Chapter 99

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Nikami (?) POV

“What happened?” The knight quickly went over to the Villainess, seeing how she was shaking and about to burst into tears. I didn’t pay further into their conversation, it’s meaningless to observe people I do not care about.

“Ara ara… I don’t think that’s going to happen.” Shoubu chuckled. 

I stared at the witch while that mage shook at my gaze and hid behind her. I sighed, mentally smirking while lifting my chin up and glaring at her.

“And what are you going to do about it?” She already gave up, it's useless now. Cursed? Me? I’m a curse? What idiots. I am a person, I belong in her place, I am the real user of this body.

“Kiyu-sama, what can you see?” The princess ignored my words and glanced over at the mage behind her, she gulped, trying to find the words and finally started to open her mouth.

“I-It’s getting worse… The shadows are now around her neck too… An-and it’s still spreading, moving.” She answered, gripping Shoubu’s sleeves for comfort, gulping at me.

“Hmmm… So you really aren’t lying, Shiromoru-san gave up… But why? She seemed wonderful earlier, even helping with Yasachu.” Shoubu tapped her chin, humming to get an idea. I rolled my eyes, ignoring them and walking over to the door but was blocked by that Witch’s arm. 

“Could you tell me why?” The princess chuckled, leaning forward with that sickly calm smile on her punchable expression. 

“Why don’t you ask that villainess over there?” I replied, turning my gaze over at Shukona which was now fully crying. The knight comforted her, patting her back and the taller female suddenly wrapped her in a warm embrace.

“Hmmm, she’s busy dealing with her own curse, I think you should know the answer.” She further pushed me into the wall, gritting my teeth while I glanced to my side. Does she always do this? 

“Prince Raijin. That is all. Now let me through.” I looked back into her general direction and stared into the dark ocean depths that were her eyes, lifting my hand to the side and laying it on the doorknob.

“Th-they fought and… I-I don’t know, I tried comforting her but she started to act desperate and then just gave up when I didn’t let her do something so terrible…” Shukona sobbed out for us to hear, Shoubu’s smile perking up when she said that. The witch finally backed away with a nod, and I twisted my hand on the handle and before I pushed to open, someone caught the end of my uniform.

I paused, turned my head behind me and saw the most unexpected person. She straightened her back with light hitting her glasses to give a gleam, large beads of sweat dropped down her cheek and gulped.

For a couple seconds I was stunned, wondering where she got her basically non existent confidence. 

I just turned my head back forward and pretended like she wasn’t holding on to me, pushing forward to fully push the door open. But as much as I moved my legs, she held me back, now using both of her hands. I tried to ignore it once again, but my shoes kept slipping on the floor when I wanted out of her grasp, after a couple more tries, we were both panting. 


“N-no! I still have to talk to you!”

“About what? And do you really think you can move me? Go back to that witch’s back where you belong.” I glared over at her, leaning on the door frame, turning my torso towards her.

“Th-thats…” She loosened her grip, frowning whilst I rolled my eyes. Finally, she gave up, now I can finally go back to Yasachu and-

“She’s not talking to you.”

FutsuYuri: I Wanted To Reincarnate Normally!! Not In This Yuri Game!!Where stories live. Discover now