Chapter 31- Time To Move On

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Jared's POV

I woke up feeling like shit. Not feeling relief from my pent up sexual frustration coming to an end. I mean the sex was pretty good. Maybe not the best of my life but it was good. Or just feeling rested because I tossed and turned all night. I have this horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach that just won't go away. And I think it's because I made a bad decision and my wolf knows. No I didn't mark Paige either last night and I am glad. I would never do that when I was all worked up and angry anyway, but that's not the only reason. It just doesn't feel right. My wolf has become attached to Samira and is very protective of her. He's mad at me for yelling at her last night. But I felt so betrayed. I just can't believe she said she was planning on leaving. What was even weirder was she was telling Paige about it. But what lead to that discussion? I need to talk to Paige about it and get things straight. As if she knew I was thinking about her, she prances out of my bathroom without a stitch of clothes on.

"Ready for round 2?" She asks as she plops down on the bed beside me. "

"Maybe later." I reply simply.

"Oh come on, let me help you relax. You feel tense again." She continues.

"I said not now ok." I remind her firmly.

"Fine." She says as she gets up and gets dressed.

"Paige." I begin, "Hmm?" She says in response.

"Why was Samira even having that conversation with you last night? What brought all that up?" I ask.

"I have no clue." She says.

"She is kind of a crazy bitch just started yelling for no reason."

My wolf growls. That's a lie and I know it. Something prompted that.

"I just find it very odd that she would just start talking about that out of nowhere." I state.

"Well I dunno maybe you should ask Samira about it? You know it's ok for you to get mad at her but I can't? She hurt you and that pisses me off." Paige says.

I feel a little guilty at that comment.

"I am sorry. I just felt like something was off. No I don't want to talk to her. I just thought I would ask." I conclude.

"Well personally, I would like to leave her behind us and focus on us. I would never leave you baby." She purrs at me.

"I know." I say with a smile.

Samira's POV

The next day I woke up feeling like my heart had dropped to my stomach. I am still so upset about what happened with Jared when we were leaving the restaurant and I am feeling very confused. Why didn't Paige help explain to him what we were talking about? Probably because she wants Jared all to herself. I don't trust her at all. I am also so mad at myself for hooking up with Turner. Sure he's a great guy and all but I think it was a mistake. It didn't feel right at all and gave me no satisfaction knowing I did it just to get Jared off my mind. It was wrong and stupid. All of the sudden a text tears me from my thoughts. It's from Turner.

Hey, we have been having a lot of fun together and all and last night was amazing, but I don't think it's going to work out between us. Your brother is too overprotective and I just don't think we are compatible. Love to stay friends though. ✌🏽

What the actual fuck? Is this bastard really serious? God I have been so stupid. He was out for one thing and as soon as he got it he bailed. I don't need him anyway and no love loss there. He might be my human mate but he apparently doesn't give a shit about what he does or who he hurts. Mate bonds between humans may just not be as strong. He used me. Fuck him. He sucks in bed anyway. Maybe I really should leave this town and never look back? It's been nothing but heartbreak since I have been here and drama. I will always care for Jared despite his little shit show last night. But I think he has chosen to be with Paige and I don't know if I can stay in the same town and see them together.

I head outside to go for a jog to clear my head. I start to think about the first time I went jogging here when I went in the woods and the wolves came and Jared saved me. How little I knew back then about his life. I was in such deep thought and glancing at my phone that I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing. Suddenly, my thoughts are interrupted when I bump into something hard. Or someone I should say. The impact is so hard my phone lands on the ground. Luckily it doesn't break. I look up to see whom I have collided with to see it's none other than Jared. This ought to be interesting. He bends down to pick up my phone for me and before he hands it to me he notices that I have been looking for jobs in New York. Shit.

"You really are leaving me aren't you?" He asks his voice laced with pain.

"I have nothing here to stay for." I say with little emotion.

I don't want to do this here and now. I have already been dumped once today.

"Nothing?! Nothing?! So I am nothing now to you since you found your other mate. Well I have news for you, he's not the guy you think he is. I saw him flirting with one of the waitresses last night in the restaurant. It took everything in me not to kick his ass for messing around on you." He says.

"Well you sure have a funny way of defending my honor. Going off on me about something you have no clue about. And by the way that dumb ass dumped me this morning. I can give two shits less about him." I say as I attempt to brush past him.

Of course that doesn't work. He grabs my wrist and turns me around and presses me up against his chest. God I feel so safe in his arms. I hate it that he's such a dick and he doesn't understand what he even heard last night when I was talking to Paige.

"That mother fucker did what?'!" Jared bursts out.

Oh God here comes the overprotective shit.

"Look Jared, it's fine. It's all good. I honestly am not even upset about it at all. I am just done with all of it. With him, with the mate shit, just all of it. Please enjoy your life with Paige and don't worry about me. It's obvious that she is your choice. I will be out of your life soon." I finish as I jerk out of his grip and continue my jog.

Paige's POV

I am sitting across the parking lot in my police car watching an interaction between Jared and Samira. They are too close for my comfort. That bitch just can't leave my man alone. I must end her once and for all and make it look like an accident. Then Jared will be all mine forever. Only mine.

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