Chapter 30- Sexual Frustration

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Jared's POV

I have never been so pissed off and felt such betrayal in my life. To think I was going to choose her and she was just going to leave me. I am so fucking mad! I get inside the house and slam the door. Paige follows in quickly behind me trying to calm me down.

"Baby breathe. Ok? You don't need her. I am here."

She looks up at me with her beautiful brown eyes glistening. I am so angry right now and so sexually frustrated. Not a good combination. I quickly grab Paige and begin to kiss her hard and passionately. I then grab her in my arms and carry her upstairs as I continue to kiss her roughly. I then place her down and waste no time ripping the sexy little dress she was wearing off of her body. She stands there looking incredibly hot with nothing but her lacy thong on. Fuck me I am so hard up. I growl as I bring her body to me and I throw her down on the bed. I tear her thong off and begin to lick her clit quickly and deliberately.

"Oh fuck!" She cries out "Yes baby. Right there!"
She moans.

I continue my assault to her folds until she screams out, "Jared, I'm coming!"

She rides her orgasm out on my tongue. Now it's my turn. I climb up on top of her and quickly insert my cock at her entrance. With one swift pump I am inside her and going hard back and forth.

"Baby, you feel so good." I moan out.

"Yes baby. You do too." She says back to me.

I continue to pump as I feel myself start to build. I am not done with her yet. With one quick motion I flip her onto her front with her ass backed up against me. I waste no time burying myself deep within her pussy pumping even harder and faster this time.

"Oh God!! This is amazing." She screams out.

"Baby, you're going to make me....ahhh!!" She yells as comes again all over me.

I give her a second to get calmed down as I kiss her in between changing positions. She then takes control and climbs on top of me. Pressing those beautiful bare breasts against my chest. It makes my dick twitch. She then lines her folds against my cock and slowly slides herself onto me. She slowly rides me for several minutes making me build until I almost reach my breaking point.

"Baby, I am going to come. Don't stop." I moan out.

"I wouldn't dare she says." as she kisses my lips passionately slowly sucking my bottom lip as she continues her assault.

"Ah fuck!!!" I yell out as I find my release and fill her with my hot seed. She collapses on top of me and we kiss each other for a few moments before we surrender to our physical and mental exhaustion.

Samira's POV

Turner and I ride home in complete silence. Tears keep streaming down my cheeks. I am so upset about how things went with Jared. I don't know how I will explain this to him so he believes me. I don't think he cares though honestly. He would rather be with Paige I think.

Turner pulls into my grandparents drive way and turns the car off.

He breaks the silence first when he says, "Listen, I am not sure what your brother and you were fighting about back there. But I am here for you. I care about you Samira. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me." He says.

I don't know if it was the wine I had with dinner or the fact that I am feeling extremely emotional and vulnerable but I pounced on Turner. I kissed him until we both had to come up for air.

"Baby, let's take this inside." He says to me.

I nod my head in agreement. We creep inside as my grandparents are already sleeping and he carries me up the steps. He lays me down gently on the bed as he slowly strips me of my clothes kissing me in between. Once we both are naked we lay together gently exploring each other's bodies. His hands stop at my entrance and I part my legs to welcome his touch. He takes his fingers and begins moving them back and forth vigorously across my clit.

"Oh God." I moan out as quietly as possible since my grandparents are down the hallway.

He doesn't stop until I feel myself building closer. Abruptly he stops right as I am about to find my release. Talk about frustration.

"What are you doing?!" I whisper yell at him.

"Eating you out baby." He responds back.

"Oh ok." I lay back with my legs parted and wait for his glorious assault.

All of the sudden I feel like a dog is licking in between my legs. What the fuck? He is not good at this part at all. I gently pull him away and distract him by going down on him.

It doesn't take long before he finds his release "Oh God you are so good at this! I am coming!!" He yells.

Sweet Jesus it literally took less than a minute. He needs to work on his stamina.

"Oh baby I am going to make you feel so good now." He says as he climbs on top of me and lines up at my entrance.

He gently pushes his way in and slowly moves in an out for several minutes. I feel myself begin to build.

"Don't stop Turner." I pant out.

"I am getting ready to come again." He blurts out.

What the fuck? He's going to go twice and I haven't gone once? Umm no. Not cool.

"Oh God," he says right then either from my own frustration with everything going on and my desperate need for release I finally come. "Yes!" I scream out as he finds his release for the second time.

He grunts as he puts all his weight on top of me. Geez buddy I can't breathe.

"That was the best sex I have ever had." Turner says to me finally as he rolls over off me to lay beside me.

Really? I think to myself. That was probably one of the worst for me.

"Yeah." I lie. "It was pretty great."

"Well I better get going before your grandparents wake up and find me here." He says.

"Yeah, that's probably a good idea." I respond.

I need sleep and I need to recover from this very sad sexual experience. I think to myself.

"I'll call you tomorrow." He says.

"Good night." I reply as I hear him shut the door. It's a matter of seconds before I fall fast asleep.

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