Chapter 14- Mates?

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Samira's POV

I am sitting in the basement of a mansion with a bunch of crazy people. I thought those two assholes that kidnapped me were psychos, but Lance is certifiably insane. I stand there in disbelief at the claims he is making. I am frozen and I can't move even though I want to runaway from him. I don't even know what I am feeling or thinking right now. I am just completely shocked. Lance looks at me intently for a few mins in silence. Finally he says,

"Say something."

Really? What do you want me to say?

"I don't even know what to say back to a crazy statement like that." I say tiredly.

I just want to go home and go to bed now and not even think or deal with any of this anymore.

"I know you don't believe me," Lance says interrupting "but I can prove it to you. Tell him you accept him as a mate and I think he will turn back to his human form." He finishes.

He has seriously lost his mind. I am going to get him a phone number to a good psychiatrist.

"What do you have to lose? Just please try it. If nothing happens then you can leave here and never come back. We will never bother you again. Just please try." He begs.

I sit there silently thinking for a few moments and then I finally say "Fine. But I am leaving right after I do this ridiculous thing. Nothing is going to happen. You all have lost your minds."

I know he's not going to quit until I do this. As soon as nothing happens, I am running out of this place. I walk over to the table where the wolf is laying quietly. I pet it's head and it opens it eyes for a moment and purrs. Really? Wolves purr? That was weird. I then say the words that Lance asked me to say to get this over with so I can go home.

"I, Samira, accept you Jared as my mate." I say slowly and clearly.

After a few seconds, I turn to leave because it's obvious nothing is going to happen but I suddenly turn back around when I hear the wolf growling. I look at the site in front of me in disbelief. The wolf is growling and howling in pain as his body contorts and stretches. It looks like something out of a horror movie. My mouth drops open in shock and I can't help but stare at the sight in front of me. After about a minute, a very naked man is laying on the table where the wolf once was. That man is Jared. Overwhelmed with shock and emotion, I pass out.

I am awakened by hands stroking my face. It feels like sparks jolting me to life. I open them up to see Jared looking down at me and smiling. I notice he is no longer naked as someone has brought him some shorts. His top half is shirtless though and oh my Lord to look at him is like looking at an underwear model. He's nothing but muscles and it's hot.

I forget for a moment what just happened and then he reminds me by saying "Thank you so much for accepting me as your mate. I accept you too."

Before I can process what he has said he leans down and kisses me passionately. I get completely lost in his kiss. This feels much more intense and urgent than any kiss we have had before. It's much more needy. The sparks and tingles have also intensified. God he feels so amazing. Like I am floating on a cloud. We are rudely interrupted by Lance clearing this throat. We stop and look over to him and Dr. Edwards. They are beaming with excitement. I must really be in the twilight zone or something.

My boyfriend is a werewolf. What the hell? Jared helps me up and Lance and Dr. Edwards excuse themselves so we have time to talk about everything. As soon as they leave Jared wastes no time caging me in against the wall and kissing me again passionately. His mouth devours mine and his tongue invades my mouth. He then breaks the kiss just to trail kisses down my neck. He stops when he notices my appearance. He then growls.

"I am so glad I killed those sick assholes that did this to you. I told you that you were mine and I will always protect you no matter what." He states. "

"Wait, what? They were werewolves too?" I ask surprised.

Well I guess I am not surprised considering the whole fang thing. That's why they were gone when I opened my eyes. They were the other wolves that he killed. He saved me. Before he can answer me, I kiss him back this time wrapping my hands tightly around his neck and I press myself up against him tightly. I stop and then look up at him.

"How did you know where I was?" I ask curiously.

"Well I had a feeling something was wrong. I guess it's the mate bond and I went looking for you and when I found your car abandoned in the diner parking lot I knew something was wrong. So I shifted into wolf form. Werewolves have strong scent trackers and I tracked you until I found you and when I saw what they were doing to you I lost it. I'm sorry. I know you don't like it when I tried to protect you before but I can't help myself. I will protect you with everything I have for the rest of our lives. That's part of the mate bond." He tells me.

"I knew when I saw that guy in the bar and I knew he was a werewolf that he was up to no good. Not all werewolves have good intentions. But everyone in my pack does. He was an outsider." He finishes.

Well that makes sense now. Wait he has a pack? That's right he's an alpha. I have so much to learn.   

"I want to say I am sorry too. I am sorry for getting angry with you for protecting me. But just remember I am not your property even if I am your mate. I thought you hated me since you haven't talked to me in days. I honestly was thinking about leaving town." I say honestly.

He growls at the thought, "I. Will. Never. Let. You. Leave. Me." He says in between kisses.

"I need you to be my Luna. Please stay here with me and be my queen." He begs me.

I sit here contemplating what he is saying. But I have a question I have to have answered first before I agree to stay here with him.

"I am so confused though. If you are a werewolf and werewolves have mates, why am I yours? I am human the last time I checked how can I be your mate?"

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