Nikami POV
"Four years has passed and I am now 10 years old! Yayyy! Today is actually my birthday! Though right now I'm mastering swordsmanship! Why? Because I want to! Come on who wouldn't want to be a person who is good at magic and swordsmanship! That would be super cool!" I thought while sparring with Raijin
"Hey princess don't space out while in a battle with me!" Raijin charged at me with her spear on hand.
"Sorry!" I said laughing a bit
As I saw her charging at me I readied my Rapier and was ready to counter.
When I saw the opportunity to counter I deflected her attack which caused her to step back. I took advantage of this and immediately started to attack rapidly
but Raijin, who was more experienced in battling than me, quickly blocked my attacks."Woah woah woah princess! Your getting good at this! Your really fast!" She said while blocking my attacks
"Thanks I learned it from you!" I smiled while rapidly attacking Raijin
Raijin chuckled softly
"I go forward when I attack so Raijin steps back.... I might win this by getting her out of circle!" I thought while smiling
"Come on princess! Your better than this! [Flaming Spear]!" When she casted that spell her spear goes up in flames and she grinned
"Tch." Seeing the fire close to me I jumped back and pouted
"Haha! Princess! I'm good at magic too you know! You taught me after all!" She laughs while slowly waking toward me"Yea... But I'm not bragging but I'm more good at magic than you! [Ice Point]!" As I casted that spell I ran towards Raijin
"Another one of your weird spells?!" Raijin nervously laughed
"Yep!" I laughed as I attacked her rapidly
And as expected Raijin kept blocking me with her fire spear but, each time I hit her fire spear with my Rapier it slowly turns into ice.
"Wh-what?! He-hey what kind of weird magic is this princess?!" Raijin looked shocked
I grinned happily
"[Ice Point] is a magic I created! Each time my Rapier's point hit something it will turn to ice! So cool right?!" I giggled as I though that
"Its a secret!" I giggled
"Well... Whatever it is... Fire will clearly win because fire makes ice into water and fire evaporates water! Simple element logic!" She grins"Yea thats right but I'm still going to win!"
"Ahaha! If you will! Its 36/25 right?! I'm still on the top!" Raijin laughs
"Hey your wrong its 36/29! And you keep winning because I promised I will only use my Ice magic!" I pouted while stilll attacking her
Each time I hit her spear the part where I hit it turns into ice but it quickly evaporates due to Raijin's fire. And this continued for a whileShukona POV
I walked back to the garden from getting them snacks "Hphm! This is a maids job! Why am I getting snacks for them?"
"Its because Nikami-sama said she was hungry right? Then you immediately stood up and said that you were getting snacks!" Emica said while giggling
Hearing her name made a blush crawl in my face
"H-hmph! Whatever! I-Its not like I care about Nikami or anything...." I pouted
"Why are you even with me? Emica Hiyami." I glared at her
"I am Nikami-samas Maid after all.... And your getting her snacks..." She looked back at me with a grin on her face"Tsk whatever." I sighed frustratingly and looked at the garden where the two of them were fighting again.
"THOSE TWO!!!!" I felt the anger inside me blow up while Emica was giggling
"There fighting again Shukona-sama!"
Emica kept giggling
"FOR GOODNESS SAKE YOU GENIUS BATTLE JUNKIES!! CAN YOU STOP FIGHTIIINNGGGGG!!?!?! [EARTH WALL]!!" After I casted that spell there was a huge earth wall that was placed in between them, Stopping the fight.
""Oh no"" They both looked at me and said at the same time
"[VINES BIND]!!" After I casted that spell there were vines that came out of the ground and binded the two of them. Me and Emica walked over to them
"O-Ow.... Shu you could have just told us to stop..." Nikami nervously laughed
"Yea Shu..." Raijin laughed"Shut up you two!! You two could have gotten hurt again!" I yelled at them
"Okaaayy Mom..." Nikami giggled
"Do not call me mom!" I glared at her as she giggles
"Shu you know that Nika can heal us..." Raijin smiles a bit
"Yea yea!" Nikami agreed
"Shut up Rai! Even if Nika could heal both of you, you two would still get hurt!" I pouted
"Aww Shukona-sama cares for them!" Emica giggled
I felt my face turn to red
"Shu-shut up!" I pouted
"Yet you didn't disagree...." Emica giggled even more
"An-anyways Nika! Your 10 years old now! Don't act like a 6 year old!" I pointed at Nikami
"Ahaha... Yea yea I'm sorry... Can you let us down...? I'm still in the vines..." Nikami nervously laughed
I sighed and cancled the spell. And the two of them slowly fell down to the ground"Oh yea... Its been 4 years since we met right?" Raijin asked
"Yea it has been 4 years ever since Shu called me a whore" Nikami joked
"I-I'm sorry okay?! I didn't know back then you two were actually engaged..." I hid my face in embarrassment

FutsuYuri: I Wanted To Reincarnate Normally!! Not In This Yuri Game!!
RomanceHameru Matasoto was a very cheerful and stubborn girl, she has no sense of direction and always seemed to get lost. Ah, what a predicament. She never knew she would die because something as small like that. Hameru met the God of Light and Fate, God...