Chapter 9- Pity Party

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Jared's POV

Three days. I haven't spoken to Samira in three days and it is killing me. The mate bond for me is getting stronger but it's obviously not the same for her since she's not a werewolf. It kills me not being able to touch her and be near her. The need to constantly protect her is so strong. That's why I hit that son of a bitch in the club the other night. I knew from the moment I met him that he was a werewolf. We can tell. Alpha werewolves can also hear other werewolve's thoughts unless they block me from hearing them. It's one of the advantages of being an alpha. I heard all the nasty things that guy was thinking about Samira. What he wanted to do to her. I honestly wish I had murdered him. I have to restrain myself in front of Samira because she doesn't know. Plus I honestly don't kill other werewolves unless they give me a reason to. But he surely did. No one thinks those things about my girl.

I wish I could hear Samira's thoughts. But because she is a human I can't. It's so frustrating. I can't tell what she is thinking or how she truly feels about me. She thinks that I think of her as property but that's not it at all. It's all about keeping her safe. She just doesn't get it because she's human. If she were a werewolf too she would understand. She would be possessive of me as well.

She just completely consumes my thoughts. She looked so good in that dress the other night. I wanted her to go change because she looked hot. I also wanted to tear that dress off of her and fuck the hell out of her against her living room wall. Goddess what is she doing to me? I let my anger overcome me and I drive my fist through the wall before shifting into my wolf form and taking off through the woods.

Samira's POV

Well I haven't heard from Jared since our argument after our date and I have to admit I miss him. Did I overreact about him? I mean he was trying to protect me. I just don't want him to think I am some poor woman that can't handle when a man acts like an asshole. I can take care of myself regardless of what he thinks. And I am not his property and he is not my boss. Although I would like for him to boss me around in the bedroom. Stop it Samira. Quit thinking dirty thoughts.

I mean it could be over between us. I haven't heard from him so maybe he doesn't like me or isn't interested anymore. These thoughts make me sad. I don't think I want it to be over between us. We just had a fight. We can work it out right? Ugh. I need some ice cream. I decide to go get some at the local diner. I head outside. It's starting to get dark out and the night air is getting cooler. I put on a sweatshirt and I grab my keys and get in my car.

I arrive at the diner and I walk inside and order an ice cream sundae with all the trimmings. I sit alone in a booth enjoying my own pity party and I don't even notice when another person approaches my table. I suddenly look up and am startled as I never even heard him coming.

"We meet again." He says.

I look into his eyes trying to figure out where I have met him before. My eyes widen a bit when it finally dawns on me. He's the guy from the club who couldn't keep his hands to himself. He looks like even more of a sleeze ball in a more well lit area. Gross. His hair is slicked back, he's tall and well built but he's not attractive at all. He has an arrogance about him and I don't like it. He gives me the creeps.

"Yeah. I am just waiting for my friend to get here. Have a nice evening." I reply. Take the hint buddy and just go.

"Wow, rude much? Just trying to make conversation and you are being a bitch. Was just wanting to see if you wanted some company." He says acting hurt.

He's a terrible actor though. He's just trying to get some and it's obvious. I am not interested.

"Well sorry but I'm really just waiting for my friend and want to just sit here in peace until he gets here. And just so you know calling me a "bitch" is not going to make me want to talk to you." I reply angrily.

He comes closer to me making me extremely uncomfortable. He reaches out brushing his hand across my face. His touch makes bile rise up in the back of my throat.

"Well that's too bad. We could have had a lot of fun together. Sorry you are going to miss out on this." He says pointing down to himself like he is the best thing since sliced bread. Not even close buddy. Eww.

He gives me a cocky smirk and turns around and leaves the diner. Thank God. I finish up my ice cream, pay the waitress and then gather my things and head to my car. Just as I am about to get inside, an arm wraps around my body tightly and a hand covers my mouth before I can even let out a scream. I try to fight them but the person is too strong. They carry me off and throw me into a van, shutting it and locking it after they get inside after me. There is a person already inside of the van that holds me from behind while the other person works to keep me restrained. The person that grabbed me has their face covered up and they quickly place duct tape on my mouth, and hand cuff my hands and legs together so I can't scream, move, kick, or fight back. I am screwed. Panic starts to set in but a really sick feeling in my stomach surfaces when the person that had been holding me down from behind now moves in front of me so I can see him.

"Now are you ready to get to know each other better?" The sick bastard asks with a smile that makes me nauseous.

The guy from the club has just kidnapped me and I have no clue what I am going to do. Jared was right about him. Damnit I need him to come find me. Please God let Jared find me.

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