Chapter 10- Kidnapped

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Warning: Discusson of sexual assault ahead. Nothing too graphic but if reading that stuff bothers you, you can skip ahead to the next chapter. Thanks!

Samira's POV

I am riding in a van with two strange men that have just kidnapped me and I am terrified. How did this happen to me? Now I wish Jared would have killed him too. I start to feel doom and panic set in but I listen carefully as the two guys talk back and forth trying to listen for any information or clues they might give about what they are doing and where they are taking me. What do they want with me?

I hear enough of their conversation to gather that the guy that grabbed me is named Terry and the sleeze ball from the club is named Luke. After a while I hear Terry say to Luke, "Just tell me where you want me to stop and we will grab her and carry her." He says.

Shit. I am going to die. This is it. I am dead. At least I will see my parents again. What about Jared? I may never get to see him again. I am overcome with fear and sadness as tears trickle down my face. Someone please help me.

Jared's POV

I am sitting in my office at the pack house contemplating whether or not to call Samira. I mean I shouldn't right? She doesn't want anything to do with me. But I should atleast try. Just to check on her and make sure she is ok. I need to hear her voice. After debating internally for what seems like hours I finally find her number in my phone and I hit the call button before I have the chance to chicken out. It immediately goes to voicemail. I hang it up. Ok maybe she let her phone die? Not likely. She's a 21 yr old girl. She would play with her phone while it charged if she had to. It's very unlikely she just turned it off either. Unless she is trying to avoid me. My heart aches at the thought. Then I thought maybe she doesn't have any service wherever she is? I am just so worried about her. God I hate this damn mate bond. I continue to sit here with my head in my hands letting my brain being consumed with thoughts of her. I feel myself becoming more and more anxious and worried almost to the point where I feel sick. Ok I know I am worried about her but it's almost like I am not feeling my own feelings but someone else's. That's when realization hits me. Samira. I am feeling her feelings through the bond. Something is very wrong with her. I have to find her. I mind link Lance and my warriors asking them to meet with me immediately to discuss a plan.

After meeting with them we decide to first check to see if she is home before I let my paranoia completely get the best of me. Her car isn't there. So we all drive around looking to see if we can find her car. After searching for a bit we discover it sitting outside of the local diner. But the lights are off inside and the closed sign is showing in the window. Her car is the only one in the parking lot and she is nowhere to be seen. Fuck. When I find her if one hair is harmed on her head, I will murder whoever messed with her.

Samira's POV

The van comes to a stop in the middle of nowhere. We are way out in the woods in some type of a clearing. We went off road down some narrow, winding gravel paths. I lost any sense of direction of where we were headed after making several turns. Both men grab me and carry me out of the van and place me on the ground. The painfully rip my duct tape off of my face and for the first time in hours I am able to speak.

"What the fuck do you think you are doing?" I shout at them.

Before I can even process anything I am slapped so hard across my face I begin to see stars.

"Shut the fuck up you dumb bitch! I tried to give you the opportunity to willingly have some fun with me. But since you refused to cooperate I will make you." Luke says to me.

I don't like the sound of that at all.

"If you try to scream, I will shove my dick down your throat so don't even try it. Terry and I are going to have so much fun with you.  You will be moaning our names in pleasure. Don't even think about trying anything stupid. We will kill you without hesitation. Trust me."

Fuck. This is how I am going to die. Even if they don't murder me I am about to die emotionally. They take my hands that are still cuffed together and they wind rope in between them and they tie them to a tree so I can't move my hands and arms around. Once they are satisfied that I am not moving or going anywhere they strip me of my shirt and bra. I have never been more humiliated in my life. I feel so disgusting and dirty and just utterly mortified.

"Baby girl, your body is amazing. I can't wait to see how good it feels to be inside of you." Luke says with a disgusting grin.

Bastard. I want to throw up. I am choking back vomit in my throat. Tears begin streaming heavily down my face now. I decide that my only hope is to plead with them not to do this.

"Please. Please don't do this." I cry to them.

"What would be the fun in that?" Luke says as he and Terry both laugh with each other.

Luke then crouch's down next to me and violently shoves his tongue down my throat kissing me roughly. I don't kiss him back, he just continues to forcefully push himself on me.  Terry pins my legs to the ground while Luke roughly and harshly touches me all over with his hands. I just want to die. Then Terry also joins in following suit with Luke doing exactly what he does. The only thought in my head that gives me any sort of peace of mind is the hope that someone will cut their man parts off one day. My thoughts are interrupted when Luke then says to me,

"I am marking you to make you mine forever."

What the hell is he talking about?

"Like hell!!" Terry chimes in. "She's mine." He says.

I am not even sure what the hell they are talking about but what I do know is that I want to get this torture over with. What I see next absolutely freaks me out more than any of the other events tonight combined. They both grow long fangs and smile over at me. These two really are monsters. They start to stalk slowly towards me as I close my eyes. This is it. I am going to be eaten by these cannibals and I am dying. I can't believe this is how I am spending my last few moments on this earth. It's so humiliating and terrifying.

Jared's POV

I have spent the last hour tracking her scent in wolf form and I have come to a dead end. It's like she completely vanished. My warriors and I decide to spilt up thinking that we have a better chance of finding her if we all go different directions. I am not even sure how far I have traveled out of pack territory at this point but I am absolutely sick with worry. Suddenly I hear a faint sound. Muffled voices in the distance. I run as quickly as possible in the direction of the sounds. Soon I find myself hiding behind a tree looking across a clearing at two men that seem to be fighting over something. They aren't just men either they are werewolves. Then I am suddenly hit with the intoxicating smell that I have just recently come to know and love. My mate. She's here. The men then began to push and shove each other and they move over just enough for me to see why they are fighting over. It's then that I see the most disturbing sight that I have even seen. My mate half naked and bound up with her eyes closed but still holding a face of pure terror. It's at this point that I see red. My wolf wants blood and he's going to make sure he gets it.

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