𝐗𝐗𝐈┆We've got a very angry elsa to deal with today guys

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I fell asleep inside coco jumbo after aggressively typing into prosciuttos phone. Well i was laying on pesci. He's big and soft and he let me rest half my body on himself. Prosciutto was pretty upset tho that you chose his brother over him. Well it was his fault he's always perverted and all muscley hard. Not that pesci wasn't fit, he just was better than prosciutto in nappy situations.

Narancia, Fugo and abbacchio decided to pull a prank on you. They snickered getting close to your sleeping form, prosciutto just looked at them with a raised brow trying to understand what those were kids we're upto. Not gonna lie he liked all their style. He couldn't help but see a tiny bit of resemblance of you in abbacchio. Weird. Pesci tried his best to stop then but he was silenced by abbacchio putting his hand over his mouth. You shifted in your sleep getting comfortable onto pesci.

Narancia started laying some warm cotton on you, don't ask where he got those from. Probably the couch. Fugo and abbacchio got ready to yell from both openings to your brain. "WAKE UP THERE ARE ROACHES ALL OVER YOU, WE'RE UNDER AN ENEMY ATTACK!" they screamed for a you until you shot up screaming too, you got up and tripped again, falling on your face. You grabbed your nose in pain rubbing it. "OH FUCK YOU GUYS, YOU KNOW I FUCKING HATE ROACHES".

Prosciutto and everyone else laughed while I was rubbing my nose in pain. "ouchhh-, i got a bump! Fuck you guys" i was mad. MY CUTE NOSE IS BUMPY NOW. to calm myself down i got out of coco jumbo only to get stuck in a very very cold situation in the car giorno was driving. "(Y/n).. Go.. Back. Ins.. Ide" i tried to shake my head no but i think i completely froze. From the corner of my eyes i swore i saw princess elsa aggressively skating his way towards us. 'oh my gosh you irritated little mouse'

I summoned kinky splash and started warming up the car by slowly leaking a shit ton of ink all around the place. Now that i was free to move my mouth i warned both giorno and mista. "guys, this car is fucked by the way, we've gotta get out fast or else".
"else what?! What'd you do?" mista screamed and panicked. "my fucking ink melted the ice down, it'll take time in melting the car and us too, now we have to get out!". After driving around finding a safe space we were about to jump out but ghiaccio showed up again, blowing a shit ton of freezing cold at us to slow us down again.

Kinky splash painted a thick wet layer of wall infront of us, gladly his ice helped freeze the acidic paint in place giving us time to scram out of the car. "grab the turtle!" mista said. I grabbed the cute little turtle and ran in a different direction. "IT'S GOT A NAME YOU KNOW!" mista rolled his eyes at my stupid statement in a situation like this. There was no stopping ghiaccio when tho i clearly ASKED that Idiot not to do anything. I swear he has too much ego and pride.

"oh shit he's after giorno" i realized what his ass was after. The damn disc. Oh my gosh he's so fucking stubborn. "GIORNO, HE'S AFTER THE DISC" while giorno and mista are doing his thing i come up with a brilliant idea. Since he deals with ice and i somewhat deal with liquid? His only escape is  ice. I pet coco jumbo and kiss him, gently setting him on the safest side of the battlefield. I run after ghiaccio until he notices and looks back at me. "THIS IS FOR NOT LISTENING TO ME ELSA" okay he got furious when i called him that.

Launching the burning ink at him, he covers around him and he freezes himself and the ink in the ice around him. The ink continues to melt through his ice getting closer to him, so the only choice he had to save himself was strengthening his ice shield which kept him frozen too. I punched the air in victory and stuck my tongue out to him. Giorno ran back to me patting me on my back. "i never thought you had that in you, good job!". "what do you mean?! I have enough experience!"

Mista was currently bleeding on the ground after the mini fight he had with ghiaccio. Giorno went and took him to a side bench. My ass forgot coco jumbo somewhere because inwas busy taking care of SOMEONE STUBBORN. i knocked the ice from his head so he could breathe. I saw a boat nearby with narancia on it. Probably looking for us. Man's literally came in the worse timing. I was on top of ghiaccio trying to tie him which probably looked like me riding him to narancia.

Misunderstandment number 1. Then he freaked out thinking giorno was sucking the life out of Mista.
Misunderstandment number 2. I called out to him.
"NARANCIA COME BACK, DON'T LEAVE US YOU BIG VIRGIN" Bruno end up coming outside and getting freaked out too. He helped carry ghiaccio inside the turtle. "bruno we have to be extra careful with this one, he's deranged as fuck".."deranged?!? Me?? BITCH THEN WHAT DOES THAT MAKE YOU?!" i snickered. He squirmed in his place and got his ass restrained even tighter by abbacchio.

"dang what's with this guy?" narancia whispered.

"uhh, he's a little too aggressive" i replied.

"yea he's worse than Fugo" Mista added in.

"(y/n), you know him, is he always like that?" mista

"yea, i was scared when i first met him, he never calms down until i make him his favorite egg for breakfast" prosciutto and pesci laugh at the memory.

"so, where to next bruno?"

We made our way to Venezia and now we were on a weird boat making our way towards a weird ass building on an island. "so this is it?" Trish trembled. I frowned looking at her in such a sad condition. I give her a hug this time "I'll keep an eye alright?, here have this" i reach out and give her one of the speedwagon foundations pin, which was actually like a walkie talkie but smaller. "what's this?".. "it's like a walkie-talkie, press this shiny thing. And pin it in your hair, if anything goes wrong press it. This is actually my least one and i thought I'd be a pretty understanding to finally use it in this situation".

"alright, only one of can escort her inside, it'll be me as the capo" Bruno sighed and took off the boat with Trish onto the island. I waved goodbye at Trish. "Fuck you guys, we were gonna find the bosses-mMEKRKS" "shut up elsa" i stuffed a croissant in his mouth. In the blink of an eye i saw more than half of the croissant consumed by ghiaccio. "what the?" something started beeping from my neck and i recognized the speedwagon emergency beep.

I jumped out of the boat in panic but abbacchio caught me and pulled me back inside. "there are more people on the island!" i looked back to recognize a few faces. "FORMAGGIO, RISOTTO DON'T GO INSIDE-". how did they know? I looked back at ghiaccio prosciutto and pesci. "explain!"
"you know you're too soft when it comes to pesci" prosciutto calmly said and i saw pesci with his hands free and his phone in his hand. I rolled my eyes and sprinted inside the building with giorno following behind me.


This is legitness!!

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