Chapter 26-Brother My Ass

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Jared's POV

I have never felt more confused and conflicted in my entire life. I have two beautiful women in my life and I don't know what to do. This may be an impossible choice. Samira is a wonderful person that I have grown to care for deeply. Paige and I are a lot alike and get along very well. I just don't know what to do. Samira has been very distant lately and I don't know what to do. I miss her. She decided to move back in with her grandparents for the time being. I think she is trying to give me space so I can get to know Paige and I also think she doesn't want to get hurt by seeing us together so she is keeping to herself. But it's really killing me. I want to see her. I am going to make an effort to do that tonight. It's been a month since I met Paige. I have only seen Samira a handful of times since then and it's been a little awkward. When I text or call her she just doesn't seem like herself. When I ask if she wants to do anything she keeps turning me down. It's really starting to bug me. I didn't think she would push me away to avoid getting hurt. She told me to explore my feelings with Paige. I wanted to reject Paige before I met her so that I could be with Samira but she said we can't do that. I hate being so torn like this. I didn't want to lose Samira during this whole process but I think I have. When I called her the other night she was acting even stranger. She made a lame excuse to get off the phone quickly. So tonight I plan to confront her to see what is going on.

I finish out my shift and then go back to the pack house to check on things. I complete all my alpha duties and I get showered and dressed to head over to Samira's. I try to make myself look extra presentable. It's been a couple of weeks since I have seen her and I want to look nice.

I begin my drive over to her grandparent's place and I begin to think about how much I have enjoyed getting to know Paige. We have a lot in common, similar interests and things. She is tough as nails and a bad ass. She leaves me in awe sometimes. We have fun together always. We also can't seem to keep our hands off of each other. There is a very raw physical attraction that we can't ignore. We have done just about everything together other than have sex. It just doesn't feel right to do that knowing Samira is out there waiting for me to make a decision. I just feel so guilty about all of it.

I pull into her driveway and I see a strange car parked out front. I don't really think much of it assuming it's a friend of her grandparents or a relative I haven't met yet. I park my car and make my way to the front door. As I approach, I notice the screen door is shut but the main door is open so you can see inside of their living room. They probably did that to let the cool air come in after the heat of a summer's day. I peek inside the glass part of the door and see a sight that makes me physically ill but also more angry than I have ever been in my life. Samira is laying on the couch, with some douschebag on top of her and they are heavily making out. Oh hell no.

Before I even realize what I am doing, I fling them door open and I am across the room in seconds. I grab a hold of the fucker on top of my girl and fling him across the room and he stumbles as he makes contact with the wall.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE??!!" I manage to scream out while looking Samira in her eyes.

Samira looks back at me with a slightly scared but also annoyed look on her face.

She clears her throat and nonchalantly says "Turner, this is Jared. My very protective older brother. I apologize for his outburst. It won't happen again."
She says as she looks at the bastard.

Brother my ass.

"Samira..." is all I manage to get out before she interrupts me.

"Turner, can you please excuse us for a few minutes while we go talk upstairs. I promise you I will get him calmed down and we can continue our date." She finishes.

At that statement I let out a low growl, as she drags me up the stairs behind her. As soon as we are inside her room she shuts it and locks it behind her. Within seconds I have her caged in and pressed up against the wall.

"You are mine." I say as I lean in dangerously close to her lips.

"Who the fuck is he?" I ask.

She swallows hard and takes a deep breath before she answers. "He' other mate." She answers shakily.

Mother fucking hell.

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