Chapter 13- Jared's a What????

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Samira's POV

Lance is driving us down a dark country road that he says will take us to the place to get help for the wolf. I find myself becoming overwhelmed with worry and emotion from everything that happened tonight. I may seriously need to get out of this town very soon. Ever since I have been here I have had nothing but bad luck. Really the past 6 months have been hell for me. Maybe I need to move out of the country and make a new life for myself? My thoughts are interrupted when we turn down a long, windy, and steep driveway. We climb up it slowly until we reach the top of a hill and a big beautiful mansion comes into view. Is this the vet's house? I bet he's not going to want to help us take care of a wild animal? Then I see a sight I didn't think I would be that excited to see. Jared's police car.

"Lance, is that Jared's car? Is he here?" I ask my voice laced with hope.

"Umm, yes he is. But I need you to help me get this wolf inside before you see him. After all, he is a wild animal and you managed to get him to trust you enough to put him in this van. First we need to go inside and find the doc and then we will all come back to get him." He says with a smile.

"Ok. I will." I say in return.

We walk inside the huge home and I have to say it's absolutely gorgeous. It has a very rustic and homey feel with a large stone fireplace and open floor plan. It's decorated beautifully too. This doc has good taste.

Lance turns to me and says, "Wait here while I find the doc."

I hope the doctor isn't mad we are just barging into his house but Lance seems to think it's fine. I don't question it, I just want to get the wolf help and I really want to see Jared. I need to talk to him. I wait for a few minutes before I see Lance reappear with a middle aged man following behind him.

"Hello, my name is Dr. Edwards. I am going to take a look at the al...wolf. Can you please help us get him inside?" He asks kindly.

"Sure." I reply back simply.

We go out to the van and open the doors to see the black wolf still passed out from the trauma. His wounds are slowly healing and there's a lot of blood in the back of the vehicle. I slowly pet his face and he begins to wake up. He stares into my eyes and I almost get lost for a minute in them. They look so familiar. Like I have looked at them before. The wolf then looks at the two men and begins to stand up. Shit. I hope he doesn't try to run away and he isn't frightened. He calmly climbs out of the van.

The two men exchange a look and then say "Please follow us inside."

Ha! They are taking to the wolf like he is a person and will understand them. They have lost their minds. He's probably going to attack us all.

But to my complete and utter shock he just follows behind them into the mansion. I pick my jaw up from the ground. What?? Wow this doctor must be a wolf whisperer or something. Amazing. I just follow behind them in complete astonishment. As we come inside we go down into the basement of the home where there seems to be a large clinic. Ah, so the doc must see patients here at his home. That makes sense now. Dr. Edwards goes up to a metal surgical table and pats it to signal the wolf to climb up. He does this without a fight. Ok so he is either really injured and has lost his mind or is extremely tame? I sit there completely baffled and listen as the doctor makes his examination. After a few minutes, he looks at Lance and I and begins to tell us his diagnosis.

"So, he has very deep lacerations all over his body and has lost a lot of blood. That's why he is weak. They are healing very slowly and that concerns me. I need to take some blood work and run some tests. I am going to hook him up to an IV. Can you please look after him while I do this? Make sure he stays still and rests?" The doctor asks.

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