Chapter 6- Date Night

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Samira's POV

I stand here looking in the mirror at myself. I guess I look alright. I fixed my hair and make-up, I put on a sundress that ends right about the knee, I put on my strappy sandals, and a jean jacket and I am ready to go. I look at the time. 6:55 pm. He will be here any minute. I am so nervous. I mean I shouldn't be right? It's just an innocent little date. When I told my grandparents I was going on a date with him tonight you would have thought I told them we won the lottery. Grandma went on and on about what an eligible bachelor he was, and how he never went out with anyone so I must be pretty special, blah, blah, blah. I thought it was funny but I wasn't making near the big deal that she was about it.

I hear the doorbell ring and I head down the steps. The sight I see at the end of them takes my breath away. He's dressed in a nice shirt that shows off his spectacular muscles and he's wearing khakis and a nice jacket to finish it off. He looks really good. I mean he looks good in uniform too but I have never seen him in his regular clothes before. I notice him checking me out too.

"You look stunning." He says as he holds out some flowers for me.

How sweet. "Thank you. They are lovely." I say.

My grandma takes them and puts them in a vase. We say our goodbyes and we are off to dinner.

We arrive at the restaurant and Jared is quite the gentleman. He opens the doors for me, pulls out my chair at the table to sit in and is extremely sweet. We order our food and begin to get to know each other.

"So...tell me about yourself. I know you are the police chief and all but what about your family? Friends?" I ask.

"Well, my parents stay very busy being retired and all. They live a few hours away. I also have a brother but he and I don't see eye to eye. He is 2 years younger than I am and he moved away 2 years ago. I haven't seen or talked to him since. I have a best friend Lance. I spend most of my time with him. When I am not working." He explains.

He is so cute.

"What about you?" He asks.

"Well as I told you, I lost my parents in a car accident a few months ago. I have no brothers or sisters. Just my grandparents. Without them I would have no one. I got out of a bad relationship last year. He was just an asshole that would rather run around on me than have a serious relationship." I tell him.

"Well you didn't deserve any of that and I am so sorry. You seem like a wonderful girl. I don't know why but I feel a strong connection to you." He tells me sincerely.

My heart flutters in my chest.

I am sure my cheeks are flushed. He looks at me with so much desire. It's almost unnerving. He reaches out to grab my hand across the table and sparks ignite where he touches. It's a euphoric feeling.

We finish our meal talking and laughing and just enjoying each other's company. We get to know a lot about each other. I find out Jared is a work-a-holic and I tell him all about my crazy college years. We sit there way too long as the waiter starts to get impatient and annoyed with us we decide to head out.

As we leave the restaurant there is a lake that it overlooks and it's really breathtaking with the sun setting off into the distance.

"Gorgeous." I say simply.

"I know." he replies back looking at me.

Something tells me he wasn't talking about the sunset just now. There is an intense look exchanged between us making me feel a little awkward.

I am the first to break our little staring contest and I say "I want to thank you for a really good time. I enjoyed myself."

I really did. It was fun.

"Absolutely. It was my pleasure. I have never met anyone quite like you Samira. You are so smart and ambitious and you have an infectious smile and laugh." He says.

I blush profusely before thanking him. "I have to admit when I first met you, I didn't know what to think. You intimidated me. But the more I have gotten to know you, the more I see the kind and caring man you really are." I tell him honestly.

He smiles back at me and I could have sworn I saw a pink tint to his cheek.

We walk back to his car and drive back to my grandparents house in silence. It's so weird because we were really enjoying ourselves tonight and then it just got weird. I don't understand. I could sense tension. Jared was squeezing the wheel tightly as he drove and had a very intense look on his face. I felt fidgety and nervous. It was just so strange. Once we pulled into the driveway, I thanked him once more before getting out of his vehicle and walking up the sidewalk onto the porch. Before I could go inside though, I hear Jared yell for me to wait. So I did, I turn around to see him running up behind me and he meets me on the porch.

"Yeah? Did I forget something??" I question not sure why he had me stop. He gets close to me, grabbing my hands and pulling me towards him.

"I have been wanting to do this all evening and I can't leave until I do." He says.

My heartbeat accelerates. What is he talking about? All of the sudden he crashes his lips to mine in a very urgent kiss filled with need and desire. We continue to kiss for a minute before I feel his tongue lick my bottom lip asking for entrance into my mouth. I grant him this when I open my mouth and our tongues dance together smoothly and seductively. God this feels so good. This is definitely what all the tension was about in the car. He holds me impossibly close to him as we continue to make out on my grandparents porch. Finally needing air, I break the kiss. But not before kissing his cheek lightly.

"That was" ...I trail off ....

"The best kiss I have ever had." He finishes the sentence for me.

"You took the words right out of my mouth." I say.

We chuckle for a moment before saying good night. I walk inside and shut the door behind me. Smiling I walk upstairs and get ready for bed. As I lay in bed trying to sleep, my thoughts are consumed with Jared. We definitely have great chemistry. There is just something about him. We have a weird connection. It's intense. He's so good looking too. I know I keep having weird dreams about him but I think he is just in my subconscious. I hope we get to go out on another date soon. Those are my last thoughts before I let sleep consume me.

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