Chapter 35-Finally Found Release

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Jared's POV

It's been about 3 weeks since Samira has gotten released from the hospital and she's doing very well. She got her cast off a week ago and her ribs barely hurt anymore according to her. I am still a bit skeptical. She has been trying to get me to do things with her but I just am not allowing it to happen until she has her check up next week. I need to have the ok from the doc.

I finish up my pack duties and I check in with my guys at the precinct. I have taken a leave of absence until Samira is completely back to normal. It's been a nice break but I am planning to go back next week. Samira has been talking about job hunting. I told her she didn't need to work but she is determined to do something. She said she refuses to sit around and be a "housewife." My little spitfire.

We finally talked about the night outside the restaurant when she was talking about leaving. She was talking about leaving her grandparents house not Wolfcreek. She said Paige was picking at her and she got tired of listening to her make fun of the fact that she lives with her grandparents. Just another way that Paige was a total bitch.

After finishing up for the day, I go to my master bathroom to take a quick shower and then I plan to go check on Samira. After I finish up with my shower I walk around trying to find where she is. I finally catch up to her outside swimming in the pool. I walk outside and sit in the lounge chair while I await for her to see me. She locks eyes with me and begins to smile. She swims to the ladder and starts to climb up. Holy mother of Jesus. I can't believe what she is wearing. Well I should say what she isn't wearing. She is wearing a bikini that doesn't leave much to the imagination. It's way too revealing.

"Samira." I say firmly. "Get a towel and cover yourself up." I demand.

"Umm...excuse me?" She says.

"That swimsuit is way too revealing. I don't like it." I tell her.

"Ohh... so the big bad alpha is mad at me then." She then bends over slowly and seductively in front of me toweling herself off.

It reveals her beautiful cleavage. She then turns around and bends over so I get a perfect view of her luscious ass. She's teasing me. I am not in the mood for this.

"Not cool Samira. You know I am extremely protective and I can't have all these guys looking at you." I explain.

"Well that's the only way I would get any type of sexual attention these days." She says.

Ouch. Really? She storms past me, grabs her towel and wraps it around her and walks inside. I follow behind her and follow her up to her room. I slam the door behind me.

"What the fuck was that supposed to mean?!" I yell at her.

"Exactly what I said. I need to feel loved and needed. You act like you are going to break me if you touch me or if you show me any affection it will show weakness. It really bothers me." She explains.

"Baby, I love you and want you. You know this. But I am waiting until we go to the doctor next week before I touch you. I want to make sure everything is ok." I tell her as I walk over to her and place my hand on her shoulder.

She pulls away from my touch. "Jared, I am fine!! I have told you that for the past week. I am extremely sexually frustrated. I haven't done anything in months. You prance around here looking like a delicious snack and you won't even touch me. You tell me how possessive you are of me but you don't even hardly come near me! It's fucking with my mind!!!" She screams at me.

I can't take it anymore. I have to show her how much I want her.

In a matter of seconds I have her caged up against the wall towering over her.

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