Chapter 18-I Only Want You

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Jared's POV

I have never felt so many emotions at one time in my life. Angry. Hurt. Sad. Confused. Lonely. Betrayed. I continue to run because it's the only way I can try to get my emotions under control. Why would the moon goddess do this to me? It's some sick joke of hers. She is trying to destroy me apparently. I can't make this impossible choice. Plus I can't even fathom how I could possibly care for someone more than I care for Samira. She is everything to me. Plus I may never even meet this other mate. I mean we haven't crossed paths ever before so what if it never happens. Same for Samira. There a millions of people in the world. She may never meet her soulmate either. These thoughts are the only thing that calms me. Soon I realize it's getting dark so I decide to head back to the pack house to face things. Even though I don't want to, I have to. I am an alpha and I still have duties and responsibilities.

Once I get back I see that all the lights are off and I realize just how late it is. Shit. I quietly creep inside and slide upstairs undetected. I go into my bedroom to quickly grab some clothes since my earlier attire is ruined now. Werewolf problems.

After I am dressed, I head down the hallway to my girl's room. Samira. I want her. I don't want anyone else. I want her. I quietly sneak in her room and shut the door behind me. I see she is laying in bed even though the room is dark. Werewolf night vision comes in handy. I make my way over to her until I am standing next to the side of her bed. She is facing towards me and I lean in to make sure she is ok. It's then that I realize she is still awake when a fist meets harshly with my nose and I see stars for a second. Then I see the brightness of light fill the room through my watery eyes.

"Fuck!" I yell in pain.

"You deserve a whole lot more than that!" She screams at me.

"You left me here alone to try and process all of that information. With your parents that I just met. Then you don't come back all day. I was worried sick about you!" She starts to sob.

Damnit I am such an asshole.

"I cried myself to sleep and I woke up when I heard you try to sneak in the room." She finishes with teared filled eyes.

"Baby, I am so sorry." I try to plead with her.

"Don't baby me. I am pissed at you. I don't want to look at you or talk you right now." She says angrily.

Looks like I am not the only one feeling a million emotions at once.

"You are absolutely right. I am a selfish asshole and I will do anything to make it up to you." I try to negotiate with her.

"I was upset and when I get upset sometimes my wolf takes over. I shouldn't have left you like that. I can't tell you how sorry I am." I plead with her.

She doesn't respond to me. She continues to pout and try to ignore me. I decide to change my approach. I climb onto the bed with her and I slowly crawl my way to where she is. She looks back at me with slight fear in her eyes. I continue to crawl until she falls back onto the bed and I am hovering over top of her.

"Please forgive me." I say inches away from her face.

I give her a sad face. I soon realize I am forgiven when she hungrily crashes her lips with mine. Fuck me she turns me on. Her kisses become more urgent and needy and she grabs my shirt roughly and pulls it over my head. She traces the lines of my muscles and it makes me hard in seconds. I quickly rip her nightgown from her body and I admire the view for a moment. She is absolutely beautiful laying there in nothing but her underwear. God she is hot. She looks back up at me shyly.

"I. Want. You. So. Badly." I say breathlessly in between kissing her lips, down her neck, and her breasts.

In fact I have never wanted anything more in life than I want her. She is everything to me.

"I want you too." She replies back. "Right now."

She then grabs me roughly and pulls me down until our bare chest are touching. Her tongue is invading my mouth and she leaves me aching with need. I reach down in between us and quickly pull down her panties and begin to lightly rub her clit.

"Oh God Jared." She moans.

"Shhhh! Baby. You have to be quiet." I whisper.

I continue to kiss her everywhere and rub her until I hear her moans getting more and more labored. She's close.

"I'm going to..." she trails off and right then she has a very powerful orgasm as her body shakes violently beneath me.

She is amazing to watch. I kiss her gently and I start to get up and put my shirt back on to head back to my room.

"Where are you going?" She asks.

"I am going back to my room." I state like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"I can't have anyone see us doing anything since they don't know we are mates yet. I can't stay here." I continue.

"I know that." She replies back.

"But you aren't going anywhere until I return the favor." She says as she slinks her way over to where I am standing next to the bed and starts to slowly undo my belt.

God help me. I can't do this. I grab her hands to stop her.

"We can't yet baby. It's too risky. We still don't have enough answers and everything is so confusing and I don't know if I can control my wolf." I say to her.

"Relax." She says pushing my hands away. I only wanted to give you a blow job. I know we can't have sex yet because of all the unknowns but I want to please you like you pleased me." She argues back.

I can't really say no to that reasoning. She undoes my belt and pulls down my boxers to free my manhood. Her eyes get big for a moment and I chuckle to myself. She smiles and then places her soft hand on my cock as she brings her mouth down to the tip of it and opens wide placing it in her mouth. She quickly begins to alternate stroking my member with her hand and bobbing her head back on forth.

"Fuck." I say loudly. It doesn't take long until I feel myself building.

I run my fingers through her hair as her actions become quicker putting me on the edge.

"Baby! Yes I am cumming!" I yell as a mind blowing orgasm wracks my body. I collapse on the bed next to her completely exhausted now.

"You were louder than me." She teases. God she is amazing.

"That was amazing." I say breathlessly.

"Same." She replies.

"Listen Jared, we really need to sit down with your parents tomorrow and discuss everything they know in great detail so we can figure things out. It's the only way we will even begin to understand all of this. Even if it's information we may not want to hear." She says.

"I agree." I reply.

I kiss her a few more soft kisses and I slowly get up and redress myself.

"I will see you in the morning. I can't wait until I can lay with you in my arms all night." I tell her.

"Goodnight." She says back with a smile.

As I exit her room I think about what I am going to do to ensure that Samira is the only mate that I am with for the rest of my life.

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