Chapter 7- Messing With The Wrong Pack

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Jared's POV

I can't stay away from her anymore. I have tried but I can't. I need her. When I kissed her it was like the entire world stopped. It felt amazing. Like nothing I have ever felt. She is not weak either. She's an amazing little spitfire. Man I was so wrong about her in the beginning. But how am I going to explain to her about our world? She might freak out and leave. She could also get hurt when I mark her. I can't take her rejecting me. It might kill me.

As I arrive back at the pack house from our date, I am met with my beta Lance. He asks if I enjoyed my date. He's the only one besides Samira's grandparents that knows about her being my mate. I tell him about it and he seems distracted.

"Is everything ok?" I ask.

"Well Alpha, I didn't want to ruin your night but the rogue encounters are really picking up. Our warriors keep having to chase them out of our territory but we keep seeing more and more. What do you think they are after? Do they want war?" He questions me.

After thinking about what he has said I answer with " I honestly am not sure, but for now let's increase our patrols. Have more warriors spread out at all hours of the day. We can make shift schedules to keep it organized and to keep our troops fresh. In the meantime, I am going to do some investigating and see what I can find out." I say with confidence.

I am alpha for a reason. I don't show fear. We will handle the situation and take care of it once and for all. I am not worried.

I lie in bed strategizing how I am going to investigate the rogue matter and also thinking about where I am going to take Samira on our next date. If she agrees to go on one? I shake these thoughts because I know she will. She enjoyed things just as much as I did. Well at least she seemed to. Maybe I will ask her what she wants to do? I want to make sure she has fun and that we keep it interesting. It's not long before I drift off to sleep.

I wake up the next morning to an urgent mind link from Lance.

"Alpha, come quick! We are at the south border near the falls. We have found something." He says.

Shit. That doesn't sound good.

"I am on my way." I respond.

I shift into my wolf as soon as my feet hit the grass outside and quickly make my way to the border where Lance said they were. I see my men gathered around with looks of shock and worry plastering their faces. I approach their huddle and look down to the ground to see what they are all staring at. It's then that I see a dead body. One of a young girl probably about 18 years old. She's human. It's clear that she has been raped and beaten as she has no clothes left on her body and is bruised and bloodied. Fuck. Then I notice what clearly has everyone probably more shaken up than anything else. She is littered with bite marks. And these aren't just any bite marks...they are werewolf bite marks. There is a werewolf in our town clearly trying to cause trouble. Well he just fucked with the wrong pack.

In order to deal with this appropriately and without drawing human suspicion into our supernatural world, we have to handle this like a normal crime scene. My men and I go get into uniform and deal with this like we would any other murder. We find out the identity of the young girl. She is from the next town over. We now get the unfortunate task of having to let her family know. This is the worst part of the job.

After what I would call one of the worst days I have ever had is over, I come back to the pack house and decide to call and check on Samira. She has been on my brain all day. Now I feel even more protective of her since I know there is a murderer out there. She answers after a few short rings.


She says sweetly. Goddess she has has the sexiest voice.

"Hey" I say back.

"How was your day?" She asks.

" Don't ask." I reply.

"That good huh?"

She chuckles. Even her laugh is a turn on.

"Yeah. So listen I was wondering when you would like to go out again? I want you to pick what we do this time since I picked before." I say changing the subject.

"What makes you think I am going on another date with you?" She asks.

My heart falls for a minute. Shit she didn't have a good time. How could I have misread her so badly? My thoughts are interrupted by her laughter.

"I was just kidding. Gosh you got so quiet." She says.

That little shit. I can't wait until I can get her back. Oh it's going to be so fun too.

"Very funny. Well if you aren't interested then I will just find someone else to ask out." I say.

Now it's my turn to tease her. She is silent this time.

"No, no. I was just kidding. I would love to go out with you again." She says.

Me too baby I think to myself.

"Why don't we go dancing? Are there any clubs around here? I love to dance." She continues.

Ok. Clubs aren't really my scene but I will go wherever she wants me to. Maybe I can drag Lance along and his mate Raven. I think they have mentioned going clubbing before. I will get their input.

"Sure. That sounds great. How about tomorrow night at 8:00. I will pick you up." I say.

"Perfect." She replies.

"Can't wait." I reply back.

Goodnight Jared." She says.

"Goodnight Angel." I reply as we hang up.

I am totally and completely crazy for her. Goddess help me.

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