Chapter 29-The Misunderstanding

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Jared's POV

As I head out of the bathroom, I happen to see Turner out of the corner of my eye. I kind of keep myself out of his view as I make my way over closer to him. As I approach, I notice he is talking to a waitress and is being very flirty. Fucking bastard. You are going to choose that over Samira? Are you fucking crazy? She's your mate you fucking idiot. He is just thinking with his dick. That's it. He doesn't care about her. He doesn't deserve her. It's then that I see him grab the waitress's ass and whispers something in her ear. It looks like they exchange numbers and he walks away. I can't wait to tell Samira. What a prick!! Cheating and lying bastard. I make my way back out to the dining room but then notice that everyone is gone. They must have gone ahead outside. I walk out to find them.

Samira's POV

I am currently outside talking to Paige. I don't like the way she is acting. Seems to be pissed off or something. It's not my fault we happened to decide to go out to the same place to eat. At the same time. It was just really bad timing and a weird coincidence. Paige starts questioning me and it makes me feel uncomfortable. I am starting to get angry and I don't lose my cool very often.

"Don't you plan to go live a life somewhere else? This is a boring little town with nothing here for you. You could go be with your old friends and have a good life. It has to be boring living with your grandparents." Paige says with a snicker.

This bitch is mocking me and I have had enough.

"Look, it was never my intention to stay forever to begin with. It was only ever a temporary situation. I plan to move soon." I answer back firmly.

It's none of her business who I stay with and what I do. I don't plan to live with my grandparents forever. She's really putting her nose where it doesn't belong. She looks back at me wide-eyed. Geez I didn't snap back at her that bad did I? I then realize it's not me she is looking at it's the person behind me. I turn around to be face to face with Jared. He looks really pissed off.

Jared's POV

As I make my outside I notice that the girls are standing over in front of a nice outside seating area deep in conversation. I look around for that deuschebag Turner, but he is nowhere in sight right now. I can't wait to out him to Samira. I walk over towards the girls and I see them having an intense conversation. When I am close enough to hear what they are talking about I hear the words I never wanted to hear from Samira.

"It was never my intention to stay forever to begin with. It was only ever a temporary situation. I plan to move soon."

My heart feels like it just shattered into a million pieces. The girl I have been so crazy about never planned to stay here? She knows this is my home and my pack land. I would never leave. I am the alpha. She was just playing with me this whole time. I thought she changed all her previous plans after she discovered our connection. She's going to leave with her fuckboy. She just used me. I am fucking livid.

Samira's POV

Why does he look so angry? What the hell is going on?

"Fuck you!" Is all Jared managed to blurt out as he walks away quickly.

What the fuck did I do? I run after him and struggle to keep up.

"Wait Jared, I don't understand what you are talking about? Why are you so mad?" I ask bewildered.

"Did you seriously think I was just going to leave with you? Say fuck everything I ever worked for and go? You have nothing for you anywhere else. But it's just not good enough for you here. I am not good enough!" He yells at me.

I am so confused. What is he talking about?

"I never said..." is all I manage to get out before he manages to interrupt me.

"I heard what you said loud and clear. Well guess what? My pack and I don't need someone like you around? A weak, worthless human. An orphan that only cares about herself." Ouch. That hurt.

With tears in my eyes I just stare back at him in udder disbelief. He didn't hear the other side of that conversation. He thinks I was planning to leave him.

"No please you don't understand.." I say before he again stops me.

"You know what? Save it for your boyfriend. You must be planning to leave with him."

He nods his head in the direction that I see Turner finally coming from. What took him so long?

"You guys deserve each other. Have a nice life together." He says before storming off practically dragging Paige behind him.

Well that didn't go well at all. And I have never felt so broken hearted. What he said just broke me. Is that how he really feels? All the while I felt like I was going to choose him since we have much more of a connection. Boy did I almost make the wrong choice. How could I have been so wrong about him?

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