Chapter 15-Why Didn't You Tell Me The Truth?

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Jared's POV

Well I knew that question would come out sooner or later. I am so relieved that she knows now. I didn't want to tell her but I needed her to know. We need to be together. I have to be honest with her though.

"So you need to talk to your grandparents because they know more than I do about your background. Your grandparents and your mother are/were werewolves. Apparently your dad wasn't but he was your mom's mate. It's rare but humans and werewolves can be mates. Apparently they weren't sure if you would be a werewolf or not but when you were born they found out you were like your father and were just human." I explain the best way I know how.

She sits there quietly thinking for a minute before she speaks. "I just wish they would have told me. Or you would have told me. I hate it when I am left in the dark. I mean I knew my parents all my life and I never knew any of this. It really hurts. Why didn't you tell me when you first figured it all out?" She asks demanding answers.

"Well I didn't want to scare you off. I also wasn't sure how to handle any of it. I mean I just met my mate the night I pulled you over and I was scared. I dreamed my whole life about how that moment would happen and it was nowhere near what I expected." I say as I chuckle.

"Oh. So you weren't sure you wanted me then? You thought about rejecting me because I was human?" She asks laced with hurt.

I grab her face and hold it between my hands so she is looking into my eyes "Listen to me, I have never wanted anything more in my life than to be with you. You are beautiful and amazing. I have been drawn to you from the moment I met you and that's not just because of the mate bond. You are the greatest girl I have ever met. When we were apart those 3 days it was like torture. I hated fighting with you. You mean everything to me. I know we just met but I am falling hard for you." I tell her honestly.

I can't let her go. She looks back up at me and a smile breaks out onto her face.

" I feel the same way." She says in response.

"What is marking?" She asks out of nowhere.

Oh yeah I have to explain how that works. Sometimes I forget she is human.

"Marking is when after both you and your mate have accepted each other, you make a mark on each other's necks by biting it gently. It hurts for a second but is replaced with pleasure once it heals. It strengthens the bond between two mates. You mark each other after you first make love." I tell her.

"What??" She asks in disbelief. "You bite each other as a sign of love for one another? That sounds crazy. And what if I have a different reaction because I am human. And I obviously can't mark you." She says.

"You actually make some really good points. I think we should talk to your grandparents about this since they must know what happened in your parents situation." I reply.

"Ok, let's go see them." She says.

We get to her grandparents house and of course they are so thrilled to see Samira is back safe and sound.

"We were so worried. Thank you so much for bringing her home safely." They say to me.

"Samira really helped me out tonight too so I say we are equal. You have a wonderful granddaughter." I reply as I smile at her.

She returns the smile and mouths a silent thank you to me.

"Grandma and Grandpa, Jared has let me in on all of your all's little secret. And while I am hurt that no one ever told me all of these years, I can understand why you wouldn't want to scare me. He also told me that the reason I am human is because my father was human." She state's to them.

After a few moments of silence from them her grandma finally speaks up. "All of this is true. You are human because your father was human. Your mother loved you both dearly though, it didn't matter to her that you weren't a werewolf. She didn't love you any less and neither do we."

They both give each other a hug and have a nice moment.

They look over at me for a moment before Samira continues, "So Jared also informed me that I was his mate and that he would eventually have to mark me to seal the mate bond. But how would that work since I am human and he is a werewolf. How did that work with mom and dad? I never even noticed any marks on them over the years." She says.

Her grandparents both give each other a wide eyed look and after a long silence her grandma responds,

"Well, your mom never marked your dad because...." she pauses for a moment, "because he wasn't her mate." She finishes with sadness in her eyes.

What? This is news to me.

"What?" Samira asks taking the words right from my mouth.

"Well your mother met her mate when she was 18. She was very much in love with him from day one. They met in college. After a few short months of being together he died in a tragic accident. Your mother was heart broken. It took her a few years to even give love a second chance. We believe during her time of mourning and grief that her wolf left her. She never really officially told us that but we suspected it. But she met your father and they fell in love, got married, and had you. She had no regrets. That much I know." She explains.

"Ok, so what will happen if Jared marks me then. Will it hurt me because I am human or not?" Samira asks.

"We don't know Sam. We really don't. I know there is a human lady that was mated to a werewolf many years ago. If she is still alive I can tell you where you might be able to find her and she may have the answer to your questions. It's very rare to have a human as a mate when you are a werewolf but I think it's wonderful." Her grandma finishes.

"Thank you Grandma. Give me her information and I will look her up." Samira says.

"Her name is Eden Deavers and she lives in the south western part of the state. You will have to do some digging to find out exactly where." She says.

"Well let's get busy doing some research." Samira says as she looks at me.

"Sounds great." I say.

I just hope what we find out is good news.

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