Chapter 104

173 10 3

Raijin POV

I whipped my head towards the falling trees, a gigantic pale ogre coming towards all of us, lava horns on its head while the other creatures behind it had all shapes and sizes. A wolf with magma teeth that was drooling lava, a humanoid with bird lava phoenix like wings, a hooded figure that had spikes and curved lava blades all around it's void body.

"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!" Those are... Demons! Chaos demons! What the hell, is she the one who made the demon war come quicker than it should have been?! Fuck it, fine you won! You destroyed the fucking game! But for what, for what?! I don't see myself changing, this whole plan is fucking insane!

Steam came out of my skin, sweat turning into mist.

The ogre picked up the two masked girls along with the shrine maiden, placing it on top of his head. Her cheshire smile filled her bratty face.

"Ara ara... This surely is interesting..." "D-demons..?"

"Fuck this shit! I can't anymore! How the hell are you even able to do this?!"

"U-uh... Oh-" "Tch. What is this about, Alien?"

"I-I-... Onee-sama do you... Think we can deal with them...?" "What... In the world is that...?"

"I know everyone is suuuuuuuper surprised, but I'm the gifted child of darkness, demons are just my friends. Give me that girl and I will spare everyone here, and I'll give you the shrine maiden too!" She gestured her hand towards Yasachu, smirking and snickered. "All I want is the world, so I can finally end this prison of red strings."

"You want to kill Yasachu?! But what for, what has she done to you?! To do everything in this extreme?! You do understand if you do this, you'll get executed no matter what!" Shukona yelled, a bead of sweat going down her chin.

"Bleh, doesn't matter! She made me stuck in this world, in this form, the fact I'm being forced to love someone who's nothing more than a placeholder disgusts me!" She stood up, snapping her fingers to signal the other demons to rush forward. "I never wanted to do this, but I knew from the start talking wouldn't work. You all are just being clouded by that girl, don't you understand?! Everyone is in a spell, that curse of mine was just breaking everyone free!" Her yells distorted her face, spit and sweat flying outward.

"This bitch-" The fact that she holds this much power makes me wonder what her role in this world is, the demon lord? No, that didn't exist in the story... Wait- No, there was someone who was like that in the game! It wasn't a demon lord, but it was repeated so many times in the war arc that everyone speculated she was one of the unknown capture targets!

The hooded blade man dashed, I lowered myself to the ground and jumped towards him being boosted by my flames. A large lava scythe replaced his hand, reeling it to the side and slashed me with it. I grabbed the blade before it hit my body, the heat of it scorched my sleeves and flesh.

"Fire? Asshole, that's my element!" I screamed, a spark from my roar was created in my collar and set fire to half of my shirt. The curved metal flitched, and I let go of it, spun my body to pound my feet into his head. My rage rivaling his heat, he bashed his blade towards my shoulder but before he could reach it, I took a side step and leapt into his back.

Curved air blades pummeled the front of the hooded figure, a sword's blade parting the flames around us, I smirked. Yet spikes pierced my thighs, coming from the demon. Upon noticing it, I plummited myself above, kicking him down and making them stagger in the process. The knight's blade arched up, slicing his throat and chin. The loss of blood made my vision blurry, creating a burst of flames to land softly on the ground. Damn it! What the fuck?! I can't move my legs or hands!

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