Chapter 17-Even More Complicated Than We Thought

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Samira's POV

Things move fast between Jared and I over the next few weeks. He decided his wolf couldn't stand to be away from me and he has a need to want to make sure I am ok at all times, so I moved into the pack house. I am not staying in his room though I am in a guest room. I have met several werewolves while staying here and they have all been extremely nice. We mostly hang out with Lance and Raven. I have learned that Lance is Jared's beta and that means he is second in command when something is wrong with the Alpha or if the alpha is away from the pack for a period of time. Jared has not told anyone in the pack about me being his mate yet. We decided to keep it on the down low until we figured out how we are going to approach the whole human/werewolf mate situation. There are a lot of werewolves that frown upon humans and werewolves being mates apparently. They know I am human because they can sense who is a werewolf and who isn't. I wish I had that capability. I think it's ridiculous that they frown upon mates being human because you cannot control who you are destined to be with. It doesn't stop the werewolf men from hitting on me here and there though. Jared growls at them to back off anytime they get near me. It's actually hilarious and it's fun to mess with him a little bit.

We still haven't found the woman that is supposed to have information for us on human/werewolf mate bonds but apparently Jared's parents may have some information for us. He told them about me and they are eager to come meet me according to him. I am very nervous to meet the previous alpha and luna. They are on their way to visit us and I have never felt so uneasy in my life. What if they don't like me?! What if I don't meet their expectations? I mean I am human and they are werewolves. What if they think I am beneath them? I am torn away from my thoughts when I feel a familiar set of arms wrap around me from behind.

"Do you know how good you look today? I wish I could bend you over this counter right now." Jared says with a smile.

"Jared!" I yell as I turn around and slap his arm.

"Your parents are going to be here any minute and you can't be saying things like that in front of them. You also need to get your mind in the right place and out of the gutter!" I say.

"You are right, I am sorry please forgive me." He says with a chuckle.

I peck his lips and say "You are forgiven."

We stare at each other with affection for a few moments when the door bell rings and breaks us from our trance.

"They're here." He says to me before turning to head towards the front door.

I follow behind him. As he opens up the front door we are met with a pair of smiling faces. Jared's father is the same height as he is with a very similar build. He is very handsome too. Jared has his eyes and facial features. Jared's mother is beautiful. Her dark hair and dark complexion are absolutely stunning. Jared gets those features from her. She is also built like a brick shit house. What is it with the werewolf gene? I want to be one too.

"Mom, Dad so good to see you." Jared beams at them and they embrace him in a hug.

"This is Samira, Samira this is my parents." He introduces me to them.

"It's very nice to meet you." I say shyly.

His mother comes up to me and looks me directly in the eye. It was very intimidating and I almost thought she was going to say something mean to me but then she puts on a huge grin, wipes a tear from her eye, and squeezes me so hard in a hug that I thought I might lose Oxygen for a moment.

"She is breathtaking." She says to Jared while looking at me.

"Thank you." I say embarrassed by her compliment.

"I am so glad my boy has finally met his mate. You will make a wonderful Luna." She says still half holding me in a hug.

"Let's go have a seat on the couch." Jared says to them as we all make our way to the living room.

We were wanting to know what you all knew about human and werewolf mate bonds?" Jared cuts right to the point.

"Well son, we have seen this once before in our life time, it's very rare so we don't have a ton of information to offer you." His father answers.

"Well you have to know something then?" Jared questions then. I just sit there quietly absorbing all the information I can as I listen.

"I don't know if you are going to like what you hear or not." His mother says with a bit of remorse.

Shit. That sounds bad.

"Will it hurt Samira if I mate with her and mark her?" Jared asks laced with worry.

"Well that's one thing I'm not sure about because I never witnessed a werewolf mark a human before." She answers him.

"But you just said you have seen a mate bond between a human and a werewolf before so you must know what happens once they mate and mark each other." Jared replies.

"That's not what I said. I said we have seen a mate bond happen between a human and werewolf before, but we didn't get to witness what would have happened had he marked his mate." She says reluctantly.

I don't like where this is going at all. I feel it in my gut.

"I am so confused." Jared says bewildered.

"Son, what you need to understand is that the situation you are in is very complicated." His mom continues.

"Really? I hadn't noticed." Jared replies with sarcasm.

"Jared." His dad says firmly authority booming from him.

Jared sits there quietly. Even though his dad is no longer the alpha of the pack, he is still Jared's dad. He is so lucky to have both of his parents still with him. That thought hurts my chest a little bit.

"What I am trying to say is that humans and werewolves each get a soulmate. A person they are destined to be with. But in your circumstance you get two and will eventually have to choose." His mom continues.

"What?" I ask completely confused by her statement.

"Well dear, what this means is that you have a human soulmate out there and Jared has a werewolf soulmate out there and then you are mated to one another. So you have to choose when the time comes which one you are going to be with forever." She finishes.

Oh my God. How completely unfair. This is horrible.

Before I even have a chance to respond Jared is screaming in anger.

"No! This isn't right. It has to be wrong. You are wrong. So what the moon goddess played some sick joke on me? Wait I think you guys are just messing with me. You are messing with me right." Jared asks desperately.

He wants what they just said to be wrong. So do I. I want to be with Jared.

"I wish this was a joke. It's not though son. Eventually you will find your werewolf mate and will have to make a choice between Samira and her. Samira will have to do the same." His father says.

A loud growl rumbles through the room. I look around searching for a wild animal or something but then soon realize that that growl came from Jared. It doesn't take long before I see him storm out the front door and leap into the air but when he lands back on the ground he is in wolf form. He runs away rapidly into the woods and quickly out of site. My life just got even more screwed up than it already is. What are we going to do?

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