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Samira's POV

-6 months later-

I wake up feeling extremely nauseous. I have been dealing with that a lot this past week. At first I thought it was a stomach bug. Now I am not so sure. I might be pregnant? But I am not sure if we're ready. I don't know how Jared is going to react? What if he isn't happy about it?

After Jared turned me into a werewolf, I feel amazing. Being a werewolf is wonderful. Strength and speed I gained and energy. It's awesome. And Jared wasn't kidding when he told me having sex as a werewolf is better. It's sooo much better. I didn't think it could get better but it did. We literally are animals. I know. Cheesy.

I am going to see Dr. Edwards this morning to be checked out. I need to find out. Jared has no clue what's going on. He thinks I have just been having stomach issues. Dr. Edwards and I chit chat for a bit and then I head to the restroom to do the test. I leave it in the specimen window and go back to the room and wait for Dr. Edwards to return. Five minutes later and he comes back into the room.

"I am thrilled to announce that the alpha and luna are going to have their first pup. Our future alpha!" He beams.

I smile and then my smile falters. What if he's not ready? What if I am not ready? My face must show my internal dilemma because Dr. Edwards then asks, "What's wrong Luna?"

I sit there quietly for a few moments before answering. "I don't think Jared is going to be happy about this." I finally say. "

"Are you kidding me? You are carrying his future heir? I know you are still new to the whole werewolf thing but keeping the alpha bloodline going is very important." He informs me.

I just don't know how I am going to tell him.

After thinking about it all day, I come up with my plan on how I am going to break the news to Jared. I tell him I am making him dinner and to meet me in the kitchen. It's not long before he appears. God he is sexy. I will never get over looking at him.

"Baby, you look so fucking hot in that dress. I can't wait to push it up over your head and fuck you later." Jared says.

Sicko. I just shake my head.

"What are we having babe?" He asks.

"Huh?" I ask half distracted.

"For dinner?" He continues.

"Oh yeah, I made baby back ribs, baby peas, and puppy chow casserole. Not really dog food just a fun name for this casserole I make with potatoes and a lot of other things in them." I tell him.

"Sounds yummy." He answers.

Ok so he doesn't get the theme yet. That's ok.

"Oh and I forgot what's in the oven." I tell him.

"What is it?" He asks.

"Go look." I tell him.

He walks over to the oven and opens it up to reveal a bun on a cookie sheet.

"Why is there a bun in the oven? You are making one bun?" He asks clueless.

I face plant into my palm. It's a good thing he's hot as hell. Catching on to things is not his best suit.

"I don't know. Why would I have a bun in the oven? And why would I serve you BABY peas, BABY back ribs, and PUPPY Chow casserole?" I say with extra emphasis on the important words in there.

He sits there thinking for a moment until the light bulb finally goes off.

"Are you trying to tell me you want to have a baby?" He asks apprehensively.

Little too late for discussing it now.

"Actually I am trying to tell you I am having a baby. I am pregnant." I tell him nervously.

He sits there in shock for a moment saying nothing. Damnit this is not good. Then all of the sudden he smiles widely, he runs over to me and picks me up in his arms and kisses and squeezes me like he hasn't seen me in a year.

"Oh my god! I am going to be a daddy. I am so happy!!" He beams.

Aww. He's excited. I was worried for nothing.

"I wasn't sure you would be ready?" I tell him.

"I have been ready for this since the day I became an alpha. I am so excited that I am having my pups with the most wonderful woman in the world. It will be the most beautiful child in the world." He says proudly.

I kiss him with all that I have in me.

"What do you think it will be, a boy or a girl?" He asks me.

"I honestly have no clue." I tell him simply.

10 weeks later

Jared and I await Dr. Edwards as we sit in the ultrasound room. Today is the day we find out if it's a boy or a girl. The pregnancy has been going well. I eat everything that isn't nailed down though and I am already putting on a lot of weight. I feel very self conscious. I am horny as hell every single day. I can't get enough of Jared. I want him right now I think to myself as I begin kissing him.

"Not now baby. Damn. The doctor will be in here any second." He says smiling.

"We got time." I tease him.

"After this appointment is over, I will take you upstairs and fuck you into next week ok?" He tells me.

"I can't wait." I reply with a wink.

Our conversation is interrupted by Dr. Edwards entering the room. He starts the sonogram and begins to act a little odd. Oh God I hope everything is ok?!

"Is everything ok Dr. Edwards? Is he or she ok?" I ask with emphasis on the latter question.

"Yes Luna. He and she are fine." He replies.

"Oh good! Did you hear that baby? He and she are fine!" I say excitedly before I even process what I just said and heard.

"Wait....what?" Jared asks.

"You are having twins. A boy and a girl." Dr. Edwards responds happily.

"Oh my God!! Baby we are having twins!" Jared yells excitedly.

I feel like I could faint. Not 1 but 2 babies. Oh my.

3 years later

I sit in my backyard watching the twins run around and play together. I thought having two babies at once would be so hard but they are the best of friends and play so well together.

"Makenna, Mason, come here for a minute!" I yell across the yard to them.

"Yes momma?!" They ask as they run over to me.

"Daddy will be home any second. Let's go give him a big hug." I tell them.

"Ok!!" they answer excitedly.

As soon as Jared walks through the door the kids and I tackle him and bombard him with kisses. He smiles and laughs at us but pulls me in close to him after the kids run away to play again.

"How are my beautiful wife and baby girl doing?" He asks as he rubs my giant belly.

"We are great!" I tell him. Not sure how I am going to handle just one when I was so used to having two. Has to be easier right?

"I love you so much." He says to me as he kisses me sweetly.

"I love you too. I am so glad you are my mate." I tell him.

Even though our fate was a bit twisted and complicated, I wouldn't change any of our story for the whole world. Everything we went through just made us grow to love each other even more.

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