Chapter 33- I Love You

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Samira's POV

I am so frustrated. I keep trying to wake up but I can't. I hear Jared's voice and other familiar voices too. My grandparents, Lance, Dr. Edwards, and Raven. I want to talk to them, hug them, and tell them I am ok. They are so worried. They have been crying and praying for me. Please God just let me wake up.

Jared's POV

I sit here staring at Samira, just like I have every day for the last two weeks. I haven't eaten hardly anything, slept very little, I haven't shaved and have barely showered this whole time. The only time I shower is when someone else is here visiting and I run into the shower here in her room. I have to stay close in case she wakes up. I have to tell her how I feel. Samira is in a medically induced coma. She is hooked up to monitors and looks so pitiful. She had broken ribs, a ruptured spleen, several deep lacerations, a broken arm, and a punctured lung. Plus she was given an almost lethal dose of a date rape drug. She had to have her stomach pumped when she got here. It's a miracle she is alive. Fucking Paige. I should have done the same to her. I just wanted to end her so I could have her out of my life. I thought Turner was bad, Paige was as evil and twisted as they come.

Samira hasn't moved, opened her eyes, or anything else in the past 2 weeks. Dr. Edwards says her brain waves are active but I am starting to lose hope. If Samira dies, I hope I do too. I can't live without her. I don't deserve to. I treated her like shit and continued to have a relationship with Paige when I should have dumped her. I never wanted this. I wanted to just choose Samira. But she thought if I marked her before giving our other mates a chance something could have happened. I didn't want her to die but look at the situation we are in. She is an inch from death. God this is killing me.

My thoughts are interrupted by Dr. Edwards coming in.

"Alpha, Samira is healing very slowly. I know she's human and heals much slower than werewolves but even as a human she's not healing like we had hoped. Do you think if maybe you turned her that it could accelerate her healing?" He asks.

"Absolutely not! Have you lost your mind? What if that kills her? She has to officially reject Turner and accept me before we try anything. Plus I am not risking anything in her condition." I tell him.

"Yes alpha. I understand completely. But I just want to give you a fair warning that there may not be any other hope for her. I keep praying that she is going to make it. There's not much else I can do for her. Eventually we will have to disconnect the machines to see if she can breath on her own." He says grimly.

I choke back tears. "Please just leave us alone for a bit longer." I tell him shakily.

"Yes sir alpha." Dr. Edwards says before leaving the room.

I grab Samira's hand and begin to talk to her just like I do every day.

"Baby, I just want to tell you how sorry I am. That I never wanted any of this to happen. That I should have seen Paige's true colors. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I can't live without you. I am totally and completely in love with you. You mean everything to me. I wanted to tell you all of this while you were awake but it looks like I might not get the chance to." I tell her before breaking down and sobbing uncontrollably.

I am an alpha and alpha's don't cry. Except when it comes to their mates.

I sob to myself for a moment before I feel a light squeeze of my hand. What the hell was that? I jerk my head up to see Samira starting to move around a bit. Fuck. Is she waking up? Then I suddenly hear a slight groan come from her mouth and I hear her whisper softly, "I love you too."

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