Chapter 19- Time for a Road Trip

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Samira's POV

The next morning I wake up and go downstairs to a delicious smelling kitchen with a large breakfast laid out on the table. Jared is sitting at the table laughing and joking with Lance and his parents. He has such a great smile. It doesn't take long for him to notice me.

"Good morning." He says with a sexy smile.

"Good morning everyone." I reply as they all turn to look at me.

"The breakfast looks and smells delicious." I say as I find my seat next to Jared.

"Well thank you." His mother replies.

I had a feeling she was the one that concocted this meal. I have yet to see a spread like this since I moved in almost a month ago. After I fill my plate with food, we all begin to eat. Jared wastes no time in talking more with his parents about our unique situation.

"So mom and dad I just want to apologize to you for running out like that yesterday evening. It was rude of me." He starts out.

"That's ok son. We know you were upset." His mother replies.

"I do have some more questions I am hoping you have answers to." Jared continues.

"We will do our best son to answer any questions you have." His father replies.

"So, how did you know about human/ werewolf mates and what happens to them? I know you said you had only seen the situation once before." Jared asks them.

"Yes son. A good friend of ours when we were younger and in school had this same situation. She was a human but had a werewolf mate and a human mate. Her werewolf mate also had another werewolf mate. It was definitely an interesting love triangle and it made for some crazy drama at times." His mom sort of chuckles.

When neither of us laugh for obvious reasons, she just clears her throat and continues on.

"Our friend met her human soulmate first when in high school. They were madly in love and had even gone to college together and planned to get married afterwards. Her werewolf mate had also already met his mate prior to meeting her. When I met her, we instantly became friends and her human mate was also a lot of fun to be around. Your father and I would hang out with them and have a lot of fun when we were in college together. But one night when we were at a friend's party that had both werewolves and humans invited, she met her werewolf mate and they had an instant attraction to one another. The problem was that they were both very much attached to the mates they had already met previously and it was extremely awkward. They wanted to try to pursue things to see what would happen but they didn't want to break their other mate's heart. They would always end up running into each other around town and their mates would get extremely jealous and there was constant bickering amongst them. Finally, our dear friend decided enough was enough and she and her human soulmate picked up and left town. We kept in touch for a while afterwards but time and distance made us grow apart. We haven't talked to each other in years. Her werewolf mate also left town with his other mate and to the best of my knowledge they didn't cross paths again." She finishes.

"Ok, but there is a good chance neither one of us could meet our other mate correct?" Jared asks his voice laced with hope.

"Well son, I guess you never know but I have a feeling that destiny decides to make your paths cross one way or another." His mother answers.

"This is bullshit." Jared replies angrily.

"Jared please calm down." I beg him.

"No, I don't want to calm down. I don't want to go through this torture. I want to be with you and only you. Werewolf or not you are mine and I can't stand to think of you being with someone else. I want to make sure neither one of us meets our other mate."
He declares.

"Jared I hope that never happens either but we can't control it I don't think." I reply.

He sits there quietly sulking for a few moments until his mother finally speaks up again.

"Well, there is one major difference between your situation and hers." She begins.

"Yeah, and what's that exactly?" Jared says unenthusiastically.

"Well they both let their other mates before they met one another. You guys met each other first. So you have more of a chance of working out than they ever did." She says with a smile.

Aww. That was so sweet.

"That's so true." I say in agreement.

"Well, can't I also ensure she doesn't leave me by mating her and marking her before she meets her other mate?" He asks.

I hadn't thought of that.

"But we don't know what will happen if you mark me yet right?" I remind him.

"We really need to find the woman that knows more about the human/werewolf relationships. We just keep hitting dead ends." Jared says.

We all sit quietly thinking for a few moments before Lance who has been quietly eating and listening this whole time finally joins in on the conversation.

"Why don't you try to see if you can talk to your mom's friend that had this same situation. If she has any idea of her last whereabouts, then you could start there for trying to track her down." Lance says.

"This is why you are my beta. You are a genius." Jared says. Lance beams at the compliment.

"Mom, do you think you could tell us where she was living when you last communicated with her?" Jared asks.

"Well sure son, but that has been almost 25 years ago. She could be anywhere now." His mom replies.

"Well it would atleast be a start and worth a try." He responds.

"Ok dear. If you want to try." She says.

"I do. I want to make sure I can make Samira mine forever." He says while smiling at me.

I blush profusely at his compliment.

"Where did she live and what was her name?" He asks.

"She lived in a small town outside of Memphis and her name is Eden Deavers. I am not sure if she ever married her human soulmate either so her name could have changed." She replies.

Jared and I both look at each other wide eyed. Eden Deavers was her friend! She's the one we have been looking for! We must track her down even more so now. She may have all the answers we are looking for.

"I think it's time for a little road trip." Jared says while he smiles over to me.

This should be interesting. I am so worried and nervous to hear what she has to tell us. God help us!

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