Chapter 28-Why Don't We Make That A Table For 4?

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Jared's POV

Things have been super awkward between Samira and I. We are trying to make the best of this weird situation we are in but it's very hard for obvious reasons. We made an agreement to not go around the other person when we were out on a date with our second mates. We thought that would be best so it wouldn't cause jealousy. That poor dumb ass Samira is with has no clue what it is going on which makes it even worse. I don't know what she sees in him. It has to be the mate bond. I don't get it even though I haven't been around him very much. He still thinks I am her brother. Things between Paige and I are going ok. Sometimes I feel like she is just one of the guys and it's a bit weird at times to be with her but we are trying. I feel like I owe it to my mate to try to explore my feelings for her. But I just keep coming back to Samira. I just want her and I know in the end I will choose her. I just hope she chooses me too. I texted Samira last night and told her that we should give it one more week to see where we stand and make our choice. Again, I know who I am leaning towards choosing.

I get home from work to attend to some pack business and I take a shower. Lately I have been taking very long hot showers to get my sexual frustration out. I could have had sex with Paige many times now because I know she is all in, but I just don't feel right doing that to Samira. It feels like betrayal. I am trying to make a decision based on my heart not with my dick. But I have needs so I begin to stroke my cock while the water runs down me. The whole time I am picturing Samira. I finally find my release and rinse off and get dressed.

This is so stupid. I want to be with her. Why am I dragging my feet trying to pursue something with Paige. I don't want her as much as I do Samira. But I promised Paige while we were at work that we could go out to dinner tonight at a new restaurant in town she has been wanting to try. Maybe I can break it to her tonight at dinner and go to Samira afterwards and tell her how I feel. I send Samira a text to tell her my plan. I get ready and head out to pick Paige up at her place.

I am not going to lie, Paige looks hot as fuck in the dress she is wearing but I just don't feel the same spark with her that I do with Samira. It's purely physical between Paige and I. I finally am realizing that. I pull up in front of the restaurant and check my phone. Still no response from Samira. Damnit.

Paige interrupts my thoughts "Are you waiting for a call or something?" She asks after she notices how I keep checking my phone.

" Just checking the weather and my email." I lie. "Table for 2 please." I say as we approach the hostess counter.

"Why don't we make that 4?!" I hear a voice ask from behind me. I turn around only to see a sight I really didn't want to see. There stands Samira and Turner right behind us all dressed up for their date. Great. We both had the same idea. This should be wonderful.

I instantly lock eyes with Samira and my breath hitches. She looks absolutely breath-taking. I think I am in love with her. I miss her and I need her in my life. She smiles at me and Paige nudges me.

"Our table is ready." She points out to me.

"Listen, I know we didn't get off to the best start but I really want to get to know my girl's brother and his girlfriend. Can we please have dinner together?"  Turner asks us all politely.

Fuck. I don't want to seem like a dickhead and he does think I am her brother.

"I guess so." Is all I can manage to mutter out.

""Great!" Turner replies a bit too cheerfully. Samira looks at me wide-eyed and Paige gives me a look that says I am cut-off for a year. This should go well.

We finally are seated and order our food. We begin trying to make some small talk but it's very awkward especially for the three of us at the table that actually know what is going on. I kinda wish I was Turner and clueless right now.

"So what's the age difference between you two?" Turner asks as he points between Samira and I.

"Three years." She replies to him.

"You sure are very protective of your sister." Turner chimes in.

"She means the world to me. After we lost our parents I have sworn to be her protector and I will never break that promise." I lie.

Well sort of...I always will protect her but for other reasons obviously. I look over to her and her eyes are glistening with tears. I didn't mean to upset her. Then she smiles and I realize those were happy tears. We eat our dinner and continue to make small talk until we finish. I excuse myself to use the restroom before we head outside.

Paige's POV

Jared is acting so strange tonight. Probably because we just had to run into that bitch. I just can't deal with this anymore. Jared needs to choose me officially so we can all move on with our lives. That sorry bastard she is seeing thinks Jared is her brother anyway. It will all work out in the end and he doesn't even have to know anything. Jared gets up to use the restroom. I sit there feeling a bit awkward as Turner and Samira continue their little conversation.  All of the sudden Jared's phone lights up with a text message. I can't help but scoot closer to read it. Sorry but he has been acting so strange. Oh it's just a message from a pack member that doesn't sound too important. I open up his messages though and I notice one written to Samira earlier this evening from Jared.

Sam, I really need to talk to you. Can I please come over to see you later this evening? -Jared

Oh hell no. He was just going to dump me later to go screw with this bitch. Like fuck he is going to choose her over me. I am a fucking werewolf and she is a human. She is weak. Why would he want her? The more I think about it the angrier I get. He'll choose her over my dead body.... or hers I should say. I see Turner stand up to make his way to restroom too. It's then that I begin to devise a plan to make Jared mine for good.

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