Chapter 81

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Shukona POV

After those two ran away, I gently patted my handkerchief on my chin. Wiping off the sweat that was made from Nikami. What was that? It was odd. Everyone was bowing down like they were horrified, but I, myself, only did it because Nikami told me so. 

"Haah… Haah… She feels so dominant, I must fight her when she gets back." Shoubu wiped her drool with her finger, which evaporated. Must be water magic… 

"You're disgusting. Why in the world did you look like you were melting in pleasure?! Don't you know how bad that is, as a princess?? You're lower than a commoner muscle head." Ajisa cringed at Shoubu, her feet slightly shaking and weak, and because of that, she leaned on the nearest person. Which was the slouching girl with glasses. 

"Do you want to fight me instead?" Shoubu chuckled in response, already knowing what she was going to say. 

"P-please don't…-" Kikyou nervously shook her head. 

"Are you alright?" I asked the commoner, who was looking down at the ground. Due to her messy hair, I couldn't properly see what her expression was. 

"Shiromoru-sama…" I could only see a dark expression on her face, her yellow irises became unnaturally small. It started to rapidly shake, her eyes wide open.

"I asked if you were alright, commoner!" Concerned, I called out to her. Seeing that expression on her face made me feel… Icky. I couldn't clearly see if she was frowning or was she smiling, but I could tell it was something bad. 

"I-I'm fine! I'm just… Surprised, that's all… The pressure was a bit startling-" She shot her head up, her ahoge shivered as she gave a nervous smile towards me. Her yellow eyes went back to it's normal big bright form.

What pressure is she talking about? 

"I see, you didn't look too fine though." I patted some of the leaves on her hair, taking it off while patting her head at the same time. 

"You all look like you just went through hell… Lookin as fresh as ever though, Amatarini-chaaaaan!~" Yuutsu greeted us, her tail wagging happily.

"Do not address me so casually! And do not change the word elegant to something as casual as… As-! Fresh!" I exclaimed, huffing as I looked away and rolled my eyes. What kind of noble would address me as the honorific -chan?! Ack… Who does she think she is??

"Yuu-chan!" The small girl ran over to her, immediately wrapping her arms around the girl, happy that she could hug someone freely. Ugh, if she wanted a hug she could have just asked me… 

"Chu-chan!~ Ah, where did those two go? I saw Shiromoru-sama and Gakerumi-kun running away." She asked me, patting Yasachu that was just clinging on to her. 

"They were off on a date outside, Nika needs a break." I spoke, huffing as I saw the two being so affectionate with each other. It annoyed me, but I understood. They were both commoners, and a place filled with Nobles, comfort was rare. 

"A date? Seriously? Let's go follow them!" Her ears twitched, grinning mischievously. 

"Are you crazy?! Follow them? The fact that you even thought that makes me baffled." I rolled my eyes, retorting with what she said. 

"It's bad but… I am kind of curious, A-aren't you too, Amatarini-sama? I mean… You've been best friends with them for so long and yet… You aren't concerned about them dating? I mean, what if they fight? Your relationship of being best friends might not be the same anymore…" Yasachu spoke with her usual concerned smile, yet why did I feel like she was staring at me with such dead eyes? 

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