Chapter 58

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Nikami POV

"What? Are you serious? That's… I… I really don't know what to say…" She just stared at me, blinking in confusion. 

"It's weird, I don't know what the trigger was, or why specifically me… And the fact that there are more capture targets by the hour is getting irritating…" I sighed to myself. 

"But doesn't that mean it's kinda like magic?! You can see CGs even when she is so far from you! You know which route she is going to!" She exclaimed, now having a bright smile as she got an idea. 

"That's… Right… I never thought of it that way, with this, I can really plan ahead of time if I know which route she is going to. Rai… You're a genius." I stared back at her, without me knowing, my lips tugged to a smile. 

"I-it was just a small idea! You just… ya know, seemed so pessimistic about it I guess… And I wanted to cheer you up!" She chuckled nervously, patting my back as the smile faded from my face. Not that I was displeased, but it just naturally faded out. 

"I thought Nikami was supposed to be a realist! But now that it's you, you're a dorkist!" She exclaimed with a wheeze. 

"That is not how it works." I narrowed down my eyes at her. 

"That was a joke, smartass." She rolled her eyes, and as soon as she did so, the bell rang. 

"Well shit." She grumbled, folding her hands as she rolled her eyes. 

"You should go now." I told her, looking down at the notebook I was holding earlier. 

"Nah, Don't wanna." 


"I want to spend more time with you." She huffed, shifting her eyes away from me with a small blush on her face. 

"I appreciate the thought, but you should really go. I don't want to be the reason a prince is skipping class." I looked up and sighed.

"Come on!" She begged. 

"No, didn't I tell you we'll always see each other again? Stop being dumb and go." I tapped on my book as I told her that. 

"And apologize to Shu when you get back to your classroom, now go away already." I mumbled, laying back down on the bed and stared at the opposite direction of where Raijin was. 

"Wha…? Fuck, you're right, I should go apologize to Shu… See you then! Be safe, alright? And you should really fix your sharp tongue." She hopped out of the bed, patted me on the head, and before I could react she bolted out of the infirmary with a grin and chuckle. 

"Did you just-hey, wait a second-" I sat up, staring at the girl who just left. I only saw the edge of her cape when I glanced over at the door. 

"I can't believe that girl… She is so rude." I grumbled to myself, pouting as I went back, laying down on the bed, taking the blanket over my head and closing my eyes. Falling asleep immediately. 

When I woke up, I felt unusually cold, opening my eyes I saw a familiar green haired girl with glasses staring directly at me. 

"O-oh! U-uhm, I'm so so-so-so-sorry for looking at y-you! You were just-uhm, mu-muttering in your sle-sleep so I got worried a-and- A-aahh!!" Kikyou quickly tried to defend herself, dropping the multiple books she had on her hand and bent down to get them all. 

"It's fine, Kiyu-sama." I yawned, shaking my head as I sat up and looked down at her.

"I assume you were the one who took the blanket off me? It was quite cold." I continued to speak towards the girl who just became a nervous wreck. 

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