Chapter 32- Ultimate Rejection

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Jared's POV

I am currently working out in my gym trying to get my discussion with Samira yesterday off my mind. She's leaving. She doesn't want me. That son of a bitch Turner dumped her. I am just so angry. I am lifting weights and my anger starts to get the best of me so I take the weights and throw them as hard as I can across the room. I leave a huge dent in the wall. Fuck. I have to learn how to deal with this. And I may have to accept Paige as my mate. But the thing is I really don't want to. Paige and I get along fine and do have fun together but the way I feel about her is not even close to what I feel for Samira. Plus Paige has been acting weird the past few days. I have been trying to read her mind but she has put a block up. It's a bit unsettling. Usually she is an open book. Her thoughts most of the time consist of fucking the hell out of me which I really can't complain about. But sex is meaningless if that's all the relationship is about. Sure it might be fun and may give you some relief from frustration, but if you don't truly love the person you are with, it just isn't the same. I don't know if I will ever be as happy with Paige as I would be with Samira. I don't feel half as protective of her. I don't yearn to be around her. I don't love her. I love Samira. This sudden realization almost knocks the wind from me. I love her. I haven't told her that either. I have to tell her now before she leaves me. Even if she decides to still leave me she has to know how I feel. And it will make me feel so much better telling her the whole truth. I have to go now. I glance at the clock. It's 7:00 pm. I am going to go take a quick shower and go find Samira.

Before I leave the house I text Paige to let her know I will call her later that I have pack business to attend to. I know it's a lie but I will just have to deal with her later. I am hoping there's a chance that Samira will forgive me and decide to stay. I head to her grandparent's house to see if she is there. I don't see her car though. Wonder where she could be? I will try to track her with my keen sense of smell. I drive around our small town searching for her vehicle but am unable to find her anywhere. I feel a sense of panic rush over me. I have had this feeling before. Something is wrong with Samira. I stop my car along the side of the road and run to the woods so I can transform into wolf form. I shift quickly and take off full sprint through the forest as I try to track my mate. I am able to track her sent to a small cabin in the woods that I didn't even realize was ever there. It's sort of quaint and cozy. I wonder who lives here? It's then as I look around that I notice Samira's car. What the hell is going on? I decide to sneak up to a window that I see light beaming through. It's just turned dark so it would be hard for anyone to see me since my fur is jet black.

I approach the window and I instantly see Paige standing there with another guy talking. The window is cracked open so I listen.

"Look, we need to be smart about this. We got her here, now what's the plan?" The unknown guy asks Paige.

"I am in charge here. I know exactly what I am doing." Paige tells him.

What the fuck is going on? I continue to listen as closely as I can, but they are whispering and it's hard to make out. Then suddenly Samira appears in the room they are in. She looks absolutely stunning. She takes my breath away.

"Umm, thanks for letting me use the restroom. So when will Jared be here? I am glad you decided we needed to sit down and talk things out together like adults. He needs to hear the whole story about what we were discussing that night outside of the restaurant and I need to apologize for the way I have treated him lately."

She's so sweet and beautiful and kind. Goddess I love her so much. But wait. Why does she think I am coming here? What the hell? My thoughts are interrupted as Paige begins to speak.

"He will be here soon. Please have this glass of wine as a peace offering. I am sorry we had that misunderstanding before." Paige says with a smile.

I don't like this. Something is off. Samira takes a drink and then asks "Who is this?" As she points to the unidentified male.

"Oh, this is my brother Chase. He's here visiting me for a week. He rented this cabin." She tells her.

"Oh, that's nice." Samira slurs.

Wait, how many has she had to drink? Then all of the sudden Samira slumps over on the couch. What the fuck?

"Now!" Yells Paige to Chase. In an instant they are in wolf form and they grab Samira flinging her over Chase's back and they take off out the back door.

Like fuck. I take off after them running as quickly as I can. What are they doing with her? That fucking bitch Paige I will tear her limb from limb if she hurts Samira. What the fuck was in that drink?

I am almost caught up to them when they change course and I lose them. Fuck! They must have sensed someone was following them. Panic begins to set in. I have to get to Samira. I have to save her. I can't let Paige win. All of the sudden I am knocked over by a large brown wolf. He's almost as big as me but not quite. It must be Chase. Get ready to die you son of a bitch. He pins me for a moment but I quickly get the upper hand and knock him off of me and throw him and he crashed into some nearby trees. This leaves him dazed for a moment which give me the advantage. I quickly pin him to the ground. He fights back clawing at me and biting. What a little bitch. I have had enough of this. I have to get to Samira. It's hard to tell what Paige is doing with her. With one swift motion I tear his throat out and throw it into the woods. He lies there motionless. There's one bastard dead.

I jump up quickly searching to find Paige and Samira. I hear some rustling in some bushes nearby. I dart in that direction to find a sight that sickens me more than anything I have ever seen in my life. There lies Samira. Beaten, bruised, and huge gashes and cuts on her body. Her body is limp. She is completely helpless. The sight of her makes me weak. Until I see Paige in wolf form. Her block is down so I can hear her thoughts.

"Poor, poor Samira." She snickers evilly. "You just couldn't leave us alone so Jared and I could be together. Well now I no longer have to worry about you. You will be dead and I am going to make it look like an accident so Jared and I can be together without you. Say hi to mommy and daddy for me." Paige sneers as she lunges towards Samira attempting to push her over the side of a large cliff.

Over my dead body.

I dart across the clearing as fast as I can until I tackle Paige before she can push Samira over the edge of the cliff. Paige looks up at me in complete fear. I talk to her through mind link.

"You fucking evil bitch!! Like I would fucking ever want to be with you now! You are psychotic and insane and I can't stand the sight of you! I hope you burn in hell!" I scream as I slit her throat and watch her slowly bleed out until she is no longer breathing.

That's what I call rejection. As soon as I know she is dead, I run to Samira to assess her injuries. I lean down to make sure she is still breathing. She has a very faint pulse. But she is near death. I grab her and throw her onto my back and I run as fast as I can through the woods to get to the pack house. I have to get her to Dr. Edwards so he can save her. Please Goddess let him save her.

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