Chapter 27-All Is Fair In Love And War

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Samira's POV

I am currently caged in between Jared's very defined muscular arms as he leans in as close as he can without actually pressing his lips to mine. I know he wants to. I want him to as well but we can't right now.

"Who the fuck is he?" He asks me.

"He's my other mate." I answer my voice laced with fear as I await his reaction.

I just told a werewolf I met my human mate. This could end very badly. I look up at his eyes expecting to see extreme anger but I see hurt instead. God this sucks.

"Why didn't you tell me you met him? When did you meet him? Where was it?" He begins firing questions at me as he turns and begins to walk away from me.

I missed his touch so badly. I hadn't realized it until now. Damnit I am still so connected to him. This mate bond shit is real.

"Hold on. One question at a time." I answer calmly.

"I met him the other night. I went with my grandparents to visit their friends that live about an hour away from here. I needed to get out of the house because all I was doing was sitting around and moping." I stop and look him in the eyes.

I can tell he feels guilty. But I continue.. "Anyway, their friends were having a family reunion of sorts and they had a large picnic. I went around mingling and meeting new people, when I got this feeling like someone was staring at me. Not in a creepy way but a very flattering way. My eyes were like moths to a flame as they darted around the room trying to find the source of it all. That's when we locked eyes."

*Samira Flashback*

Those piercing blue eyes from my dream are staring back at me. Wait is this a dream again? Am I awake? I feel a bit disoriented for a moment, when I see him make his way over to me. My breath hitches as he approaches. He looks even better up close. Holy shit he is hot.

"I don't normally do this but I have to know your name. You are absolutely stunningly beautiful." He flatters me.

My cheeks blush as I answer, "Samira." I answer simply.

"Beautiful name to match." He compliments me.

"Thank you." I say as I smile.

"What's your name?" I ask.

"Turner." He replies.

*End of Flashback*

"I wasn't sure how to tell you that I met him when we got back. He asked for my number but I wasn't sure he would call. But I knew he felt the connection too. I could sense it. He called me the next day and asked if he could see me again. He came and took me out for dinner tonight and we ended up back here and he kissed me right before you barged in. That's all that has happened I swear." I finish telling him.

He stares back at me for a few moments before he begins to respond.

"Well I knew this day would come eventually. I just didn't think it would be so soon. I just can't believe how angry it made me to see him on top of you like that." Jared replies.

"How do you think I felt when I walked in on you and Paige in your office that day?" I say.

"I now completely understand how you felt. I am sorry for hurting you." He says to me with sincerity.

"It's ok. I forgive you." I reply with a smile.

"But you need to understand something," Jared continues, "I have missed you very much. Every day we have been a part has been very hard for me. I still have that bond with you and I need to have you in my life just as much as I do her until we figure this whole two mate thing out." He says.

"I agree." I smile back at him.

"I think about you every day. But it just hurts me knowing that you are with someone else. This is so hard to deal with you know?" I reply.

"Yes it is. But I also think there is something important to remember here. I think it's just as necessary for us to continue to communicate and spend time together as it is for us to spend time with them." Jared points out.

"You are absolutely right." I respond.

"So quit trying to avoid me." He blurts out.

"I am sorry. I just have a really hard time thinking about you two together and if I see that again it's going to break my heart. Not going to lie to you." I tell him.

"Baby, I hear you loud and clear. Because I think if I ever find that fucker on top of you again like that, I might just rip his dick off and shove it down his throat." He says with a very serious look.

I gulp audibly. He approaches me again caging me between his arms. He then grabs me close, pressing me to his body as he kisses me with more passion than he ever had before. Our tongues dance together in a perfect rhythm and he stops every so often to kiss my neck softly and then returns to my mouth. It felt amazing. Not even going to lie it felt better than my little make-out session with Turner downstairs just a little bit ago.

I unlock the door and turn to open it when I feel a hard smack on my ass.

"Ouch!" I yelp quietly.

"That's for misbehaving sis." Jared says as he smirks to me.

"I had to think of the first thing I could think of." I whisper to him.

"I can't just say oh here's my other mate, the werewolf. He's not like Paige. He doesn't understand all of this. He just knows he is very attracted to me and doesn't really know why." I explain to him.

"No I completely understand. It was a good lie to think of that quickly." He tells me as we exit my room.

"Also Jared," I whisper to him.

"You really can't be so possessive of me in front of him. I don't do that to you in front of Paige." I remind him.

"I know." He says. "I am sorry. I will try harder to control myself."

We come back to the living room to find Turner sitting on the couch with an ice pack on his shoulder.

"Oh shit, are you ok?" I exclaim sending a glare over to Jared.

Jealous ass.

"Yeah man sorry about that bro. I am overprotective of my baby sis here." Jared chuckles.

"No it's ok." Turner replies quickly.

"I really better get going. I will call you tomorrow." He says as he stands and turns to look at me.

"Yes. Sounds good. Good night." I reply back to him.

He brushes my lips with a soft kiss as an almost inaudible growl is heard from across the room. Turner exits very quickly trying not to anger my "bro" anymore. This should be fun.

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