Chapter 34- I Am Not A Piece Of Glass

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Samira's POV

I hear Jared's voice and I can't take it anymore. I have to make myself wake up. He's upset and I need to comfort him. Wait. He just told me he loved me. I have to tell him I love him too.

"I love you too." I whisper out breathlessly. I feel like I haven't drank anything in a year. My mouth is dry and scratchy.

"What?" Jared says hopefully. "Samira, baby did you say something?"

But I can't respond. I can't talk. It takes too much effort. I can squeeze his hand a little again so I do.

"Dr. Edwards!! Everyone come quick!!" I heard Jared yell.

Ouch. That hurt my ears. I hear the rustling of feet hitting the ground around me.

"What is it Alpha Jared??" Dr.Edwards ask frantically.

"I think she is waking up! She squeezed my hand twice and I believe she muttered something to me." Jared says excitedly.

"Are you really sure Jared?" Dr. Edwards ask Jared. He sounds skeptical.

"Don't doubt me ever. I know what I felt and heard." Jared snaps back at him.

"Ok, ok. Just let me check her out." Dr. Edwards responds.

He begins to touch me a bit. Ouch. That's a sore spot. I groan a bit.

"Oh my God! She's starting to be be responsive!" Dr. Edward's exclaims.

Man everyone has to stop yelling. My head is killing me.

Then I hear Dr. Edwards say." I am going to shine the light in her eyes to see if she is responsive to that."

Like hell he is doing that. I fight hard to open my eyes at his words and they flutter open. Things are a bit blurry but they open. I see Jared, Dr. Edwards, and my grandparents in the room with me.

"She's awake!" Dr. Edwards exclaims. I flinch at his loud tone. I guess he notices because he says, "I'm so sorry for yelling. I am just so excited. Guys we really have to try to keep our voices down. Her head is probably pounding from all the trauma." He says much more quietly.

I look around at myself and notice that I am hooked up to a bunch of machines. I try to move but I instantly feel extreme pain.

"Oooowwww." I mutter out. Jared then rushes to my side.

"Please don't move Samira. You have been badly injured and are still healing. You have to be still." He pleads with me.

I just nod my head to show I understand. It hurts to talk and it hurts to breathe.

"Please try not to talk too much." Dr. Edward's orders. I nod to him again.

"I will give you a dry erase board, and any time you want to talk just write things down and we will answer you." Jared tells me.

He hands me the board and marker. I write instantly asking for water. They bring it my way and I sip on it. I instantly begin writing more. What happened to me? How long have I been here? Dr. Edward's and Jared begin answering my questions. They tell me all about what Paige did but I have no memory of any of it. I barely remember going to meet her that night. They told me she even was going to try to make it look like a suicide because they found a note on her phone that she was going to text to everyone. She was really sick. I am glad she is gone.

I ask if I can walk and they tell me not yet. I basically have to lay still waiting until I heal more. They told me I have broken bones and a punctured lung. I hurt so much. Dr. Edwards and my grandparents both hold my hands and tell me how glad they are to see me doing so well. They then excuse themselves and leave me alone with Jared. Once they have left the room I remember what he said to me. Just in case he didn't hear me before I decide to write it. I write the words "I love you too." with a heart below them on the board and hold it up for him to see. I look him in the eyes as he reads the words and I see tears. Aww. I didn't meant to make him cry. He comes up to close to the bed and gently grabs my hand and place a chaste kiss on the top of it.

"I love you so much. And I can't wait until I can kiss you again the right way. I am so sorry for everything. I should never have stayed with Paige as long as I did. I thought Turner was an asshole but at least he didn't hurt you physically. There was a reason we met first. We were meant to be together." He finishes. I smile back at him. I feel so safe now with him. Life is going to be ok.

I am in the hospital for several weeks before I am released. It was a long, slow recovery but other than my broken ribs and broken arm I am much better. I can move around slowly. As long as I don't overdo it. My arm is in a cast and I can get it off in two weeks. I am just so glad to get out of my hospital room. I can speak again and I think life is finally looking up. Jared won't let me out of his sight. I am moving back upstairs in my old room at his pack house so he can be nearby at all times.

I get up to my room and I lay down in the bed to rest. Jared walks in behind me and lays down next to me. I rub his face. He has a beard now since he hasn't left my side much the past 2 months. He looks incredibly sexy.

"I love you." I tell him. "Thank you for taking such good care of me." I smile at him.

"I love you too. So much. I want to be able to kiss you and hold you but that can't happen until you are healed completely." He tells me.

"I know. I can't wait for that to happen too. Maybe you could try to give me a little kiss?!" I say as I smile to him.

"I am not sure." He replies. I give him puppy dog eyes. "

"Fine. Just a little kiss." He says.

He leans in and places a chaste kiss on my lips. But before he can pull away, I wrap my one good arm around his neck and pull him close to me. The weight of him hurts my broken ribs a bit and I wince in pain. Damnit. Jared jumps up off of me.

"Samira. As badly as I want you. We can't do this. We must wait until you have healed completely. I don't want to risk hurting you!" He fussed at me.

"Fine. Whatever. I just am tired of you treating me like I am a piece of glass. I am not going to break. You can touch me a little bit." I snap at him.

"Please don't be mad at me. You have no idea how badly I want you and have wanted you since the day I met you. This is very hard for me. But injuring you now will just delay things further. Please just give it some more time." He pleads with me.

"Ok. I know." I reply.

"I will see you for dinner later. Please rest until then." He says before exiting the room. I know he's right but this is going to be very hard.

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