Chapter 54

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Nikami POV

I sighed as I walked along the dirt path, glancing around the trees around me. 

It was quiet, very quiet, it would be perfect if I was only alone… However… I wrote down on my notebook, glancing over at the wolf beside me.

"You're here…" I grumbled, making a sharp inhale before trying to calm myself down.

"How annoying." I blurted out.

 "Eeehhh?! Seriously! That's so meeeeeeaaaaaaaaannnnn!!" Yuutsu whined, her tails and ears dropping down as she did so. 

"Ugh. I'll be going now, your ears and tail…" I sighed once more, starting to walk faster, and away from her.

"He-hey wait! I'm useful, you know, darling? I can hear and smell things that you can't! Like I can smell that boar over there!" Yuutsu yelled at me, running towards me as she pointed towards a direction.

"A boar? That's 3 points." I stopped to my tracks and quickly dashed towards where she pointed, and saw a boar eating on the grass. I quickly hid behind a tree, two large ice spikes forming near me.

"Hey! Seriously! You need to wait!" She called out to me, alerting the boar, the animal looked towards her.

"Oh gotdamn it-" I clicked my tongue, seeing the boar dash over towards Yuutsu, since it was in a straight forward line I aimed the two ice spikes towards it. And it landed, piercing the boar easily.

"Why would you just yell out even though you knew that an animal was here?" I asked her, glancing towards her.

"Well, uhm… A-at least I was a good bait right?" Yuutsu nervously laughed, taking the body of the boar and carrying it over her shoulders. 

"Do you smell anything?" I asked her, rolling my eyes at her response.

"I smell the chemistry between us~" She teased, and I simply glared at her.

"Just shut up with that." I started to walk along the dirt path once again, hearing some casting from the distance.

"Oh, earth spirits, help me imprison my opponent's strength! <Vine Bind>!" I heard a student cast far away from us, and I gritted my teeth.

"We need to be the first one out of this, so shut up and smell anything nearby," I spoke to the wolf, glancing over at her.

Her ears were high up, Yuutsu glanced all around, alert to her surroundings. She was growling a bit too, the hairs on her tail were up.

"Huh? Kurogane, what happened?" I asked her, blinking as I looked around as well. Did she feel something? 

As I asked her that, the ground shook, multiple screams from the other students could be heard.

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!" I heard a womanly scream just near me, I glanced over at that direction and saw their teammate leaving them on the ground. Directly in front of… Something. I couldn't see it due to the trees.

"Hey, Kurogane, you like being a princely type of girl, correct? Would you risk yourself for a girl?" I asked her, calmly folding my hands and staring at her.

"Tch… I… I would save anyone regardless of their gender!!" Yuutsu, quickly ran over to the female, biting her tongue to gain courage. 

I walked over towards them, hearing a sudden roar as I looked up to the monster. It was a 8'7"ft tall being with a muscular and large body, they were humanoid in shape with pointed ears, wielding a large axe on its hand. Staring down at us with slanted eyes and sharpened teeth. 

FutsuYuri: I Wanted To Reincarnate Normally!! Not In This Yuri Game!!Where stories live. Discover now