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He'd been staring at her from the opposite angle of the world from the moment she had entered the room. Even with her gone, she fitted in the gang quite well. He wanted to approach her, tell her how much he had missed her, but he was scared of hearing those hurting words. "I'm sorry, I don't remember" he heard those words too many times for his own good. He was scared to face her.

Those feelings she made him feel, vanished as if it meant nothing. He didn't want to feel anything anymore. He wished for those feelings to return, but they were replaced by hurt and disappointment. He didn't want to feel too much, or speak to anyone at all. Had he really fallen in love with her? Or he couldn't accept the fact that she was gone?

He started to belive that he was cursed and finally punished for the crimes he had committed through out his living. Even with realizing that, he wanted to end this. How were the others able to put on that hurtless facade and even have the potential to breathe around her without breaking down? If it's just me, then I'm a clown for falling for someone who is way beyond my standards.

I bit my lip to prevent my body from shedding a tear. But my body just said 'fuck it' and stained my face with those warm salty drops of sorrow. My body shivered from the internal pain i felt looking at her. Does she even know i live around her? Or I'm just some reflection or hallucination in the mirrors. I needed a break. Getting up, i made my way in one of the noiseless building that was located inside my cursed inverse world.


She chanted for the man with lavender long hair as he chugged a bottle wine, eager to win against his competition who had mini man buns on his head. She was quite enjoying herself in the battle of drunkens. Giorno had prohibited her from drinking for a while because of obvious reasons. Which she understood and didn't go against. Almost, most people in the room were drunk. Some were playing video games, that being narancia and mista.

Few of them were passed out on the couch on her lap as she chanted for her older brother and caressed their drunk unconscious heads. She thought she had known everyone in the room now, but she was wrong. Every so often she would see a very attractive and familiar man's reflection in the mirrors that were all around the villa. It was as if he was silently watching her. Strange, she thought.

Maybe she was hallucinating. But one certain moment of that person's image really unlocked something inside of her. She saw that poor soul crying. She couldn't help but stare at him feeling the same emotions. She felt like she had a connection with him somehow. Who was he? Was he even alive? She never saw him around with the others. Maybe she could see ghosts?

She saw the man turn away and slowly dissappear inside the reflective panel. Her body stood infront of the mirror, staring at her reflection for a bit until her hand subconsciously made their way gracefully against the mirror. She noticed her hand disappearing in the mirror. She pulled out and gasped, thinking about her bizarre discovery. 'should i?' she questioned herself. She looked back to check if anyone was watching her. Satisfied by her check, she hesitantly makes her way in. The mirror world completely welcoming her inside its glory.

Her eyes scan and admire how everything was the opposite of everything. It looked like as if this was someone's collection of things. Her legs walked her around the items around the room that were oddly familiar. But she couldn't point out what exactly they were. But one item in particular caught her interest. Her hands reached towards the book with words that were mirrored. She had to take her time to understand it.

"la squadra memories"

She smiled herself and sighed in victory at finally understanding the words. She opened the book to be met by many familiar but unfamiliar images if that makes sense. It probably could be also because all the photos were all uh, pretty inverse. Again she took her time making out what and who the people were in the photos. With every discovery and flipping each page, she got a laugh slowly regaining the memories. With every laugh and smile she'd shed a tear. Her body trembled with many emotions bubbling up inside of her.

Realization hit her as she realized where she really was. She courage herself up on Her feet again and started uncovering the familiar steps to the room where she always found a certain someone hiding from his job and people just to sleep in peace. Every step she took, her pace fastened to the point where she was running senseless until she finally found him.
She saw him sitting on his bed with his back facing her. He was too busy dealing with his sorrowful feelings that he didn't bother to take notice of who had entered his realm.

She held in her choke of a cry. "illuso?"


Just when the world was gonna completely go dark for the scarlet eyed man. He heard a voice. A familiar voice that he could never forget. His eye's widened slightly before going back normal. Maybe he was hallucinating. But he heard the voice again. "you're really gonna I-ignore me?" she said. Hiccups covering up the sound of her sniffling. His body stiffened at that voice again. Maybe he died in his sleep? His hope was long gone for him to actually take his situation seriously.

He heard the faintest of footsteps getting close to him. He couldn't understand what was happening. The only thing he could manage to do was breakdown while she hugged him from behind and cried into him.
Finally he turned around and saw her face. This was the (y/n) he wanted to see. His (y/n). "is it really you?" he asked her in disbelieve. She nodded her head a yes and held his face close to her own.

He cried more in disbelief while she caressed his face and murmured comforting words. He'd already been through enough, through this world and now, her.
" I'm so sorry, I'm not leaving, not leaving ever again" she whispered in his ear while he sobbed in her neck. Illuso stared lovingly into her eyes and she stared back. Slowly her eyelids dropped and she leaned into his lips holding the kiss for a while. Right after she had pulled away, his lips almost immediately collided with hers.

Words weren't needed for that moment, they both understood each others feelings loud and clear.


Fuck me. what the fuck.
Me writing romance is so much
out of character for myself.

But i like it.
My bum is lazy, i don't really re
check after writing. So feel
free to correct if there's
anything wrong.

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