where stories live. Discover now