Chapter 73

362 29 5

Nikami POV

"I never thought such a small girl like you could hold so many things at once… Are you sure it's okay? I interrupted you, I don't want to hurt you too. " I heard a gentle voice from afar, and when I glanced over at it, it was Shoubu, the student council president with Yasachu. 

"I-it's fine! I'm used to heavy work, I'm worried if you're fine Rabadena-sama…" Yasachu nervously laughed, carrying boxes with supplies as she talked with Shoubu, who was also carrying supplies. 

"..." I stared over at them, catching myself staring at the short girl with white hair, giggling to herself as she talked with Shoubu. 

"Hey! Ya okay?" Raijin saw that I was staring blankly at something, and she gritted her teeth when she saw it was Yasachu. 

"Let's go." She whispered in my ear, and flusteredly looked away from Yasachu when I nodded. 

Damn it, wasn't she supposed to be in our room? Saboten never once got her hearing wrong… So did Shoubu ask her to help? Probably. 

This world really does find a way.

Yasachu landed her eyes on me, she stopped giggling and just stared with a frown on her face. Shoubu noticed this and followed her eyes to where she was looking at, and saw me. 

"Ah! Shiromoru-san! It's been a while!" Shoubu cheerfully exclaimed, walking towards me with a bright smile on her face. 

Abort, Abort-

I quickly turned on my heel and walked away, dragging Raijin behind me as Shukona and Saboten stood there in confusion. 

"Nika?! Where are you going? It's rude to turn away from a princess!" Shukona scolded me, grabbing my shoulders as I groaned in response. 

Gotdamn it. 

Filled with irritation, I turned towards Shoubu with a blank look on my face, giving her a small bow.

"Greetings." I looked away from them. 

And with that, Yasachu looked away as well, hiding behind Shoubu as she glanced over at the ground. Both afraid and disappointed at herself. 

"Oh! Hey Prez! How's it goin?" Raijin greeted her as well, with a nervous smile and used her cape to shield most of my body. 

"Hello Shoubu-sama." Shukona gave a bow, smiling towards her. 

"I give my greetings to you, Rabadena-sama." Saboten bowed deeper than Shukona did, nearly falling face first on the ground before standing straight up.

"I'm doing great! Say, Gakerumi-sama, would you like to batt-" Shoubu huffed, smiling as she wanted to battle Raijin.

"No." I cut her off, feeling Shukona's grip tightening on my shoulders as I rolled my eyes and elaborated. 

"We were about to do something before you came. So I'd like it if you wouldn't interfere." I glanced behind me, Shukona was still holding my shoulders as she gave me a pout, before smiling over at Shoubu. 


"Oh! That's fine, but if you want to fight, I'll gladly accept it! That reminds me, Chu-chan, why are you avoiding Shiromoru-san?" Shoubu finally asked that question, glancing over at Yasachu that was behind her. 

"More like Shiromoru-sama is avoiding Kowamekuna-san…" Saboten mumbled before I gave a glare.

"Hm? That is true, when we got here, Nika always talked to her despite her rarely even talking to strangers, let alone a commoner like her… But now, she's as distant as ever. What happened?" Shukona asked me in a soft voice, worried about what might have happened. 

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