Chapter 98

171 13 15

Nikami POV

"So, can you please just fight with us?" I asked Yasachu, being cuffed up on a wooden chair as she glared at everyone around us. Even until now, trying to make her be in our group for such a long time, I still don't know how to feel in this situation.

The protagonist, the one who is supposed to be the right one, the one who's full of cheer and brings everyone around her to smile is made like this. A glaring, dead eyed, crazed girl who will hurt people for her own desires.

"But why?! Why do you have to? Why do WE have to?!" She screamed out, choking on her tears while she whined.

"Please, Yasachu. You're not in your correct mind." Shukona spoke beside me, frowning as she glanced away in shame. Shukona didn't like the commoner, that was for sure, but seeing her like this is... Bitter. It makes her stomach turn.

"Yasachu, listen to me. You are the only person that helps us a lot. You are one of the only light users of this academy since the other is the one we need to rescue. Yasachu, please," I paused, leaning forward in her chair and locked eyes with her, "Do it for me. I love you." I pleaded, kissing the side of her neck.

I cringed internally, balling my fists as I closed my eyes while pulling my face away from her. Saying those three words out of my mouth to take control of her actions had given me an internal migraine. The beat of my heart quickened, adrenaline rushing in my veins. My legs were about to fly.

"Re-really?! Haah... Haah...Okay! Of course I'll do it! Anything for you!" Yasachu's mouth opened wide, drool dripping from her chin as she smiled at me. So icky, so disgusting, so dirty. I froze in my spot, unable to look away at the girl who was squirming in her seat, panting with a red perverted blush on her face. She rubbed her legs together, looking up at me while she stuck her tongue out and exhaled hot air from her mouth.

"Sh-shiromoru-sama... Can you please untie me...? I-I want to smell yo-I mean... Hug you... I-in a very, VERY deep embrace..."




The door boomed, making me jump in place and snapped out of my trance. Whipping my head over at the door, I noticed that Raijin wasn't around there anymore.


"I'll go get them." I walked outside, leaving the two senpai's, Shukona, and the knight inside, closing the door behind me lightly. I'm sure they can deal with Yasachu while I'm away.

"Rai." My gaze was set upon the girl that had her fist on the window, stepping close while she glared at me.

"Shut up. Get away from me." The gloves on her hands made a trail of smoke, clenching it while her blue eyes became glassy.

"Rai, I understand why you're upset, but I don't see why you're acting this way. You know that was just a lie-"

"And so what?! Do you think I don't know you lied to me too? I'm not as stupid as you think I am! I know you're just indulging me in my fantasies, I know you're dating me because I am the only one who can stop you from turning into her!" Spit flew out of her mouth, yelling at me while she faced me.

"What...? No, Rai, you don't understand. I really do appreciate you, that was only at the start and-" I froze up, stumbling on my words as droplets of sweat came down my face.

"So you WERE using me? Ahahaha! Nika! Nika, listen, I really do appreciate it. Thank you for lying to me, you know how crazy I am for you! Sure, you could have gotten feelings... But I seriously doubt that." Raijin ran her fingers through her hair, chuckles mixed with sobs. I bit my lip, standing my ground and not getting near her.

FutsuYuri: I Wanted To Reincarnate Normally!! Not In This Yuri Game!!Where stories live. Discover now