Chapter 12-Please Help!

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Lance's POV

I am so glad to know Samira, my future Luna is safe. I know Alpha will be relieved. I keep trying to mind link him but it's like it's been cut off. I really hope he is ok. I have to make sure I don't worry Samira though and I have to find out what happened to her. So I continue to question her.

"Samira, please tell me what happened."
I say calmly.

She hesitates for a minute before speaking.

"So please don't think I am crazy or lock me up after I tell you what I am about to tell you." She says.

Ok. That doesn't sound good at all. But I don't want her to think she can't trust me so I hide any emotion in my demeanor.

"Of course I would never do that Samira. I promise." I say with a smile.

She nods and continues, "So after Jared and I had our little argument the other night, we haven't spoken and I was feeling a little down. So I drove to the diner for some ice cream. After I sat down and ordered that creepy ass guy from the club the other night tried to hit on me and invited himself to join me and I told him no thanks. Well he didn't like that rejection I guess, so when I finished my ice cream and went to go get back in my car and go home he grabbed me from behind, handcuffed me and threw me in a van. He had another guy as an accomplice too. They drove several miles out of town into the woods and when we got there they took me out of the car and they..." she stutters and begins to cry.." they started to take my clothes off to assault me." She says choppily through sobs.

Those fucking bastards. Jared will fucking cut their dicks off and feed them to them. Sick mother fuckers. I try not to let Samira see how angry I am. I don't want to scare her.

"I am so sorry you had to go through that. I really am. But you are safe now. Ok?" I say to reassure her.

"Thank you Lance." She says between cries.

I really wish Jared would open up his mind link. I have even been trying to text and call him. Where is he?

"Umm...there's something else.." Samira interrupts my thoughts.

"Yes Samira, what is it?" I ask.

"This is the part where you are going to think I am crazy. While I was out there, tied up thinking I was going to die, I closed my eyes and then I suddenly heard growling and fighting. I opened my eyes and the two guys were nowhere to be seen anymore. I think they got scared off or something but there were 3 wolves fighting now where they had been standing just moments before. One of the wolves killed the other two and I thought he was coming to kill me next and I know it sounds completely insane but he saved me." She finishes.

Fuck. Alpha Jared. That had to be him. Damnit.

"Where did the wolf go after he saved you?" I ask calmly trying to hide my concern.

"Well that's the thing...." she says "he was injured."

Son of a bitch.

"Samira you have to take me to him. He may need help and he shouldn't be left on the loose like that." I lie.

I just want to help my alpha. I get up from my chair urging her to follow me but what she says stops me in my tracks. 

"Here comes the really crazy part. I helped the wolf get into the van the guys kidnapped me in and drove him here with me. I want to get him to a vet or something to get him help." She says.

She's going to make a great Luna. She is already taking care of our Alpha and doesn't even realize it.

"Show me." is all I say as we walk back out into the parking lot.

She opens the back doors to the van and shows me exactly who I have been looking for.

"Al...oh my God, this wolf is severely injured and needs help. I know just where to take him." I say to her confidently.

She beams back at me. She really is a stunning beauty. But she doesn't hold a candle to my girl.

"I will drive and you ride along shotgun." I tell her.

"Ok." She replies simply.

Time to go save my alpha. I just hope he doesn't hate me for bringing Samira along. It might just be about time she finds out the truth anyway. Whether he wants her to yet or not.

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