Chapter 2- Hello Officer

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Samira's POV

I am so bored. This is such a long drive to my grandparents house. They live in a small town in Tennessee called Wolfcreek and I am coming to stay with them temporarily. I have nowhere else to go now and the thought makes me sad. I miss them. My parents were killed in a car accident a few months ago and life has been crazy ever since. I barely finished this semester of college and have felt really lost ever since. I have no siblings or cousins. Both my parents were only children too. My dad's parents have been gone since I was a baby so the only living relatives I have are my mom's parents. After everything happened, they told me to finish up the school year in New York and I could transfer down here for college while I lived with them. I appreciated the gesture although I wasn't thrilled about leaving the city to live in the country. It just really isn't my scene. But there is no way I could afford an apartment up in New York while I was attending school so this was really the only option. I am trying to make the best of it. I see the sign ahead for Wolfcreek. It's says it's 10 miles away. Thank God!! I am worn out from driving. I decide to push down on the accelerator a little more so I can get there faster. I am ready to crawl into bed. After about 5 miles, I pass a police officer driving in the opposite direction. I look down to my speedometer and realize I am going way over the speed limit. Fuck. I am screwed. About 30 seconds later, I see the headlights approach my rear view and I slow down and pull over. Here goes my perfect driving record. Damnit.

I roll the window down and see the officer approaching from the rear view. Holy shit he's built. Somebody has been taking too many steroids. As he comes into view, I lock eyes with the most amazing green eyes I have ever seen. Damn he's hot. I look over his face and I see beautiful jaw lines, gorgeous jet black hair and a perfect skin tone. He is yummy. I am speechless as I realize he is looking at me too. Is he checking me out? God I hope so. Wait. What am I saying? He's a cop and he has pulled me over for speeding. Just be quiet and answer his questions.

"Ma'am can I have your license and registration?" He says firmly with little emotion. I am sure I haven't made the best first impression.

"Yes officer." I stutter out as I go to grab them from my purse." He looks over my ID.

"Samira? Is that your name?" He asks laced with curiosity.

"Yes, sir but my family and friends all call me Sam." I reply. He stares at me for a second before he asks me to step out of my vehicle. "Wait, What? Why?" I question. "I didn't do anything wrong other than speeding." I say in my defense.

"I know you were speeding but you were actually reckless driving.  I am not so sure you haven't been drinking or you could be under the influence of narcotics for all that matter. I need to do a field sobriety test." He says. Is he for real?

"Are you serious officer?" I ask.

"Ma'am, I suggest you do what I say or I will have to place you under arrest." Omg. What the hell? I quickly exit my car slamming the door behind me. He asks me to follow him as I now am standing between both of our vehicles with headlights shining down on me as he makes me complete a test to make sure I am not driving drunk. Fucking asshole.
If he only knew how badly I hate drunk drivers.

" Are we finished up here?" I ask irritably.

"Yes." He responds simply.

I start to walk back to my car when I trip over something and start to fall face first to the ground. But before I feel what I expect to be a hard impact, I am swept up into the most muscular set of arms I have ever felt in my life. As the officer holds me I feel jolts of electricity pass through our bodies with his touch. Oh my. That feels amazing. But why the hell am I feeling like this? I am mad. I am irritated with him.

"Thank you." I eventually mutter as I come out of my trance and I quickly get into my car as he follows behind me.

"Samira you really need to slow down. This isn't the city. It's a small town and people cross the street frequently. You could get someone killed." He says.

I gulp nervously holding back tears. Just like my parents. Damnit I don't want to cry in front of him. He looks into my eyes deeply with concern almost as if he could tell I was upset. I suck back the tears and simply say, "Yes, sir I will slow down. I am sorry." I look to him to see if the conversation is done.

He finishes by saying, "I am not going to write you a ticket this time but I will if I ever see you driving this fast again."

Geez ok I get it. I simply nod and I see him walk back to his vehicle. As he gets in, I slowly make my way back onto the road and head to my grandparents house. Not a good way to start off in a new town. Ugh.

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