Chapter 8- Double Date

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Samira's POV

I give my hair one last look before heading downstairs get ready for our double date. I chose to put my hair up and curl it letting some ringlets hang down. I also put on a short black dress that hugs my body nicely showing off my curves. I slip on a cute pair of black, strappy sandals perfect for dancing in. I am really looking forward to tonight. I am finally going to meet some new people too. They are friends of Jared's. We are going to go on a double date. As I make my way downstairs, I lock eyes with Jared who has been waiting for the last few minutes for me to finish getting ready. He looks over me hungrily and lets out a growl. Wait was that a growl? I also take this chance to check him out. He looks amazing. He is wearing a nice button up shirt that shows off the perfect mounds of muscles all over his body and a nice pair of slacks to match. I just want to run my hands along his arm and trace the outline of his biceps with my finger. I finally reach the bottom step and he steps closer to me.

"Don't you think you might get cold? Maybe you should wear a jacket?" He asks me.

How sweet. He's worried about me.

"No thank you I will be fine. I will get hot dancing around." I reply with a little chuckle.

He looks at me with an emotion that I can't read. There's an awkward silence before I hear someone clear their throat and it breaks me from my trance. Oh yeah that's right his friends.

"Samira, this is Lance and his ma..girlfriend Raven." Jared introduces them.

Was he going to say mom? Lol. Jared seems very nervous for some reason.

"It's nice to meet you both." I say.

"Girl, we are going to have so much fun! I love to dance but more importantly I love to drink!." Raven says to me.

I like her already. I smile at her sweetly and I then notice Lance make a b-line over to her as he begins to rub his hands all over her and they make-out in the living room of my grandparents house. Oh my. Talk about PDA. It's like a mini porno. It makes me feel super awkward. I think Jared can tell too because he then says "Well we should get going." He interrupts their little groping session.

"Absolutely. Let's get out of here." Lance says and he and Raven giggle leaving out the door of the house.

They must really be in love with each other. I begin to follow behind them when I am suddenly caged up against the wall. Jared's arms are on both sides of my body and he looks down at me like he wants to devour me or something. It's really a turn on. His eyes almost look like they are another color. Wait eyes don't just change colors?

I am snapped out of my thoughts when he leans extremely close to my face and says, "You look so fucking hot in that dress. I almost don't even want to take you out of the house because every guy will have theirs eyes all over you. "

I swallow nervously. It's so hot in here and my mouth is dry. "Really?" I manage to squeal out.

He then leans down and gently kisses my lips and then trails some kisses down my neck. He sucks and nips on my neck for a bit and it's feels so good.

I lose myself in how good it feels until I hear "Are you guys coming or what?" Lance asks from outside on the front lawn.

"Sooner or later." Jared giggles out with a smile.

I smack his arm. He's so dirty minded. His arms feel like steel. I bet they would feel amazing holding my body up against the wall why he fucks the hell out of me. Oh Lord I need to stop having these thoughts. Jared moves his hands back down and then holds one out signaling me that he wants to hold my hand. My heart skips a beat. He's so sweet.

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