Chapter 79

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Nikami POV

As I held her neck for support, I felt the effect of my magic draining out, my throat felt like it was filled with rough sand. 

Due to that, Raijin slowed down, huffing as she glanced over at me, who was in her arms. 

"What the fuck was that earlier?!" She exclaimed, yelling at me as she paused to take a breath. 

"I… I told you," I paused to pant, "I don't… Know…"

My voice was unnaturally raspy, like I had been screaming for days on end, just saying a word felt like sandpaper on my throat. 

She had a puzzled expression on her face, but then she looked as if she figured it out. 

"Ahaha!" Raijin chuckled in an unfamiliar gigglish tone, giving me an understanding smile as she continued to walk. 

I was startled when she started to giggle at me, was she perhaps teasing me? How dare. 

"I couldn't think straight earlier when you activated your ability, but now I understand! <Authority>, that was Nikami's Personal Magic in the game! I think you accidentally turned it on, like I did with my own Personal Magic, <Wrath>." She continued to chuckle, wind brushing through her short hair as I stared at her at a low angle. 

Due to this, I noticed how sharp her jawline was. I resisted the urge to touch it, why did I even have that urge? I frowned, nodding at what she said and turning away.

"Is your throat alright? That's the drawback of Nikami's powers in the game… Her throat hurts so much she isn't able to talk for a few minutes, it isn't much of a problem for her since… She is Nikami, and she doesn't really talk as much. But that's in her case, what about you?" She asked, still looking forward and walking. We now started to walk near the side of the school, close to the dorms, yet the building was obscured by the forestry. 

I nodded silently, not saying a word. I looked back at her, feeling confused on why she was being… Oddly Mature. I furrowed my eyebrows, rolling my eyes as I nuzzled my head into her chest, trying to make her embarrassed. 

Why is it when she takes care of me, I feel self-conscious? Why do I feel like not moving? Why am I overthinking if I am being pathetic? What is this odd heat in my heart and face? 

Is this the feeling of being flustered? 

Did… Did I go crazy when we both kissed? 

No, perhaps I was already in a state of insanity when I was on top of her. 

"H-hey? What are you doing?" She asked me, still slightly chuckling as she looked down at me putting my head against her chest.

Why isn't she flustered? Where is her nervousness? This is unfair. Why am I the only one feeling this? How irritating

I pouted on the inside, rolling my eyes as I felt that I was still holding Yasachu's commoner dress. 


"<Ice Wall>" I casted around me, ice walls were floating around us, as if to protect me. 

"What are you doing?!" She exclaimed, wondering if I was in danger. So she stood on guard, stopping as she looked around. But she couldn't see properly with the foggy lenses of the ice

I started to unbutton my blazer and took it off, put it on my lap and continued to unbutton my shirt.

"H-hey?! Are you fucking insane?! Nikami what in the fuc-" I threw my glove at her, shutting her up with a small glare. 

FutsuYuri: I Wanted To Reincarnate Normally!! Not In This Yuri Game!!Where stories live. Discover now