Chapter 3- Why Do Bad Things Keep Happening To Me?

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Jared's POV

I know I shouldn't have made her get out of the vehicle but I wanted to get a good look at her and she is just absolutely stunning. Luscious hips, curvy ass, and a nice chest. Goddess she is a complete turn on. I can sense a little fiestiness there too. I bet she's amazing in bed. I shake these thoughts quickly. What the hell am I thinking? She's a human. I can't accept a mate that is human. Why would the moon goddess do this to me? Damnit. I hope she is just passing through and I don't have to see her anymore. My chest clenches at that thought but it's just my wolf that is feeling this way. Not me. I don't have time to deal with a human and be an alpha and have all the responsibilities that I do. My wolf may hurt for a while at the thought of losing his mate but he will get passed it. We have survived this long without her right?

I get home and go the gym to work out. Hoping to blow off some steam and get her out of my mind. That worked for all of two minutes. I go up to shower after my workout and my thoughts go back to her. She has such a beautiful name and a smoking hot body. I bet it looks even better with nothing on it. Well...except for maybe me. These thoughts flood my head as I start fantasizing what it would be like to fuck the hell out of her. To pound her while she screams my name in ecstasy. Fuck me. I begin to stroke my now hard cock at the thought of her. It doesn't take me long until I am cumming all over the floor of my shower. Damn if she can do this to me without even being near me, I can't imagine how good it will feel to actually touch her naked skin. I lay in bed all night tossing and turning thinking about her. When she tripped and started to fall and I grabbed her it felt so good to touch her. I wonder if she felt it too? Probably not. She's human I remember. I get very little sleep and have to get up early to start my day.

Samira's POV

I didn't sleep well at all last night. I kept having dirty dreams about that cop that pulled me over. He was so hot and he has me all riled up for some reason. I haven't had a wet dream in a very long time. Not since I was dating my ex boyfriend . He was such a self centered asshole. All he wanted from me was a piece of ass and then he moved right on along. I hate him. I am shaken from my thoughts when my grandma asks me if I want some eggs for breakfast. I smile and nod as we enjoy our meal.

After breakfast, my grandma asks if I mind going to the local market to grab some things for tonight's dinner. Of course I agree to and she gives me directions and sends me on my way. I go through the market putting the things on my list into the shopping cart while tossing them in quickly so I could get checked out and head back. I go through the checkout line and just as I am about to exit the market, a manager stops me and pulls me aside.

"Ma'am, would you like to tell me where you think you are going with that wine cooler?" I look at him confused until I see where he is pointing. It is then that I notice that a wine cooler must have accidentally fallen into my purse as I was tossing items in the cart. I didn't even notice it when I was checking out. I then begin to explain what must have happened but he wasn't buying it. "Ma'am I think you need to talk to the officer waiting outside." Well shit.

After trying to explain what must have happened to the officer, he wouldn't listen to me. I even offered to buy it and he asked me if I was even old enough to drink. Wth?! I mean I barely am but that's besides the point. I also forgot my ID at home when I took it out of my wallet the other night to show that hot cop. So I couldn't even prove to the guy that I was of age. Fuck my life. He then decides he is going to take me to the precinct for additional questioning. Flipping great. I walk inside and am taken to a room where they interrogate criminals, which in this case is me apparently. This is so stupid. I sit in there waiting until a very familiar face pops into the room. Just fantastic. Before I even realize what I am doing I say,

"Well if it isn't Seargant Dickhead? We meet again unfortunately."

Then before I can even blink he has me caged up against the wall of the interrogation room. Both arms at each side of me locking me in place. He gets dangerously close to my face and says

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